Chapter 65: The Three Views of the World have collapsed! Shocking secret! Two extremes! 【Kneeling for customization】

At this time, in the face of the thousand-handed centipede that has been completely “berserked”.

Bai Yuekui’s side finally sacrificed his Tang Dao.

With a light blue light shining, the slender and extremely sharp Tang knife belonging to Bai Yuekui suddenly turned into a scythe like the God of Death.

Obviously, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Bai Yuekui’s Tang Dao is by no means an ordinary product.

It can even be said that the weapons opened by all the players in the God Domain today are difficult to compare with this Tang Dao in Bai Yuekui’s hand.

This also led everyone to speculate for a while, where did Bai Yuekui’s Tang knife come from?

However, just like Bai Yuekui’s mysterious identity, her Tang Dao, outsiders can see its extraordinary.

There is no way to know anything else.

After Bai Yuekui revealed his Tang Dao.


Even the thousand-handed centipede that had been “furious” was still being pressed and beaten by Bai Yuekui.

Just like the situation on Jiang Yan’s side.

In front of this behemoth with a length of thirty or forty meters.

Bai Yuekui controlled the Tang Dao in his hand, constantly flashing and moving around it!

Every passing and short stay is bound to bring a thrilling scar.

In fact.

The centipede after the “berserge”,.

It is completely removed from its hard shell, and the flesh and blood under its own shell are revealed.

This move raises our attack and speed to a notch!

Not only that, those insect feet that were originally wrapped in carapaces have also become tentacles that can be retracted at will after revealing the prototype.

However, even so, the thousand-handed centipede with such a flexible attack method still could not touch Bai Yuekui!

“Bastard !!!”

Under Bai Yuekui’s constant attacks, the Thousand Hand Centipede obviously felt a pang of resignation.

Unfortunately, the furious hand centipede still had no way to take Bai Yuekui.

I could only watch as Bai Yuekui continued to leave various wounds all over its body.

“Brush!! Brush!! Brush!! ”

Bai Yuekui constantly used the huge body of the Thousand Hand Centipede to move back and forth on it.

Even with such rapid movements, her movements are still graceful.

It was as if Bai Yuekui was dancing with his own Tang Dao at this time.


One foot on! Bai Yuekui once again stepped on the body of the Thousand Hand Centipede and jumped up towards the upper position!


Once passed! Accompanied by another blood line brought by Tang Dao!!

Now, without the protection of the carapace, this pair of flesh and blood is really as fragile as paper paste in front of Bai Yuekui’s Tang Dao!


Moved again, still above the body of the thousand-handed centipede.


One cut!


Another knife!!

The blood brought up around him could not even stain Bai Yuekui at all!

The rapid and dexterous figure constantly flashed wildly around the Thousand Hand Centipede!!

“Brush!! Brush!! Brush!! ”

But after a while, countless amounts of blood had already emerged from the body of the thousand-handed centipede!

“Hissing hiss!!!”

With a roar, the thousand-handed centipede finally recognized his situation at this time.

It knows that in this way, it will really be hacked to death by the woman in front of it! ! !

At this thought, the Thousand Hand Centipede no longer hesitated.

It was going to ignore Bai Yuekui’s attack no longer, anyway, even if it wanted to stop it, it would have no chance at all.

“Human!! I’ll settle the score with you later!!! ”

As soon as the words fell, the Thousand Hand Centipede was also paying attention to whether Bai Yuekui replied.

Immediately turned his head and rushed towards the ground!

As a ground-walking creature, the thousand-handed centipede can fully reflect their advantages only when they are underground.

As long as you can get back into the ground!

Then no matter whether this woman is chasing or fleeing, she can have a glimmer of life! !

Yes, at this time, above the ground, even after the thousand-handed centipede “went berserk”, it still could not reach the strength of fighting deep underground.

Only below the ground, that environment is powerful to them!


Sensing that the centipede had the intention of wanting to run.

How could Bai Yuekui let it get his wish?

Just when the thousand-handed centipede was about to completely drill into the ground.

But I heard a cold voice.

“Want to go now? Don’t you think it’s too late? ”

Although the words are cold, they are so pleasant.

However, it is such a good sound, in the ears of the thousand-handed centipede, it is like the whisper of death……..

As Bai Yuekui’s words fell, that cold figure actually appeared directly in front of the Thousand Hand Centipede.


The Thousand Hand Centipede also didn’t expect that Bai Yuekui would actually face him head-on, and even wanted to block his intention to return to the underground?!

“Stupid !!!”

Thinking of this, the thousand-handed centipede was moved.

At this time, Bai Yuekui was in front of it.

Moreover, looking at her appearance, it is obvious that she no longer intends to dodge!

Then, that is to say, the current self has a chance to attack her!!

You know, Bai Yuekui had been dodging before, not giving the Thousand Hand Centipede a chance to attack her at all.

This also made the thousand-handed centipede produce a little – “As long as he attacks her, she will die!” “The illusion …

However, what happened next made it completely desperate…

“Boom !!!”

The Thousand Hand Centipede rushed towards Bai Yuekui in front of him with an unstoppable momentum!

You know, the powerful organs on the thousand-handed centipede are far more than its insect foot.

Although it is rarely used, the mouthparts of the Thousand Hand Centipede are definitely a complete killing weapon!!

The chrysanthemum-shaped fangs constantly shimmer with cold light!

The Thousand Hand Centipede also made up his mind at this time, this blow must completely destroy this hateful human being!!

I’m going to chew her 10,000 times in my mouth, tear her up completely, and swallow her again!!

However, just as the Thousand Hand Centipede was thinking about it, Bai Yuekui finally took action.


Bai Yuekui didn’t say a word, and his whole body sank slightly.

Such a gesture is obviously intended to face the behemoth in front of him head-on!!

It’s just that……..

This is from the collision of a giant beast that is more than thirty or forty meters long!!

Bai Yuekui, why does she have this confidence to be able to take this blow head-on? ?

At this time, the netizens who were paying attention to Bai Yuekui’s live broadcast room really couldn’t figure it out.

However, Bai Yuekui ignored their suspicions.

It was too late and too fast, at this time, the hideous insect head of the Thousand Hand Centipede had already arrived in front of Bai Yuekui!


With a sigh, Bai Yuekui no longer hesitated.

The momentum that had been accumulated before burst out without reservation at this moment!!

I saw Bai Yuekui suddenly shrank his pupils at this time!

The momentum that had been converged in her body before broke out again at this time!

“Empty!! Empty!! Empty!! ”

This is the sound of the surrounding gas explosion!!

With the vision around Bai Yuekui.

The long legs hidden under her fur robe never stopped.

Kick towards the hideous insect head in front of him!!


With Bai Yuekui’s kick.

It didn’t look like the strong wind that her slender and slender legs could produce!!


This was the only word that the Thousand Hand Centipede saw in his mind at this moment…


The next moment, Bai Yuekui’s terrifying kick was already carrying a strong wind, solidly bombarding the insect head of the thousand-handed centipede!!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Bai Yuekui’s figure was slightly sideways, and the riotous aura also made her white hair slightly messy.

But even so, it still couldn’t cover her fierce gaze!

The snow-white left leg kicked high, and the heel was even sunk into the head of the thousand-handed centipede for several centimeters.

Such a look, others feel pain just by looking at it…


It seems that time is finally starting to pass again!!

With Bai Yuekui’s kick, the huge insect head of the Thousand Hand Centipede suddenly bent backwards at an outrageous angle.

This moment.

The thousand-handed centipede even felt that his brain suddenly went blank.

This is…….. I was kicked by Bai Yuekui until I fainted!!


Unlike the miserable state of the Thousand Hand Centipede, Bai Yuekui looked like a nobody.

With a light breath, Bai Yuekui put down his long legs with lethal MAX gracefully.

At the same time, the state of cell burning was completely lifted by her.

Facing the thousand-handed centipede that was dying at this time, Bai Yuekui no longer needed to turn on the state of cell burning.


I saw Bai Yuekui patting his robe, and slowly walked towards the thousand-handed centipede without hurry.

The posture is so elegant that it is unimaginable that this is actually a scene when fighting an A-class ferocious beast………….

Seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room also felt a tingling in their scalps.

“Oh my God! Boss Bai, this is also too handsome!! ”

“Boss Bai!! Yes!! I can’t!! Step on me!! Step on me!! Boss Bai stepped on me!! ”

“Upstairs, you’re wrong…”

“I found that these two players in our country are really more perverts than one … Who looked down on them in the first place?! Give the master a stand out!! ”

“No one looked down on them in the first place (funny)”

“Indeed, whether it is Boss Bai or Foodie Jiang, feeling strong is not a dimension with other players…”

“Yes! When they were beating up A creatures, the players from other countries were still intriguing for a D-grade resource…”

Indeed, as netizens in the live broadcast room said.

Just when Jiang Yan and Bai Yuekui were fighting A-grade God Domain creatures.

Players from other countries are still working towards D-level resources.

Qiji Country, this country that is only one word different from the Miracle Country, but it does not have the national strength of the Miracle Country.

However, these two players from the country of Odd Chicken seem to be lucky.

After receiving two F+ resource rewards.

The two of them miraculously drew two attribute rewards!!

This is really the favor of lady luck!


Not only that, after some exploration, the two of them actually found an oasis that was far bigger than what Jiang Yan and Bai Yuekui had encountered before!

Moreover, through the prompt of [Blue Star Will], everyone also knows.

This oasis in front of him turned out to be a D-rated God Domain resource!

That’s a stroke of luck!

You know, under today’s points challenge, the points obtained by just one D-level resource are already very considerable.

Not to mention the D-Tier Chest rewards you received later!

Well…….. Not everyone can look at D-grade manure like Jiang Yan and Bai Yuekui……..

It was naturally a good thing to find D-level resources, but the two did not forget that the god domain resident creatures accompanied by D-level resources.

Not bad.

At this time, the two of them really encountered this guy who was stationed here resources.

【Congratulations! Odd Chicken Country players encounter God Domain creatures! Analyzing… Analysis successful!! 】

[Name: Rhinoceros Buffalo (Class D!) )】

[Features: D-level God Domain creatures! ] Solitary, omnivorous! Rhinoceros, exactly? Or buffalo? It doesn’t matter, its sharp horns will tell all its enemies that it is it, the terrifying rhino buffalo!! 】

With the voice of [Blue Star Will], the rhino buffalo finally appeared in front of the two.

The rhino buffalo in front of him is gray-black overall.

It was as if he was covered with a thick layer of armor.

Let people know at a glance that its defense power is extremely amazing!

In contrast, the most striking thing is naturally the two slightly curved buffalo horns on the top of his head and the rhino horns at the tip of his nose!

As [Blue Star Will] said, the rhino buffalo in front of him really can’t tell whether it is a rhinoceros or a buffalo…


The roar of the rhino buffalo was muffled.

It was also apparently concerned about these two uninvited guests who had infiltrated their territory.

Immediately, he also rushed towards the two unceremoniously!!


Seeing the unstoppable power of the rhino buffalo, the two players of the Odd Chicken Country couldn’t help but tremble in their hearts.

However, the greed for D-level resources still made them resist the desire to escape.

That’s right! Now he is already a strong person who has obtained two attribute bonuses!!

Grade D Creatures!! If the two work together, there must be a battle power!!

Thinking so, the two of them were no longer afraid.

But Rao is so, in the face of such a terrifying collision of the rhino buffalo, the two can only temporarily avoid the edge!



Low roar, with a gust of wind! Whizzing by!

However, it has to be said that the two players who have obtained two attribute bonuses are indeed not ordinary people.

In the face of such a terrifying attack by the rhino buffalo, the two of them were also able to dodge.

However, the rhino buffalo obviously did not intend to let the two go just like that.


With another low roar, the rhino buffalo attacked the two again!!

Moreover, this time the impact is even faster than the first time!!


With a strong wind, the rhino buffalo roared again!!


Facing the rhino buffalo that rushed towards him again, the two could only avoid it again!

“So strong! Is this a D-class creature?! Sure enough, it is much stronger than those F-class creatures before!! ”


Before this man could finish speaking, the attack of the rhino buffalo came again!


This time, it was even more rapid.

Both of them could even feel the strong wind brought by the rhino buffalo crashing over, blowing their skin painfully!

In fact, you can imagine the charge launched by a thick and triangular ferocious beast on its head, which is definitely not just talk.

Even in the live broadcast room across the screen, netizens felt a tremor at this time.

“This is the strength of the God Domain creatures when they play normally!! It’s so strong!! ”

“Indeed! D-level creatures are already so powerful! It’s really hard to imagine how perverted the God Domain creatures are upwards! ”

“Hmm……. Go to the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room, you can know how much A creature is……. Well…… See for yourself…”


“Did you find out?! Every collision of this rhino buffalo will be more terrifying than the last?! ”

“Don’t… Don’t worry!! Our players will definitely be able to solve it! After all, they are all top beings who have received two attribute bonuses!! ”

As netizens in the live broadcast room said.

Every collision of the rhino buffalo, whether it is speed or power, will be more terrifying than the previous collision!

And this is the most powerful thing about the rhino buffalo!

Solid “armor” gives them objective resistance to punches.

As long as you can resist the damage and gallop! The D-level rhino buffalo can wrench the wrist of the same D+ level ferocious beast!!


Another low roar.

The rhino buffalo rushed towards the two again!



This time, the collision of the rhino buffalo has made it difficult for the two to react.


Before the two could react, one of them was already hit by a rhino buffalo!

However, this time it still seems that there is no real impact.

That player actually dodged dangerously and dangerously!

However, although it was not solid, the player was not unscathed.

Under the impact of rhino buffalo.

His right arm was also directly scraped off a large piece of flesh and blood!

Just scratch it! It caused such damage!

It can be imagined that if it is really hit, it is estimated that the two will die in an instant!


However, just when the two couldn’t help but tremble.

The collision from the rhino buffalo has come again!!

This time, the two did not react at all!

Because, this collision of the rhino buffalo really did not have the slightest stay!

Normally, after a collision, no matter how you say it, you have to stop and turn around, right?

And the previous rhino buffalo was indeed the same.

Between each collision, although brief, there is indeed a gap for a period of time.

However, this time, the rhino buffalo seemed to be open, and there was no stay at all!

The rhino buffalo that just rushed past turned out to be rushing again!


I couldn’t react at once, and the two of them were completely hit this time.

As said before, the collision of the rhino buffalo, just for a moment, is definitely not what the current two can bear!

In addition, the rhino buffalo has gradually increased its power under the collision again and again!

By this time, the collision of the rhino buffalo is enough to be called terrifying!

Sure enough!

After being rammed by a rhino buffalo, the two of them were immediately like a rag doll.

Be shot high in the air in an instant!

A large amount of blood suddenly spilled down!!

Seeing this scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room also suddenly trembled!

However, there is no waiting for everyone to speak.

The two who were about to land were once again hit by the rhino buffalo!!


“Boom !!!”


Accompanied by the collision of rhino buffalo without stopping.

The bodies of the two were once again shot into the air!!

Even, with it, everyone actually saw that in the mid-air at this time, there should have been only two figures, and now, it turned out to be four pieces…….

That’s right.

Under the impact of the rhino buffalo, the bodies of the two were directly knocked in half!

Its power can be imagined……..

At this time, no matter how the netizens in the live broadcast room comfort themselves, they can also see it.

The two have completely lost their lives………


However, before everyone could panic.

The next scene once again made everyone completely dumbfounded.

I saw that the rhino buffalo that had originally collided with him finally slowed down his pace at this time.

Apparently, it was also aware of the deaths of the two players.

Then, the rhino buffalo walked slowly to the corpses of the two.

Under everyone’s incredulous expressions.

The rhino buffalo actually feasted directly on the corpses of the two!!

Seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room immediately shuddered.

At the same time, he said with a look of horror.

“This….. What is the situation?! ”

“It… It’s eating people??!! ”

“Oh my God!! Aren’t cows supposed to eat grass?! Why does it eat meat?! And actually cannibalize human flesh?! ”

“This….. Is this God Domain? They are all real man-eating God Domain creatures!! ”

“Sure enough, only the style of our Dragon Kingdom’s live broadcast room painting is abnormal??”

For the netizens of the Dragon Country who suddenly appeared in their live broadcast room, the netizens of the Qiji Country did not have any spare time to complain at this time.

Because, with the death of the two players of the Qiji Country, the Qiji Country is also about to fall into a purgatory…….

However, as the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom said.

The scene on this side of the Qiji Country is basically a true portrayal of all the contestants.

Even if it is a D-level, no, it can even be said that even an E-level God Domain creature, they have to do their best to deal with it.

As for A? Then there is no need to think about it…….

Even if they encountered the B-grade Extreme Devouring Beast that Bai Yuekui had encountered before, for them, it was an instant to kill their existence.

However, what about Jiang Yan at this moment?

That’s right.

At this time, Jiang Yan was wantonly torturing the thousand-handed centipede!!

The previous thousand-handed centipede already wanted to get into the ground and escape without any fighting intent.

However, it was dragged out of the ground again by Jiang Yan with Hezi!!

The huge body of forty or fifty meters long was dragged out abruptly by Jiang Yan with Hezi!

That kind of scene, let alone netizens in the live broadcast room.

Even the Thousand Hand Centipede himself found it incredible!

After this, the thousand-handed centipede also clearly understood.

This human being is really not something he can compete with!

In front of him, he really knows a little worm!!

However, Jiang Yan would not care about the thoughts of the Thousand Hand Centipede at this time.

“Huh…….. Little bug, don’t you want to play a game? ”


In the face of Jiang Yan’s somewhat crazy words, the centipede could no longer make any response at this time.

However, Jiang Yan obviously did not intend to hear the response of the Thousand Hand Centipede.

In the case that the centipede has not fully reacted.

But seeing that Jiang Yan directly used his own Hezi, he instantly cut off the seven insect feet of the Thousand Hand Centipede!

“Brush!! Duh!! ”

“Hissing !!!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With a scalp-numbing sound, the thousand-handed centipede also screamed.

At the same time, I also heard a question from Jiang Yan in my ears.

“Naw, little bug, let me ask you again, how much is 1000 minus 7?”


The thousand-handed centipede was immediately stunned by Jiang Yan’s question.

It is not like Yamashita before it, and it has not received nine years of compulsory education.

How does it know how much 1000 minus 7 equals???


However, Jiang Yan didn’t care so much, and saw that the thousand-handed centipede didn’t react for a long time.

It was also a direct shot, and once again cut off the seven insect feet of the thousand-handed centipede!

“Hissing !!!”

Accompanied by it, it was naturally the sharp scream from the thousand-handed centipede.

However, Jiang Yan still turned a deaf ear, and just said to himself:

“Huh……. 1000-7?? ”

Listening to Jiang Yan’s words, the thousand-handed centipede finally understood.

This guy is serious!!

If you don’t answer his questions, you don’t want to have a way to live!!

Thinking of this, the thousand-handed centipede also hurriedly said:

“997!! 997!! ”


“Hissing ho ho !!!”

Jiang Yan’s Hezi once again cut off the seven insect feet of the Thousand Hand Centipede.

At the same time, he said faintly:


At this time, the mentality of the thousand-handed centipede is really broken!

You can’t fight and you can’t run, you can’t run away.

I can’t answer the questions I asked!!

How does this play??

However, for the idea of the thousand-handed centipede, Jiang Yan naturally couldn’t care.

Seeing that the Thousand Hand Centipede was silent again, Jiang Yan made another move!

“Brush!! Duh!! ”

“I said!! I say!! ”

Feeling the sharp pain coming from his body again, the thousand-handed centipede suddenly said in a panic.

In fact, for the thousand-handed centipede, Jiang Yan originally did not intend to abuse it again.

After all, after torturing Yamashita to be able to live, it was actually enough for Jiang Yan.

However, Jiang Yan didn’t want to abuse, the thousand-handed centipede thought!

For this kind of existence that wants to abuse himself, Jiang Yan naturally will not let it down.

Let it also taste the taste of being abused, how sour it is………

However, for Jiang Yan’s thoughts, everyone naturally did not know.

At this time, watching Jiang Yan’s live broadcast room, the [I Come to God Online] program group.

Unlike before, the acceptance of the scene in front of several guests today has obviously improved a lot

It may be hesitant that the object of abuse is not a human reason.

Bing Bing was also able to quip:

“This is really our traditional performing arts in the foodie river……… Could it be that Jiang Yan really has some peculiar proclivities? ”

Captain Li on the side also smiled and shook his head.

He spread his hands and said:

“However, so far, the only person who has really started by Jiang Yan players is the scum from Dongying Country.”

Hearing the words of the two, Zhang Da on the side seemed to have finally reached the limit of patience and was ready to speak.

But just as he was about to speak!


This time it was not the sound of Captain Li beating him.

It was the recording scene on the side of the program group that was suddenly broken into by a group of guys in uniform.

See an uninvited guest who appears suddenly.

Whether it was the staff of the program group or several guests, they were all confused.

However, everyone did not make any radical moves.

The reason is very simple, the person who broke into the program group was not someone else, but the demon spirit of the Dragon Kingdom! ! !

For the demon spirits, everyone naturally will not have any resistance.

It’s not a movie, and it’s naturally impossible for people and demons to attack these ordinary people for no reason.

However, even knowing that Uncle Demon Spirit would not hurt himself.

Everyone still couldn’t help but be confused for a while.

Why are fairy spirits here?

At the same time, a man led by the demon spirit looked around the field and seemed to have finally found his goal.

Walk towards the diameter of the commentary table.

Yes, their target is exactly Zhang Da…….

The previous high-level of the Dragon Kingdom was busy dealing with the dark lines hidden in the territory of the Dragon Country, so he didn’t have time to deal with this jumping beam clown.

Today, with the joint efforts of official organizations and Inhuman circles.

Those dark lines are basically pulled.

Since this is the case, then the disposal of Zhang Da naturally has to be put on the agenda.

Without any hesitation, they came up and directly pressed Zhang Da to the ground.

He was about to take out the handcuffs and torture him away.

Only then did Zhang Da react and immediately shouted:

“What are you going to do? Let me go! Why are you arresting me?! Don’t think you’re amazing in this outfit!! Do you know who I am?! As long as I want to, in a word, your family will be ruined, do you believe it or not? ”



In the face of Zhang Da’s obviously angry words, everyone also felt speechless for a while.

In the face of the demon Spirit Shumai who is performing a task, do you dare to talk like this?

Are you brave??

The man led by the demon spirit couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he heard Zhang Da’s words.

“I kind of know why the call for us to arrest you on the Internet is so loud……..”

For Shumai’s words, several guests couldn’t help but smile.

And Zhang Da, who heard this, suddenly became anxious:

“On the net?! You just came to arrest me with the help of the group of fools on the Internet who didn’t understand anything?? What are you kidding?? ”


In the face of Zhang Da’s words, everyone had only one thought in their minds at this time.

In a hurry, he is in a hurry……..

Naturally, it is impossible for Shumai to arrest him just because of a few remarks on the Internet.

If there was no order from above, how could Shumai arrest people just by virtue of such a thing?

However, Zhang Da obviously did not think so.

Growing so big, where had he seen such a scene?

Previously, Jiang Yan still remembered Yamashita’s torture.

Seeing these Shu Huang, Zhang Da’s brain appeared, and various pictures emerged.

So, he hurriedly shouted in a panic:

“I warn you!! Let me go now!! Otherwise…”

While speaking, Zhang Da was still struggling on the side.

It’s just that his perennial fat body can be overwhelmed by a well-trained Shumai?

His resistance can only be in vain…….

At this time, I saw the scene where Zhang Da was subdued in an instant.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are also very happy.

“Hahaha! Cao! The Shu Millet are finally here!! ”

“Hurry up and take him away! This fool has long looked at him unpleasantly!! ”

“Although I know that Zhang Da hates it, I didn’t expect that he was really targeted by the official……… Please step up! Hahahaha!! ”

“To be honest, I was a little skeptical if this guy was an internal traitor from abroad………. It’s outrageous! ”

It seems to confirm the speculation of netizens in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Zhang Da saw that he was completely unable to break free, and Shumai still had no intention of stopping.

So he shouted again:

“I warn you!! My real identity is actually the world’s first wonder country!! You untouchables! If you dare to come near me again! I accuse you to my mother country!!! ”



Hearing Zhang Da’s words, everyone’s expressions were different.

Speechless, confused, more amused………

Confused, I didn’t expect that I would say a few words, Zhang Da is really a miracle country! ! !

Speechlessly, the situation between the Dragon Country and the Miracle Country is already extremely tense.

At this time, you use the identity of the Miracle Country to suppress the official organization of the Dragon Country???

Brain show funny, right??

And hearing Zhang Da’s words, several Shu Huang were obviously unexpected.

They were stunned for a long time, but they didn’t react to what Zhang Da wanted to express……….

However, Zhang Da’s clamor continued.

It may be that seeing a few Shu Huang was stunned for a while.

Zhang Da also thought that they were really shocked by their identity.

So he continued to taunt:

“Huh, how? Scared silly? I can warn you! If you don’t let go of me, when the time comes, you will rise to the international level, with a few of you little Shu Huang, you will be responsible?? ”




Faced with Zhang Da’s threat, the Shu Huang did not hesitate in the slightest and directly tortured him away.

When he tortured away, he seemed to feel Zhang Da’s struggle, and even more so he slammed an elbow on the door of his head…….

“Who do I care about you? Be honest! Today is the king of heaven, Laozi is coming, you have to come with us!” ”

After speaking, several Shu Huang came like the wind, and left like the wind.

Even before leaving, I didn’t forget to bring the door with me………….

Facing Zhang Da, who was suddenly taken away by Shumai, Bingbing was also a little confused.

After a while, he finally reacted.

Then he also laughed dryly twice and said:

“Ahaha, this is really……. So let’s go back to Jiang Yan players! Ahaha~”

In the face of Bingbing’s joke, everyone also felt a burst of funny.

From the appearance of the Shu Huang, to Zhang Da being taken away.

The whole process takes no more than ten minutes.

It’s like ice.

It wasn’t until the Shu Millet left that everyone reacted.

Immediately, there was speculation about Team Zhang’s previous words.

“Groove?! Also people from the Miracle Country? I’m afraid this guy is not a brain show funny, right? ”

“Zhang Da is actually a miracle countryman?! How did I not know?! ”

“Nonsense……. Just that kind of fool, who would pay attention to him… It’s normal not to know. ”

“However, recall his previous remarks…….. This Zhang Da, could it be that he is really a spy sent by the Miracle Country?! ”

“Groove!! Fake, right? Miracle Country is so stupid again? Just send such a fool over as a spy? Doesn’t this give people heads??? ”

“Laughing to death, but not completely dead…”

Seeing everyone’s discussion, Teacher Luo also smashed his mouth at this time and shook his head.

Then quipped:

“Gee…….. Doesn’t this start have to be an indefinite period……..”

After ending this farce, everyone’s discussion of Zhang Da finally subsided slowly.

As for Zhang Da’s final fate, under such a public place, the attention of the people of the whole country, and just because he was short of breath and said such words, the final result was obvious.

However, compared to Zhang Da, everyone at this time was obviously more concerned about Jiang Yan and Bai Yuekui in the God Domain!

Back to God’s Domain.

At this time, Jiang Yan’s abuse of the thousand-handed centipede was also continuing.

“957!! 957!! ”



“Wrong again…”

This is an unknown number of times.

But the thousand-handed centipede still couldn’t accurately calculate the correct answer…

And every wrong answer will make it lose 7 insect feet.

Let a god-domain creature who has never studied mathematics calculate such a “complicated” topic.

It’s really hard for it…

However, Jiang Yan will not care about this.

With the continuous abuse, Jiang Yan also seemed to have withdrawn from the state of [Half-Heter] at this time.

However, the indifferent expression still did not change.

Looking at the thousand-handed centipede that was already covered in blood at this time, Jiang Yan said again:

“Continue to minus.”


At this time, the thousand-handed centipede can also be regarded as having figured it out.

If it goes on like this, his countless insect feet will definitely not be able to withstand Jiang Yan’s destruction! ! !

Didn’t you see the insect feet that have been scattered all over the place now?!

That’s all mine!!!



However, just when the thousand-handed centipede was cranky.

Jiang Yan’s Hezi struck again.

Without any accidents, another seven insect feet were cut to the ground.



This is a devil!!

Here, I also have to sigh at the strong vitality of the thousand-handed centipede.

If it is an ordinary person, in the case of being cut off so many body parts.

It is estimated that it has already gone completely crazy.

But what about the centipede?

At least looking at its current appearance, it is obviously far from reaching the limit.

But Rao is so, the pain that should be felt, it can still be felt exactly as well.

For the centipede, cut off its insect foot.

It is no different from cutting off the fingers of ordinary people, and the pain in it is no less than that of people breaking their arms.

Not only that, but many times more!

After all, ordinary people only have their hands and feet at most, but the thousand-handed centipede has thousands of worm feet! ……..



However, just as the centipede was thinking.

Jiang Yan struck again.

“It seems that I am still too gentle, and even take my words as a wind? ……”




“Ahh… Wrong again….. Continue to minus. ”

Hearing Jiang Yan’s words, the Thousand Hand Centipede was also completely desperate.

It was not swept away by severe pain, it was driven crazy by this 1000 minus 7 problem…….

It’s so hard!!

And, look at it, even if you answer it correctly once?

1000 minus 7, reduced to 900 (good Zhao Zhao)!!

My own worm feet have been cut off more than 900!!

There is no end to the problem, let the thousand hands centipede completely collapse.

However, Jiang Yan obviously would not let it go so easily.



Another 7 worm feet!

Obviously, if there were no accidents, all of his thousands of worm feet would be cut down by a single human today!

At this point, the thousand-handed centipede was finally impatient.

Chao Jiang Yan kept begging for mercy and said:

“My lord!! My lord!! Let me go!! Let me go!! I really can’t stand it!! ”

At this time, the words spoken by the thousand-handed centipede were obviously much smoother than before…

And, unlike the previous high-handed attitude.

At this time, the thousand-handed centipede had already put his posture to the minimum.

After seeing Jiang Yan’s still cold eyes.

The thousand-handed centipede endured the pain, and also said out loud again:

“My lord!! My lord!! I’m awesome!! I can make cows and horses for you!! Headed by you is Zhan!! No betrayal!! ”



However, in the face of the thousand-handed centipede’s posture of such a practice.

Jiang Yan still didn’t have any leftovers.

After cutting off its seven insect feet again.

Jiang Yan said coldly:

“Got you talking superfluously? Continue to minus. ”


And seeing such a scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room were also speechless for a while.

“Oh my God? Is this guy really an A-class creature?! ”

“Is creature A only abused to the point of begging for mercy in front of the foodie Jiang?”

“Only here in the Foodie River, I feel that A creature is weak… Is it my problem? Or is it a problem of this world?? ”

“No, you’re not the only one, I think so too…”

“It’s not that A is too weak! It’s that the foodie Jiang is too strong!! ”

As netizens in the live broadcast room said.

As a creature A, a thousand-handed centipede naturally cannot be weak.

Being able to become the overlord of this forest for so many years, there have been cases of annihilation of more than ten countries before.

All this undoubtedly does not show its strength!

However, even so, in front of Jiang Yan, he still seemed so powerless………

I don’t know how long it took.

Under the constant destruction of Jiang Yan.

The original countless insect feet of the thousand-handed centipede are not many left at this time.

During this period, no matter how the Thousand Hand Centipede begged for mercy, Jiang Yan was still unmoved.

In a hurry, even such absurd words as “my wife can let you” can be said by a thousand-handed centipede……..

It is enough to see the degree of panic of the thousand-handed centipede at this time.

However, Jiang Yan naturally could not have any interest in this.

Here, the thousand-handed centipede can also be seen.

Jiang Yanda didn’t think about letting himself go at the beginning.

As for the question?

That’s just a lubricant for torture…….

Just as it did before, it tortured the players.

It’s just to satisfy the abuser’s own desires.



Seven worm feet again.

Along with it, there were also cold words belonging to Jiang Yan.

“How much is 1000-7?”

“Ho, ho……..”

Look at the insect feet scattered all over the ground and piling up into mountains.

It is enough to know what the Thousand Hand Centipede has endured before…….

Even as a creature A, it is indeed reaching its limit now.

At this time, the thousand-handed centipede had already suffered such a long time.

Consciousness is indeed a little trance.

But the more so.

The more it knows, the more it doesn’t think of a way to do it.

After your worm feet are cut off, wait for your own.

It will only be more horrific torture!!

There is no doubt that the thousand-handed centipede, who is also an abuser, is naturally very clear about this method!

However, at this time, it is fish meat, and Jiang Yan is a knife trick.

It is Jiang Yan who holds all the initiative, not it.

Is it really going to die at the hands of a human being today?

The centipede was desperate.

It is useless to beg for mercy, isn’t it boundless pain and torture and eventual death that awaits you?

And it doesn’t want to die, what can be done?! ……….

Suddenly, the originally desperate thousand-handed centipede seemed to have thought of something, and then a glimmer of hope came, and Gu couldn’t help but be cut off seven worm feet because of slowness, and quickly exclaimed:

“Wait!! Wait a minute!! I can tell you a secret, my lord!! A heavenly one…”

“Brush!! Duh! Scare! ”

“Ho!!! Hiss!!! ”

However, before the Thousand Hand Centipede finished speaking, Jiang Yan made another move.

It’s like not caring about the “secret” in the mouth of the centipede at all.

Jiang Yan spoke up indifferently again:

“Superfluous things…”

“Shhh!! Great, my lord, please, spare me, I know that my clan has guarded the treasure house for thousands of years!! As long as you let me die, I can tell you where the exact location is!!! ……….”

ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author continues to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!!。

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