Zhang Tian nodded: "Clean up the corpses and bloodstains around, and just rinse the bloodstains on the hull with water."


Although it would not affect the function of the supply ship if it was not cleaned, the ground and hull outside were full of blood and flesh, which was disgusting.

Since General Guo asked, Zhang Tian was naturally happy to see it happen.

This time, in order to capture Zhanhan, the engine was forced to ignite.

Not only was the engine further damaged, but a large part of the nuclear fuel was also consumed, which made it even more stretched.

Zhang Tian sighed slightly.

Forget it, if there is no nuclear fuel replenishment, what difference does it make if there is more or less? Anyway, you can't go to heaven.


Wait until the post-war arrangements are completed.

General Guo clasped his fists and said: "God, I want to visit the soldiers, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you."

Zhang Tian said: "Let's go together."

Just now, everyone went through life and death together. Even if General Guo didn't say it, Zhang Tian would find a chance to visit them.

The military camp was built not far from the city wall. As an important border town, Xiangyang City had troops stationed near each city gate.

Zhang Tian followed General Guo to the North Camp.

The main gate of the military camp was just a simple wooden gate. There were many houses inside, but more were military tents.

The entire military camp was filled with celebrations, and occasionally a few cries were heard, which were soon drowned out by the celebrations.

Before entering the military camp, many nobles in silk and satin were seen carrying large and small carts of supplies to the military camp.

They were all local wealthy businessmen and families. Seeing that they had won the battle, they naturally came to congratulate.

The safety of Xiangyang City was closely related to their lives and property, and it was also a rare victory in the history of the Nan'an Dynasty.

Naturally, they spent a lot of money regardless of the cost.

There were also some nearby people who brought large and small baskets to the military camp.

However, for safety reasons, only a few people were allowed to enter the military camp.

Seeing Zhang Tian and General Guo arrive.

The soldiers at the door shouted from afar: "The immortal and General Guo are here to see us."

The military camp was suddenly filled with jubilation.

Zhang Tian imitated the way the leader of his previous life came to pay his respects, patting the soldiers on the shoulders from time to time and asking kindly: "Thank you for your hard work, are you injured?"

The soldiers who were patted were so excited that their eyes were filled with tears. They stood straight and patted their chests with a "bang bang" sound.

"Thanks to the immortal's blessing! I'm not injured."

"That's good. You don't have to pat so hard. If you are not injured on the battlefield, don't pat yourself in the military camp."

"Hahahahahaha..." The soldiers laughed heartily.

It feels that this immortal with boundless magic is quite approachable.

The awe that was originally a little too nervous has calmed down a lot.

Although this time we won a big victory, we rushed into the Hu army after all.

Many of the five hundred warriors were killed.

On the contrary, the thousand soldiers who left the city later chased the twenty thousand cavalrymen and suffered few casualties.

The wealthy merchants and nobles who were allowed to enter the military camp to give gifts had their eyes wide open, wanting to see the appearance of this "immortal" clearly and remember it in their hearts.

After "comforting" for a while, Zhang Tian found that the soldiers he saw were not injured, or only slightly injured.

So he asked: "Where are the wounded soldiers?"

General Guo said: "In the tent over there, there are medical officers taking care of them."

"Oh, then go and see."

Before he got close, he heard a man crying from afar.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to leave so soon~~~, what should I do alone? My mother at home has been nagging you, saying when will you go back to see her, her eyes are almost failing, and she can hardly see us brothers..."

Looking at the sound, I saw a dark-skinned man, like an iron man, holding a corpse tightly and not letting go.

These soldiers, who had just charged the Hu army, didn't even frown when their limbs were broken.

Now they were crying like a child, with tears and snot flowing together, crying heartbreakingly.

Zhang Tian's eyes were slightly red.

Since falling into this world, many people have died in his hands.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, unlike many people who killed someone for the first time.

It was just because this series of changes happened too quickly, and there was no time to change his mentality.

It was as if they were all NPCs from another time and space, and there was a sense of unreality.

Now seeing this man crying, Zhang Tian realized that they were also flesh and blood people.

They would feel pain when they were hurt, and they would cry when they were sad.

In Zhang Tian's eyes, this world gradually became real.

Zhang Tian stepped forward and patted the man on the back. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just said, "My condolences, brother."

General Guo asked, "What happened?"

A medical officer quickly stood up and saluted, "My lord, General, this soldier's left arm was almost cut off. He was amputated just now, but he couldn't stand it and died.Angry."

Zhang Tian glanced at the medical officer, who was still holding a bloody axe in his hand, but it was much more delicate than the one used for chopping wood.

In the era of cold weapons, every time a war ended, the number of soldiers who died directly on the battlefield was not necessarily the largest.

Sometimes, the number of people who died from infection or insufficient medical care after being injured was higher than that on the battlefield.

Many people with broken hands and feet could not be reattached, so they simply chopped them off, which was extremely brutal.

However, whether they could survive after amputation still depended on the so-called will of heaven.

The corpse hiding on the ground looked somewhat similar to the crying man, but was older, and seemed to be his elder brother.

There was a broken arm next to it, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground that had not dried yet, which was obviously just chopped off not long ago.

Zhang Tian's mind moved, and he said, "Let me see. "

If it was other injuries, he wouldn't have much to do.

But the man in front of him seemed to have no other injuries except a broken arm.

The medical officer gently pulled the crying man away.

At this time, the crying man came to his senses and found the arrival of General Guo and Zhang Tian, ​​and hurriedly saluted.

Zhang Tian said: "No need to salute, your brother may still be saved. Everyone, please spread out a little and give me some space."

"What? !" The crying man's eyes widened immediately, "Shangxian, you said my brother can still be saved?"

"I mean it's possible, don't worry, I'll try to save him."

Then he turned to the medical officer and said: "Bandage his arm immediately and don't let the blood flow out."

"This..., Shangxian, he is no longer alive."

"Time is running out, just do whatever I say."

"Yes! "

The medical officer had no choice but to obey the order and quickly wrapped the broken arm with gauze and tied it tightly.

Zhang Tian leaned down and began to perform chest compressions on the dead man!

As a space employee, some basic emergency medical knowledge needs to be trained.

If something happens, you can only save yourself in many cases, and you can't rely on medical personnel on the ground.

Zhang Tian saw that the man's arm was broken, and the rest of his body was basically uninjured.

Then, it is very likely that excessive bleeding, coupled with the severe pain during amputation, caused shock and death, and he has not really died yet.

As long as CPR is used, there is still a certain chance of saving him.

After pressing chest compressions for a while, the next step is artificial respiration.

Zhang Tian opened the mouth of the man with the broken arm.

Uh..., a strong stench rushed into his nose.

How long has this guy not brushed his teeth? Zhang Tian's resentment flashed across his mind.

"Give me a piece of gauze." Zhang Tian said to the medical officer.

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