Zhang Tian had seen this expression on General Guo's face.

The two contradictory emotions of awe and disbelief were expressed on one face.

The meaning was obvious. I was in awe of you and respected you, but I didn't believe a word you said now.

Don't treat me like a fool.

Not a god? Can you come from the sky? Can you fly around during a war?

Call yourself a mortal? Which mortal can emit divine light, defeat 30,000 cavalry, and capture the famous Hu general Nianhan alive?

Not a fairy method? Can people who have died be saved? If this is not a fairy method, what is it?

The gods are good at everything, but they underestimate the wisdom of us mortals.

Just like when Sa Beining interviewed Jack Ma, the big boss in later generations, Jack Ma said: I don't like money, I would rather have no money.

The expressions of the crowd were almost the same, except that they were more in awe.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian sighed. It was really hard to explain.

But Zhang Tian was not going to explain it clearly, and he felt a potential crisis.

Forget it, let them think whatever they want.

Zhang Tian demonstrated CPR and explained the precautions.

Then he patiently waited for those who could read to record the whole process.

"Okay, the general operation steps are like this. What do you want to ask?"

A young man dressed in a cross-collared long gown with slanted collar and large sleeves, dressed like a typical scholar, stood up.

He bowed and said, "Sir, I heard that when you saved the warrior Tiedong, you covered his mouth with gauze. What's the point of this?"


Zhang Tian was embarrassed to say directly that he disliked Tiedong's foul mouth, after all, they attacked the Hu people's cavalry together yesterday.

If it weren't for the fact that they regarded Zhang Tian as a sir, they would be brothers who would go through life and death together.

"This... is mainly to isolate the filth in his mouth to prevent infection."

"Filth...filth?" The young scholar's voice trembled, "But Yin Qi? It is said that after a person dies, the soul enters the underworld, and the Yin and Yang are separated. If you forcibly reverse life and death, you may be attacked by Yin Qi."

Everyone nodded and praised: "Mr. Xu Wen is worthy of being a scholar. He even knows such Yin and Yang matters."

The scholar named Xu Wen hurriedly bowed and said modestly: "In front of the immortal, I dare not say that I am knowledgeable. I just know a little bit, a little bit."

People in this era have such big imaginations?

Zhang Tian asked curiously: "Where did you know this?"

Xu Wen said: "I saw it in some Yin and Yang strange books."

"It is said that there was a Taoist whose soul left his body and forcibly broke into the underworld. As a result, his soul was infected with Yin Qi. When he came back, his soul possessed him and his body immediately rotted."

There have been many such strange stories since ancient times.

However, even in ancient times, everyone just listened to them as stories and did not believe them very much.

But Zhang Tian's sudden arrival completely changed the concept of Xiangyang people.

Since there are immortals who can come back to life and live longer, then ghosts, the underworld, reincarnation and so on must also exist.

Thinking about it this way, the strange stories I read before suddenly seemed to be the same.

Xu Wen, who asked the question, was able to pass the examination for a scholar, so his IQ must be high, and he has begun to think about the logical relationship.

Zhang Tian had to explain: "This has nothing to do with Yin Qi, it's just about hygiene to avoid bacterial infection."

"Shang Xian, what are bacteria?"


Zhang Tian was thinking about how to make it clear, and Niu Er on the side suddenly shouted: "I know this, bacteria is evil spirit. Shang Xian told us when he made alcohol yesterday."

After saying that, Niu Er was very proud, and finally got the chance to show off.

"Evil spirit? How is this different from Yin Qi?" Everyone was puzzled.

"If there is evil spirit in the dead body, when we give emergency treatment, won't we be in danger if we give mouth-to-mouth treatment?"

"That's right, the immortals are celestial beings who have descended to the earth, so they are naturally not afraid. I'm afraid that mortals like us can't stand it."

"No wonder they have to blow mouth-to-mouth, it turns out that we are using our yang energy to offset the evil spirit in the dead body."

"What should we do? If this goes on for a long time, won't it shorten our yang lifespan..."

Dozens of students whispered to each other, their faces panicked.

They were willing to save people, but they couldn't accept it at the cost of their own lives.

Zhang Tian glanced at Niu Er unhappily. Why did this bear always cause trouble for him? !

If he didn't give a satisfactory answer, he might have wasted today's class.

If it spread out, he might even see someone die without helping.

However, seeing that these dozens of students looked feudal and superstitious, Zhang Tian didn't expect that explaining physiological knowledge could eliminate their fear.

After a brief thought, Zhang Tian said, "You don't have to worry about this. Saving people is a good deed. With good fortune protecting you, you won't be attacked by evil spirits."

"With gauze in hand,It's best if you can save one moment. If you don't, it doesn't matter. Just rinse your mouth afterwards."

Everyone finally felt relieved and nodded.

"What the immortal said makes sense."

"I almost forgot about accumulating good karma."

"I heard from the monk that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Saving people can accumulate more merits than going to temples and Taoist temples to burn incense."

"That's right, a little bit of evil spirit will naturally not be able to get close."

Zhang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and finally reversed the concepts of these ancients.

"Immortal, I have another question." Xu Wen Xiucai asked again.

"Please speak."

"Before casting a spell, can we kill chickens and sheep to worship the immortals and ghosts and gods? Wouldn't it be better to inform the people below in advance for such a major event that reverses life and death?"

Ghosts and gods again, is it over yet?

Zhang Tian said unhappily: "Saving people is to race against time with King Yama, and you still kill chickens and sheep? By the time you're done, the person will be dead!"

"From...from...from the King of Hell...from...from..."

The students were all talking.

Sure enough, this art of resurrection is not that simple!

Look, the immortal even admitted that he was snatching people from the King of Hell.

If this kind of magic is used to save people, won't it cause chaos?

"Immortal, this...this snatching people from the old man, the King of Hell, will it offend him?"

"You are an immortal, so you are not afraid. But we mortals, if we anger him, what should we do if the King of Hell sends the Black and White Impermanence to take our souls away in the middle of the night?"

"That's right."

"The art of resurrection is good, but if we offend the King of Hell and get ourselves involved, it will be very inappropriate. "

"That's right, the immortals are immortals who have descended to the earth, so they are naturally not afraid of the King of Hell. We mortals have only one life..."

Zhang Tian's head was buzzing at this time, and he was about to explode.

Metaphor, metaphor, don't you understand? Aren't you all literate?

Zhang Tian has never felt so powerless.

No wonder many grassroots civil servants in later generations complained that it was difficult to do ideological work for the masses. It turns out that once people have preconceived ideas, it is really difficult to change them.

Seeing that the culprit of "killing chickens and sheep" was still in front of him, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Come here. "

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