Please answer Naruto

Chapter 19 Red Clouds on Black Background

Catch Xiao?

Yu Xiaobai's eyelids twitched, and many figures suddenly appeared in his mind, Madara, Obito, Zetsu, Pain, Kisame, Deidara...each one of them was either a monster with special skills or an S-class rebellious ninja. .

Although the people within the Akatsuki organization now probably don't have as many experts as they did later, they are definitely not someone to be trifled with. At this time, Orochimaru was still in Akatsuki, but he didn't know if he was in the Rain Ninja Village.

At least as far as the current Yu Xiaobai is concerned, he won't do anything if he can.

Akatsuki has not started the plan to capture the tailed beasts now, and it is not obvious. The mission level this time is A level. It is not too much to have such an idea. After all, the information collected now is very vague. Akatsuki's purpose and specific core battles With no clue at all, Itachi naturally didn't want to just go back to the village.

But Yu Xiaobai didn't think so, "No." He said immediately.

Itachi's eyes showed surprise, as if he didn't expect Yu Xiaobai to answer like this at all, and he refused so simply, with a doubtful tone in his voice: "Why?"


Yu Xiaobai froze for a few seconds, not knowing how to answer for a moment. He definitely couldn't tell the spoiler answer, but how should Itachi handle it? Even a ninja would find something wrong with Yu Xiaobai's attitude toward missions.

"It would be too dangerous to directly capture the opponent's core members... Xiao can replace Hanzo, who is known as the 'demigod', and he will not be mediocre." Yu Xiaobai thought for a while and found a slightly acceptable reason, "Go further. Action should wait until the village is better prepared next time.”

Itachi's expression softened, but his doubts did not disappear, "Even so, senior, it would be too hasty to leave and return to the village."

Yu Xiaobai held it in for a while, but couldn't find any strong evidence. Itachi looked directly at him, and Yu Xiaobai had to meet his gaze, and then he saw the pure ninja will in Itachi's eyes.

For some reason, Yu Xiaobai's inner conservative thoughts suddenly weakened.

An excellent ninja must have an indomitable determination and a fearless mentality, no matter how powerful his opponent is. Itachi's gaze made Yu Xiaobai stunned. This kind of gaze had an impression in his memory. It was the countless ninjas he had encountered - during battles, during training, with swords raised and dropped, kunai in certain places. There is no hesitation in human hands. Those ninjas, some are companions, some are rivals, they are just starting out, they have been famous for a long time, they are different but similar.

This kind of will does not guarantee that you will survive life and death, but it is indispensable.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay." Yu Xiaobai seemed to have relieved some of his burden. He may have been affected by the original work. Ninjas should not be like this. "Then we will investigate for another day."

"But the plan is still not to capture the core members of Xiao directly. We try to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​​​Yu Ren Village and run away when encountering force majeure." Yu Xiaobai said, his mentality is his mentality, but he knows all the characters in Xiao Yes, being fearless does not mean sending someone to death.

Hearing this, Itachi nodded. Both sides took a step back. Yu Xiaobai was the captain after all.

After a night of silence, time came to the sixth day in Yuren Village. Since Yu Xiaobai and Itachi didn't plan to waste time by going to taverns and casinos this time, they changed into the ninja costumes they wore when they came in. After preparing the kunai detonating charms and the like, they put on their raincoats and cloaks and went out. Door.

Since this is the last action of this trip, in order to obtain more information, we are not afraid of alerting the enemy.

There is light rain again today. The weather in the Land of Rain is really uncomfortable for first timers.

"Here, here, and here are more suspicious." Under the eaves of a street corner, Yu Xiaobai took out a simple map and said to Itachi.

Yu Xiaobai has read the original work, but if you ask him to tell the specific location of Xiao Ren's stronghold in Yuren Village, he will definitely not be able to tell. However, there are some descriptions of scenery in the comics, and Yu Xiaobai still has some impressions. The exploration of the past few days was not In vain, he took note of everything. After his mentality changed, what he told Itachi at this time was that there was a place that was very likely to be Akatsuki's stronghold.

After reading and taking notes, Itachi nodded, and the two began to work as efficiently as an ANBU should. Soon, they arrived at a courtyard with a rain ninja handle.

This yard occupies a piece of land by itself, which is quite obvious in the somewhat chaotic planning of Yu Ninja Village. There were quite a few patrolling ninjas in twos and threes in sight, but judging from their stature, most of them were just genin.

"Nine, three in a team, and a team of three in the dark." Itachi whispered.

Yu Xiaobai made a gesture and explained a simple attack plan. In fact, it was nothing. He just let one person go out and attack quietly and kill the guards alone.

They were all genin, so it was really not difficult for Yu Xiaobai and the others. The process was very smooth. Taking advantage of the time difference, the two of them killed a team and went in disguised. They searched quickly and found nothing useful except luxurious rooms and decorations. , a basement was found in the innermost room, but there were only money and useless scrolls down there, and no information about Akatsuki.

Yu Xiaobai and Itachi had no choice but to leave. It seemed that they had found the wrong place. When they escaped, they were unlucky enough to encounter a chuunin. However, they worked together to solve the problem quickly, but they also caused a little noise.

Several ninjas ran in from outside, and the scene of Chuunin's death made them exclaim.

"Lord Sato is dead!"

"Hurry up and chase them, those two are over there!"

A group of genin were in a frenzy. Yu Xiaobai and Weasel opened up their speed. After climbing over the wall, they immediately found an alley and ran away. As they were not willing to fight, they would hardly be caught up by the opponent.

But in this way, it is exposed. There may be jounin-level ninjas in Yu Ninja Village who will be wary after a while, and they will have to speed up their actions.

"Go to the next place." Itachi said first, and then ran somewhere.

I don't know if it was God's will, but Itachi chose the place where Yu Xiaobai thought it was most likely that Xiao would exist.

Sighing, Yu Xiaobai raised his chakra level with Itachi.

The drizzle was like silk, and the sky and the earth were connected. The cloak shook off the raindrops as they ran quickly. Yu Xiaobai and Weasy ran at full speed as unobtrusively as possible, and gradually reached a remote location.


The two approached the location and stopped on top of an abandoned building. Itachi looked at the scene in front of him in confusion and said.

"Yeah." Yu Xiaobai just nodded heavily. The second time he came here, the familiar feeling became even stronger.

It looked like an abandoned area in front of me. The rain washed away the ruins. As far as the eye could see, there were buildings that were in disrepair. There were occasional high-rise buildings with dilapidated windows. The rain kept pouring in. When the wind came, everything under the ground and in the sky was everywhere. It's the bleak rolling of debris.

"Is this a place that was abandoned after the early establishment of Yu Nin Village?" Itachi followed Yu Xiaobai through it and walked into a building. On the third floor, it was actually empty. Most of the space was exposed, and the walls looked like they were covered with wood. The inexplicable thing wiped it away, and the two jumped onto another building through the gap. Itachi asked.

"Who knows." Yu Xiaobai was not in the mood to think about how this place came to be. His energy was gradually reaching its highest level.

"This place seems to be a worthless corner, far away from the core area of ​​Yuren Village, even to the edge, but there are secret sentries lurking." After walking for a while, Yu Xiaobai signaled Itachi to stop and started to be cautious. Moving forward, "And he's not a rookie, there are at least two jounin in there."

Weasel's expression also became serious. After getting closer, as Yu Xiaobai said, he secretly felt a few strong auras.

This place may just be a stronghold for Akatsuki that appears to be bluffing.

"According to the rain ninja who was interrogated last night, the core members of Akatsuki are all wearing long clothes with black background and red clouds. When the time comes..."

Before Yu Xiaobai finished speaking, a sudden change occurred.

Can I be on the classified new book list...

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