Gotenx, Super Saiyan Three!!!

Until then...

He obviously just watched Goku turn into Super Three for a few seconds!!

This talent is beyond human cognition and violates the laws of nature as a living species!!

The golden arrogance shook the sky, and the audience of countless dimensions trembled!!

Vic's body was soaked in cold sweat, and he said with a look of disbelief: "You, how the hell did you do this!!"

"How? I don't know, it scared you, right?" said Super Sanwu Tianx, who crossed his hands on his hips and smirked.

"But this one is really amazing!, but this face seems to have become a little bad!!haha, just like Uncle Vic!!"


After listening to Wu Tianx's words, Bick still had a surprised and shocked expression, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time!!

Gotenx, it's really become the third stage of Super Saiyan!!

Bick remembered that Goku seemed to have said before that this was the result of his years of cultivation on Earth, right?

These two boys...

Are you dreaming!?

"It's not time to talk nonsense, and it's not going to be like this for long!"

With his blond hair, Wu Tianx's face was proud, and he walked confidently to an open place.

Then, the breath boiled...

His entire lungs began to contract, as if they were a sign before they burst.


In the next second, a white beam of light erupted from Gotenx's mouth, and the terrifying roar made Vic cover his ears in pain.

A huge storm wave suddenly set off in the space-time room, and the crazy surging sound waves spread hundreds of kilometers away.

At this moment, not only Bick at the scene, but also the audience in other dimensions also subconsciously hugged their heads.

The terrifying sound waves seemed to penetrate their eardrums directly, directly into the depths of their hearts, making it seem as if their bodies were paralyzed by electricity.

If it weren't for the video's defense mechanism, this sound alone would have obliterated all weak mortals!!!

As the crowd let go of their hands in disbelief, they also noticed the scene in the picture.

In front of Gotenx...

The terrifying force actually blasted a small hole in the crack in the air, forcibly tearing open the entrance to the space-time house!!

Wu Tianx's super three form, and the demon Buu has the same level of qi !!

No, he seems to have to take it easier...

It can even be said that it is a no-brainer!!

It worked!!!!

Under Vic's incredible gaze, Wu Tianx jumped out of the exit first, and Vic immediately jumped out.

After a few seconds, the crack recloses, leaving only a devastated white space...



In the video, the outer part of the temple.

Gotenx and Vic returned to Earth one after the other, and soon saw Majin Buu again, who had not yet left the temple.

"Hey, hey, did Majin Buu see it, we're coming out of it too!!"

Seeing the figure of Majin Buu, Wu Tianx, who had become a super three, immediately put on a fighting posture.

However, at this moment, Majin Buu is actually carrying his body behind his back, looking like he is eating something!!

"You guys can come out of it, you do have a set!"

Majin Buu turned around as he chewed.

Suddenly, Majin Buu was slightly startled, and looked at Gotenx, who had long blond hair, with some surprise.

This guy seems to have changed a little!!

"You seem to have changed a little bit?"

"Stupid, it's not a little bit!!We're getting really powerful now!!" But as soon as the words fell, Gotenx saw the temple that had almost been torn apart, and it seemed that there had just been a battle here!!


"I turned them into chocolate, it's delicious!!" Majin Buu rubbed his stomach with a hideous face, and smiled evilly.



"You damn bastard!!I'm really angry!!"

Wu Tianx was slightly stunned, and then the qi in his whole body began to gush out.

In just a moment, the aura around him seemed to enter the turbulence of another dimension.

The crystal-like aura crushed all the surrounding buildings, and the strong air currents instantly disintegrated the area behind Majin Buu!!

It's like it's been delayed for so long, and the farce-like behavior won't happen anymore!!

Under the full force of the fury of the Super Three Enlightenment Tianx, the final battle that shook the heavens was finally about to begin!!

Just under everyone's breathless gaze...


In an instant, Gotenx flew in front of Majin Buu at a terrifying speed, and a head cone slammed into Majin Buu's head.


For the first collision, the entire Heavenly God Temple instantly fell apart and began to collapse.

With a roaring sound of shattering, Majin Buu's body flew upside down like a rocket.

Seeing this scene, Vic's eyes widened even more.

How can it be so strong!!!!

And...... The Temple of the Gods is going to blow up!!

In the midst of the ruins, Gotenx chased after him and punched and kicked the Majin Buu, this time with a significantly different power!!

The flesh and blood of the demon Buu who smashed with every punch were torn, and his body seemed to be trapped, and it was terrifying.

It hurts!!!

Majin Buu was surprised, but showed a happy smile: "Fortunately, I'm waiting for you here, it's so interesting to fight you!!"

He could feel that there was no stronger existence than this guy in the entire earth, or even in the entire universe!!

As long as you defeat this guy, you will be the strongest life in the universe!!

"You're the only one who can still say these big things!!"

Wu Tianx once again burst out of his qi and swooped down in the flickering golden light in the sky.

He unleashed countless fist shadows at a faster speed than before, and yet... Majin Buu's body is like bubble gum that can change, and no matter how much he attacks, he can't hit it!!

It's like a combination of rubber and water...

"Bang bang !!"

Even his fists and feet all missed, and the fist of the Super Three Enlightenment Tianx, which exceeded the speed of light countless times, was unexpectedly helpless for the demon Buu in a short period of time!!

Occasionally, it penetrates through the past, and occasionally shrinks on its own, making it extremely troublesome and tricky.

"How so... Is this Majin Buu still hiding his strength before!!"

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of many dimensions were also stunned.

Previously, Gotenx in the ordinary Super Saiyan state was able to barely hurt Majin Buu...

But that's because Majin Buu is not serious at all!!

Right now......

In the face of the Super Three Enlightenment Tianx, whose strength has increased countless times, Majin Buu finally showed his true strength!!

Taking advantage of the failure of the attack, Majin Buu grabbed Gotenx's leg and threw him around like a windmill, spinning countless times before throwing it towards the Temple of the Celestial God!!


The gas exploded and cracked, and the entire Temple of the Heavenly God turned into dust.

Gotenx's figure smashed through the Temple of Heaven like a comet, and flew out towards the bottom of the earth, falling into a lake in embarrassment!!

Majin Buu also chased after him, but he couldn't find the other party's breath for a while.

At this moment, Wu Tianx, who had long hidden his aura, appeared above his head, and suddenly burst out with extremely dazzling terrifying energy, releasing a rich golden light from his arm.

"Super Blade Light Ball !!"

A sharp golden shockwave flashed like an arc-shaped bounce, and instantly passed through the center of Majin Buu's body.

In the next second, a golden crack also appeared on Majin Buu's body, revealing an extremely shocked expression.

This move actually split Majin Buu in two at once!!

"The Ultimate Flashbang !!"

Before Majin Buu recovered, Wu Tianx's hands accumulated two balls of light, and with a bang, Majin Buu's body was blown apart!!

Now that he has become a super three form, Gotenx can actually cause such a huge amount of damage to Majin Buu with even a casual blow!!

Sure enough, his anger... It's already terrifying to the point of unimaginable!!

If it weren't for his lack of combat experience, he might have completely wiped out Majin Buu a long time ago!!


Majin Buu's recovery ability has once again refreshed everyone's imagination!!

Obviously, it had been blown up to the point that only a few scattered cells remained, but his pink strips of meat floating in the air instantly turned into a pink wind!!

The sarcoma grows and reshapes rapidly, and Majin Buu is reborn again!!

Not only that, but he also used his distorted pink abs to bind Gotenx!!

Majin Buu grinned and flicked Gotenx towards the mountain range below, smashing through the entire mountain with a single thud.

The entire mountain range burst in an instant, kicking up a huge cloud of dust and smoke.

Damn it...... How dare you do this to me!!

After Wu Tianx recovered from his recovery, he angrily blew a sharp breath towards Majin Buu, forming a golden ball of light behind Majin Buu.

The oval-shaped golden light cluster grew larger and larger, and soon... It split into ten super kamikaze ghosts.

Seeing this, Majin Buu showed a look of surprise after a long absence.

It's those sinister ghosts!!!

Previously, he was almost yin by Wu Tianx's trick, and he was almost really buried in the hands of Wu Tianx.

And now, Gotenx has become the third stage of Super Saiyan, that is... The power of his moves may have increased tenfold!!!


The ghosts scrambled over at breakneck speed, laughing as they crashed into Majin Buu, the explosion of sparks rang out one after another.

The golden flame soared into the sky, once again blowing up Majin Buu into a half-dead appearance!!

Aren't you any good, Majin Buu !! Gotenx flew into the sky proudly, and kicked the badly injured Majin Buu into the ground with one kick.



Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses of the anime dimension were shocked!!

It's amazing!!

This little ghost called Wu Tianx is really powerful!!

Although they had behaved like they were mentally retarded before...

However, as long as you can defeat Majin Buu, you will be a hero who protects the earth!!

Strength is everything!!!

No matter how funny he is, his strength is far beyond everyone's imagination!!!

"Trunks, Goten, do a good job!!Goku, your Saiyan bloodline is really strong!!"

Kling sighed with some joy and disappointment

As the strongest human on Earth, it was unimaginable that he could become as strong as Frieza.

After that, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Phase 2, Saru, or Majin Buu... All enemies that Clint could never have imagined!!

Fortunately, the Saiyans are on the side of justice.

Especially in the future where Goku Gohan and Vegeta have died in battle, they can also rely on Gotenx to save the earth!!

Gotenx, you must defeat Majin Buu!!

At the same time, Wukong next to him also showed a somewhat proud expression.

It seems that in the future, both Gohan and Goten will far surpass themselves...

The stage that they had cultivated hard for several years had only learned after watching it for a few seconds!!!

This kind of talent is really unimaginable...

At the same time, Vegeta, who was sitting in the spaceship, raised an eyebrow with a dissatisfied face.

He had already decided that after he gave birth to Trunks in the future, he must teach him how to fight as soon as possible!

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for Gotenx to have such a strong strength out of thin air, but lose to Majin Buu because of his lack of combat experience!!



The video continues.

After being hit hard by Wu Tianx, Majin Buu's face was difficult to see the extreme, and it was obvious that he was already angry!!

But he could also feel...

This guy's strength is so different from before!!

No matter which opponent he has ever encountered, he is far less dangerous than him!!


"Majin Buu!!"

"Come and chase me!!"

"With my current speed, I'm afraid Majin Buu won't be able to catch up at all!"

While searching for Majin Buu's breath, Gotenx shuttled through the mountains, and to his surprise, Majin Buu didn't appear for a long time.

"Strange, where did that guy go?"

However, just as Gotenx is looking for Majin Buu...

Majin Buu suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing Gotenx's cheek with one palm, and then, his other palm shimmered pink.


Seeing that the demon Buu wanted to release the qigong wave against his face, Wu Tianx shouted in horror: "Hey, hey, hey, I'll let you stop!!!"

Or is it a lack of combat experience ...

It was approached so easily!!


In the next second, the pink qigong cannon instantly blasted Wu Tianx away.

He slammed on the top of the Heavenly God Temple, and in this moment, the entire Heavenly God Temple was completely torn apart!!

At the same time, Majin Buu hugged his body tightly, and the temple bombarded like a bouncing volleyball, throwing almost every brick and tile flying.

He pursued Wu Tianx relentlessly, so that the other party had no time to make a move.

"Super... Super..."

Wu Tianx always had no time to make a move, but was interrupted by Majin Buu's attack, and continued to dodge in embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, Bick asked a little speechlessly: "You guy, can't you attack without making a strange gesture first!!?

"Ah, of course, but Uncle Vic, don't you think that's handsome!"

Wu Tianx asked confidently.

However, seeing that the demon Buu continued to rush towards him and the others, Wu Tianx instantly closed his hands.

"Super Bagel Attack!!"

There was a bang...

The golden light formed almost instantly, and the golden nebula that resembled a star fixed Majin Buu and turned it into a golden orb again.

Then, Wu Tianx used the way of playing volleyball, and playfully slapped the Majin Buu into the leyline.

For a long time, Majin Buu did not make any movement.

"Ahhhh Majin Buu fell like a meteorite, it's so scary!!" Gotenx laughed arrogantly.

"Majin Buu, come out quickly!!I can't keep this picture in this state for too long, are you afraid of me?"

"If you want to be like this again, you'll have to wait more than an hour!!"

Could it be that Majin Buu is really dead?

"I didn't have a heavy hand at all, could it be that I was really good!!"

But just when Wu Tianx got carried away...

A pink beam of light surged up from the leylines in an instant, and the terrifying pink aura suddenly melted into nothingness within a radius of several miles!!


Vic and Gotenx dodged back a few steps, and the air near them had evaporated in an instant.

"Majin Buu... Damn, if that gas exploded on the ground just now, the earth would be completely gone!!" Vic said with a shudder.

Majin Buu, how strong is this evil guy!!

Wu Tianx, has exerted a power beyond human cognition...

However, is he really Majin Buu's opponent!!!

"Majin Buu, is that outbreak quite a set just now!!But it's not as good as me!!"

As the words fell, Wu Tianx's hands continuously unleashed countless golden shockwaves at the reappeared Demon Buu!

Serial Death Missile !!

Boom Boom Boom !!

The golden light covered the earth infinitely, and the inescapable beam of light almost uprooted the leylines and the sky...

The entire earth fell wildly in the golden light, and countless mountains and rivers were evaporated into dust.

At this scene, Vic's eyes were split: "Stupid!! you will destroy the whole earth like this!!"

"There are still dragon balls on the earth!!What if you accidentally get the dragon balls in a place where you can't find them!!!Then the earth will never recover!!"

Hearing this, Wu Tianx immediately put down his hands and stopped bombing wildly.

"However, I just hit so many times, he should be seriously injured!!"

After a while, Majin Buu flew out of the mountain again.

It's just that at this time, he looks a little different from before.

Majin Buu's pink skin was covered with dust, and he looked out of breath and embarrassed, even if his physical strength had no effect, his mental side seemed to have been hit hard.

After a certain number of recoveries, even he will face the limit!!!

Damn it!!!

Majin Buu looked resentful and glared at Gotenx through gritted teeth.

This little imp actually beat himself to serious injuries one after another!!

Finding out that Majin Buu's state was declining, Bick analyzed with a shocked expression: "This guy... It's obviously getting weaker!!"

"Gotenx, I think it's the first time that Majin Buu has met such a strong opponent as you!! he should be very worried about your strength now!!"


Hearing Uncle Vic's praise, Wu Tianx couldn't help but feel a little proud, and said arrogantly: "Anyway, Majin Buu is just scared, right!!!My current strength is indeed no longer comparable to this guy!!"

"I'm already number one in the universe!!hahaha!!"

Wu Tianx's boast was watched by many viewers, and they were also speechless for a while.

Universe first?

It's true that this guy's anger is very strong, but you should deal with Majin Buu first!!

Isn't your fusion running out for long!!

The battle between Gotenx and Majin Buu always feels like an insult to their IQ!!

"Gotenx, don't be careless!!Majin Buu will definitely use all his strength against you next!!"

"It's okay, it's exactly what I want, hahaha!!"

At this moment, Majin Buu found the gap in Gotenx's laughter, and rushed forward to knock Gotenx into the air.

Then, just as Majin Buu was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, the figure of Gotenx suddenly appeared behind the opponent and slammed it into the city below.

"You sneak attack scum!!"

The two fought again in the city area!!!

Facing the swooping Gotenx, Majin Buu opened his mouth and violently spat out a pink shockwave!!


In an instant, the entire city melted in an instant because of this terrifying energy!!

The pink qigong cannon was like a flame, baptizing Wu Tianx's whole body, and even his hair was a little fried.

"Damn!!" the grizzled Gotenx was a little angry, and even opened his mouth after learning the movements of Majin Buu.

"I'll !! this trick too"


In the next second, another golden beam cannon shot up from Wu Tianx's mouth.

Under the terrifying gaze of Majin Buu, it instantly covered his whole body!!

Flesh splattered and fell apart!!

The entire area was burned with golden flames, and all the buildings and things evaporated and disappeared!!

A few seconds later, Majin Buu recovered with great difficulty, and his face was almost difficult to see.

At the same time, the audience of other dimensions also fell silent, speechless in shock by the final battle.


Isn't this guy really a villain!!

Why have you been using the villain's attack method!!

In the course of the battle...

It seems that Gotenx is learning the Majin Buu way of fighting, taking all of his abilities for himself.

At this moment, whether it is the amount of qi or combat experience, Wu Tianx has begun to gradually surpass the demon Buu!!

The shadows of the fists that can't be seen clearly are superimposed, and one shock wave after another shakes the sky and the earth!!

"It's amazing!! Wu Tianx actually occupies the top!"

In the course of the fight between the two...

Maybe it's because Buu has experienced many serious injuries and his spirit is already a little weak, and he was beaten back by Wu Tianx!!


Gotenx kicked Majin Buu out with another kick...

When everyone saw the demon Buu at this time, they all showed incredible expressions.

Majin Buu was actually beaten in hand-to-hand combat, and his nose and face were swollen!!!

The gap in qi is too great!!

Combat experience has also increased!!

The current demon Buu has been crushed by Wu Tianx in all directions!!

The winner is decided!!!!

With his fists clenched, Wu Tianx condensed all the qi in his body and poured it all into this qigong wave.

At this moment, he is going to completely blow up the demon Buu to pieces, and he can't recover from it!!

"I'm going to beat you to pieces, and you'll be blown by the wind and you'll fly everywhere, Majin Buu!!"

"This time, you don't want to change back!!"


The light exploded, and the strong aura condensed in Wu Tianx's hand, and he was about to push out the powerful shock wave in an instant.

Majin Buu also showed a look of horror and despair, he felt an unprecedented threat of death.

Is the final battle finally coming to an end!?

But at this moment...

The golden aura of Wu Tianx has actually disappeared!!

In the silence of countless dimensional audiences, he once again turned into an ordinary brunette state.

When the time comes, Gotenx can no longer maintain the status of Super Saiyan.


Seeing this, Bick and Wu Tianx were dumbfounded, revealing dumbfounded expressions.

It's over!!

The earth is going to end!!

The time limit is up...

At this moment, in the Heavenly Dimension, countless viewers covered their faces helplessly.

It's no wonder that there is only one Majin Buu on the cover of the TOP6 shocking scenes.

It turned out that the earth was destroyed in this way!!!

Wu Tianx showed a look of panic and stunned, and then turned around and wanted to leave as if nothing had happened...

At this moment, the demon Buu suddenly stopped Wu Tianx: "Hey!!"

As Majin Buou's blue nose and swollen face gradually recovered, he also showed an evil look with a sinister smile.

The current Wu Tianx doesn't even have one percent of the original qi!!

The gap between them has also been stretched infinitely...

Hey, hey, hey, hey~~~

Faced with a crisis, Wu Tianx smirked with an embarrassed face, and Bick flying in the sky was also very at a loss!!

What to do!!

At this moment, no matter what means are used, it is useless!!

The only remaining qi can no longer support Super Three, which means that even the combined state is about to be lifted...

At the same time, they are watching the picture of the future, and the mood of the fighters of the Dragon Ball world is also very solemn.

Goku, Klin, Vic, Vegeta and the others all held their breath, revealing some nervous looks.

Could it be... Will the earth of the future really be destroyed at the hands of this guy Majin Buu!!!


Wu Tianx could only use the Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack again.

It's a pity that compared to the Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack released in the Super Three state, such a weak qi has completely caused any damage to Majin Buu.

Sure enough, Majin Buu blew away all the ghosts with just a strong blow!!

Fear and panic began to sweep in.

Wu Tianx has entered a state of helplessness!!


What's even more desperate is that the time for Wu Tianx's transformation has also arrived!!

After a while, Gotenx re-integrated into Trunks and Goten, and both imps showed embarrassment and shame.

In this way, there is really no one to protect the earth!!

Watching this scene, viewers in other dimensions also experienced the desperation of Vic and others at this time.

All the Dragon Ball fighters are dead, and once Goten and Trunks die, no one will be able to defeat Majin Buu again!!

At this moment, Trunks said in a hurry: "He is so simple-minded, why don't we go to the candy store and buy candy and apologize to him!!"

"yes, he might just forgive us!"

"That's right, so we can buy time for the next fusion!!"

However, the two quickly figured it out.

All the earthlings have been killed by Majin Buu, and it is impossible for anyone to make candy anymore!!

Luckily, Majin Buu also seems to have lost interest in Trunks and Goten.

The two fellows were too weak to do any harm to themselves, so he simply sat down on the stone and fell asleep.




Suddenly, Vic seemed to sense something and looked up in disbelief.

"Who !!?"

"Who the hell is this breath, is it Goku!??

"Looks like someone is here!!"

Trunks also felt a hint of strangeness.

The earthlings are obviously dead!!

Who the hell would come to the battlefield of Majin Buu at such an extremely strange speed!!

"It's so strong!!"

"This breath is too strong!!"

"Could it be that it is a new enemy!?

Just when Vic was horrified... In an instant, Majin Buu also raised his head sharply and looked at the air with a hideous expression!

I saw that the figure in the orange combat uniform crossed most of the world almost in an instant, approaching everyone at an extremely strange speed!!

The wind and clouds were roaring and surging, and the strength that came to the face shocked the audience!!

"Is it Goku!!"

"No, it's my brother!!" finally saw the figure of the comer, and Wutian said with a look of surprise.

"Gohan !!"

"Isn't Gohan actually dead!!"

In the blink of an eye, the figures are staggered.

The young man with black thorny hair, dressed in orange, with an indifferent expression, crossed the trio without warning, and landed in front of Majin Buu lightly.



"Great!! my Gohan didn't die!!"

"Gohan in the future has grown so big, it looks like many years have really passed!!"

"And, it seems to have become more reliable..."

Seeing this scene, Kiki cried with joy, and Gohan was also relieved.

When Gohan appeared in Vegeta's memories of Saru, he left a deep impression on everyone!!

After a few years, this Gohan may be much stronger than Goku and Vegeta!!

Gohan, who has experienced hardships since childhood, is not the same as Gotenx's hilarious fighting style...

However, hasn't he already been killed by Majin Buu?

It turned out to be Gohan!!!!

At the same time, the Heavenly Dimension fell into surprise and joy.

As a handsome boy who appeared in the previous memories and eliminated Saru through a shocking 30-minute shock.

Gohan's popularity can be said to be several times higher than that of both Son Goku and Vegeta!!

Not to mention the super three Gotenx, who is young and crazy and tricky, whether it is a sense of oppression or a domineering determination, he is far inferior to Gohan!!

This is the first time Gohan has made an official appearance in a video!!!

Right now, in this moment!!

At the moment when Gohan once again steps into the return of the earth, it is as if all the fear and stress have vanished...

Facing the puzzled crowd, Gohan opened his mouth to explain:

"Actually, I was rescued by the Realm King God before, and I have been staying in the Realm King God Star to cultivate. "

"The !! of the Realm King"

Hearing this, the Eastern Realm King God, who was also watching the video, showed a strange expression.

In the future, he will bring outsiders to the Realm King God Star to cultivate, is it possible, is Gohan's talent really so great that everyone can hardly imagine!!


Bick in the picture looks incredulous, and he is even a little afraid to talk to Gohan.

Because, the killing intent visible to the naked eye is about to explode!!!

It's so fierce.,Is this really that somewhat childish Gohan...?

"Is this Gohan's anger, it seems to be completely different from before!!and... His childishness is completely gone!!"

"What the hell is going on during this time!!"

At the same time, under the gaze of all the audience with bated breath, Gohan walked towards Majin Buu step by step.

The pace is very light, but it weighs a thousand pounds!!!

Every step seemed to carry the weight that could crush the earth, and it deeply shocked everyone's hearts...

At this moment, Gohan carried the weight of the entire universe and came in front of Majin Buu!!!

Even, it was pasted directly in front of Majin Buu's face!!

Both of them are about to touch a piece!!

That's it......

Majin Buu and Gohan maintained a confrontational posture while showing a confident and proud smile.

Majin Buu smiled slowly, "Do you want to fight me?"

This guy, can't you feel how terrifying your breath is...?

He didn't have the kind of strong aura of the Super Three Enlightenment Tianx.

It can even be said that he is completely mortal!!!

Such a guy, also dare to fight with himself?



Facing the terrifying Majin Buu, Gohan just smiled faintly, as if his mind was stuck in a long memory.

When I was a child, when I played with my father, I was innocent and happy.

But when his father died, he seemed to have lost his backer, and he could only be left alone by Uncle Vic to the distant mountains to temper himself...

Gohan, who was already desperate at that time, met a robot companion, a group of familiar children's friends, and also met a dinosaur.

Not long after, since he started his formal cultivation, he had to be beaten by Uncle Vic every day with a blue nose and swollen face...

Although it was very hard at that time, he was also getting stronger little by little...

Later, in the battle with Vegeta, it was he who turned into an ape and crushed Vegeta!

In the battle with Shalu, he was the first to break through the critical point of the Super Saiyan and finally defeated Sharu!

At this moment, Gohan recalls the scene when he was almost killed by the demon Buu, and the days when he cultivated in the Realm King God...

The reason why he will return to Earth again is because...

It must not be allowed...

Someone tramples on their planet and family!!

Looking at the demon Buu who was close at hand, the corners of the black-haired Gohan's mouth slowly turned up, revealing a smile with murderous intent.

"Majin Buu, you're wrong..."

"It's not a fight..."

"Because, I'm going to kill you directly!!"



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