Zhang Baiwan went back happily.

As for the heavy gift, no matter whether Xu Wen really refused to accept it or not, he couldn't take it back anyway.

Since then, the Zhang family's family style has changed drastically.

Zhang Baiwan has transformed himself into the most philanthropic and generous person in Xiangyang City.

Even Zhang Wang, who was originally a playboy and domineering, has become polite and well-mannered.

Many people who were "bullied" by him with money miss the old days.

Along with the transformation of the Zhang family, the saying that "the immortal cut the Zhang family's fortune by three taels" has spread from somewhere.

The way of gossip is mysterious.

It walks without feet, and it should be spread.

As a result, the most common action of the people in Xiangyang City in recent days is nodding.

The most common words are: "Oh..."

The deepest experience is "sudden enlightenment"!

It feels that the immortal is really boundless and unfathomable, but also compassionate.

Even Xu Wen's fame gradually grew.

From a poor scholar, he became an important celebrity in Xiangyang City.

Everyone sighed and said that he must be the direct disciple of the immortal, otherwise we mortals would not understand the deep meaning of the immortal.

A few days later, this matter reached Zhang Tian's ears.

Zhang Tian was so angry that he patted Xu Wen's head with a fan and scolded: "Nonsense."

However, after hearing that the Zhang family's family style had changed drastically, Zhang Tian was too lazy to "refute the rumors" or anything.

After all, it can guide people to be good, so let it go.

Seeing that the immortal master only slapped him lightly and did not correct him, Xu Wen took it for granted that he was right.

When he returned home, he carefully recorded these experiences in a notebook.


However, these are only the changes in recent days.

Even Zhang Tian did not expect the more far-reaching impact of this "Game of Humanity".

Someone told the stall that a scholar who was transformed from an immortal had eaten a cake here.

At that time, the stall owner saw that the scholar had no money, so he refused to accept it.

Unexpectedly, this person was the immortal, who gave him a blessing.

Since then, the business has been booming.

Countless people came here to try the taste of the cakes that immortals eat.

After the word spread, everyone nicknamed the stall "Immortal Cake".

With the accumulation of capital, and the delicious taste of the sesame cake.

Gradually, the stall became a small shop, and the small shop became a chain store, opening from Xiangyang City to all parts of the country.

However, with the Zhang family's warning in front, after the "Immortal Cake" became rich, he restrained his family and treated people kindly, and did not go on the road of being rich and unkind.

Other people in Xiangyang City, especially those in small stalls, heard that the immortal liked to change his face and play with the world.

Whenever they saw a strange person who was not in tune, they would pay close attention.

Especially when they see scholars dressed in Confucian clothes and fanning themselves in winter, they are very enthusiastic and insist on inviting them to taste their snacks.

Occasionally, if they don’t have enough money, they can talk it out.

It would be perfect if people who come to eat don’t pay, and just fly away on clouds.

In that way, it can become an online celebrity store like "Xianren Bing".

Of course, ordinary people are not stupid, and they will not treat people to food and drink without restraint for the illusory "Xianyuan". It’s just that when they encounter rogue villains, they will occasionally suffer a little loss.

The impact brought by this is that almost all outsiders who have come to Xiangyang City say with emotion that "the people here are simple and honest, and they can't bear to deceive each other"!


Xiangyang affairs are world affairs.

Zhang Tian’s "playing in the world" this time was originally just a small matter.

Unexpectedly, people’s series of wild thoughts have far exceeded Zhang Tian’s imagination.

North, Tianjin Kingdom, Zhongdu (Yanjing).

Emperor Tianhui took the latest intelligence and said, "That Han immortal can actually change people's fate and reduce their fortune? This method is hard to guard against."

An official under Emperor Tianhui said, "Your Majesty, the spies have found out that the Han immortal, like ordinary people, eats worldly food every meal. What should we do next?"

Emperor Tianhui said, "No hurry, I will ask the high priest first."

Not long after, a group of secret guards set out from Zhongdu.

Some disguised as merchants, some as porters, or disguised as envoys from two countries, quietly came to Nan'an Dynasty.


Nan'an Dynasty, Lin'an Prefecture.

With the news sent back by the Xiangyang secret guards, Zhang Tian's fantasy deeds were verified.

Emperor Anyou looked at the intelligence, unable to conceal his excitement, and murmured: "God bless, God bless our Nan'an Dynasty."

"Prime Minister Cai, immediately find a candidate and send him to Xiangyang City to invite the immortal to the imperial capital. Be sure to be courteous and not make the immortal unhappy."

"As ordered!"

Soon, a team of people set out from Lin'an Prefecture with great fanfare., headed to Xiangyang City, more than 2,000 miles away.

Originally, Emperor Anyou wanted to send a civil servant to invite Zhang Tian.

Civil servants are the face of a country. Formal diplomatic events usually require civil servants to appear formal.

But the civil servant group felt that this matter was too bizarre and did not conform to the ideas of the sage Confucius.

They were afraid that a monster would be invited to the court to cause chaos.

When the time comes, they will say that it was a certain official who invited this "monster" to the court to confuse the emperor.

That would be a bad reputation for thousands of years, and in serious cases, there would even be a disaster of extermination of the clan.

Therefore, no one dared to go.

Emperor Anyou originally wanted to send someone by name, but the person who was named fell to the ground and cried, as if he would rather die than set off.

Emperor Anyou was helpless. The civil servants were so tough that even if they were forced to go, they would probably offend the immortals.

Finally, after demoting several civil servants by two levels, he sent a eunuch from the inner palace to set off.

Emperor Anyou was worried as he watched the team go away.

Will the immortal think I am not ceremonial when he sees me sending eunuchs to greet him?

If I displease the immortal because of this, it will be very bad.

Seeing this, Cai An guessed the emperor's thoughts and said, "Your Majesty, General Guo's intelligence said that this immortal does not understand the customs of the human world and does not like people to kneel down. These empty rituals should not matter, as long as we are sincere in the Nan'an Dynasty."

Emperor Anyou was relieved a little.

However, thinking of the attitude of most of the civil servants in the court, I am afraid that this "sincerity" is not easy to say.

However, the team has already set off, so it can only be done this way.


Here in Xiangyang City.

A few days later, Xu Wen chose an auspicious day, brought celery, bacon, wine, tea and other gifts, tied with red ropes, and formally went to the general's mansion to become his disciple.

The general's mansion opened the main gate for this purpose, allowing Xu Wen and his family to come in with dignity.

Zhang Tian followed the local customs and sat in the upper seat.

He received several kowtows from Xu Wen and drank wine and tea.

Then he encouraged him in a formal manner and officially accepted a disciple.

Originally, the immortal accepting a disciple was a big event that shocked Xiangyang City.

General Guo wanted to invite famous people in the city to witness it, but Zhang Tian thought it was too troublesome, so he kept it simple.

Only a few confidants of the general's mansion, Xu Wen's parents, and Zhang Tian and less than ten other people witnessed the apprenticeship ceremony.

As soon as the apprenticeship ceremony was over, Niu Er and a yamen runner were seen outside, anxiously looking into the hall.

He didn't dare to shout when the people inside didn't come out, and he was so anxious that he turned around.

When he saw Zhang Tian and General Guo and others come out, Niu Er grabbed the yamen runner and shouted, "Immortal, general, it's haunted, there are zombies outside the city!"

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