In the world of Ling Cage, the little Lolita Xia Dou was in a state of panic. Like Logic, she couldn't believe what she saw. Is there a warehouse full of weapons like that? It was too exaggerated.

It was like an ordinary person seeing a warehouse full of missiles. They were all shocked.

Bai Yuekui, Shan Da and others were also stunned.

"Damn, this is too extravagant, isn't it? But even if we were given this kind of weapon, we wouldn't be able to use it."said Fatty Shanda

"It would be great if we had a two-dimensional foil with a very small range, and one that wouldn't expand infinitely. That way it would be very easy for us to destroy the Extreme Beast."Xu Tong was also envious.

With so many weapons, they looked so confident. They would not hesitate in a fight.

It was a pity that they were cosmic-level, and the Ling Cage ground team could not use them at all. If they used them, they and the solar system would be destroyed.

For Bai Yuekui and others, they were not so desperate.

And Mark's hunter team on the lighthouse did not have such an idea either.

The weapon was too terrible, and they dared not use it even if they were given it.

It was a time bomb in their hands.

If the encapsulation force field began to dissipate one day, they would probably be scared to death.

Because once it is opened, the entire solar system will be over.

It is impossible to stop it.

It's terrible.

The gap in strength was reflected at once.

For the people in the Ling Cage world, it is an extremely powerful destructive weapon.

For the creatures of the Singer civilization, it is a very ordinary thing.

As long as you ask, you can get it without any tedious process.

On Beerus Planet.

The God of Destruction Beerus also showed a surprised expression:"Roar, there are so many? No wonder that universe is so crazy. So many two-dimensional foils are enough to destroy tens of thousands of galaxies, and the fall will never stop. What a group of war maniacs."

Beerus knew very well that the seventh universe he managed was far from being so terrifying.

There were not many powerful creatures.

Later, when the Power Conference wanted to find ten warriors, they basically had to be selected from the earth.

There were too few strong people on other planets.

That's why he felt this way.

If such a universe existed, it would seem good?

Then Beerus could sleep peacefully.

Otherwise, when he slept before, Frieza helped clean up the planet.


If there is the Dark Forest Law of the Three-Body World, then we only need to let the King of the Worlds work hard to create it.

Of course, this is just a thought.

Beerus would not dare to do this, because once he got out of control, the universe would be gone.

With Whis watching, he couldn't be so free.

In addition, if the Lord of the Omni was unhappy, Beerus would be destroyed together.

He didn't want to die.

Angel civilization.

Holy Kesha and Holy Hexi were both stunned.

Angel Leng, Angel Yan and other guarding angels were even more dumbfounded.

The shock in their hearts now cannot be described in words.

Originally, the angels had many Sky Blade battleships, and when they were lined up, it was shocking enough.

Full of momentum.

Coupled with the aerospace-class starships of other civilizations, once the war between angels and demons breaks out.

That would be at the galaxy level.

But such a foundation is nothing compared to a warehouse of two-dimensional foils.

Any one of these can destroy a galaxy.

The strength of the two is completely not in the same dimension.

It can be said that the pictures posted by the singer refreshed even Holy Kesha's three views.

She originally thought that the king-level civilization was the top of the universe.

Even the void studied by Carl, Kesha was not so afraid.

But now Kesha knows that compared with the real cosmic-level great civilization, the angels are......It's just a bug.

No matter how proud you are, you can't be proud at this moment.

In the face of absolute strength, it's stupid to still be arrogant!!

Angel Leng deeply realized the gap in strength between himself and the Singer Civilization.

What's more terrifying is that the Singer Civilization...It is not the strongest civilization in that universe.

There are also god-level civilizations such as Zero Returners and Returners.

They can destroy the universe.

And they use methods that angels cannot imagine.

Dimensionality reduction attack!!

Light speed engine!

One is to permanently reduce the dimension of the universe, and the other is to permanently change the cosmic constant.

You know, everyone thinks that the speed of light in the universe is 300,000 kilometers per second.

But once the low-speed black domain covers the entire universe.

This constant is likely to be changed.

Suppose it becomes 150,000 kilometers per second, then all mathematical laws and physical laws will be directly overturned.

The experimental results of countless scientists will become completely different.

What kind of technology will be born at that time is something that Kaisha can't imagine.

That kind of universe, even with a supercomputer, has no possibility of being calculated.

On Earth, Morgana was also staring blankly.

She knew very well that any two-dimensional foil in the warehouse could destroy the entire demon civilization.

"This is...A more powerful civilization? Morgana's eyes revealed a yearning.

In the anime, she sneered at Carl's void civilization.

Although she also believed that Carl was one era ahead of her, Morgana still retained the pride of an angel.

What void?

The devil is the strongest.

As long as the space-time gene is perfected, there is no need to fear the void.

But now, facing the powerful singer civilization, Morgana can no longer have this idea.

In the face of absolute power, is it possible to say that the devil is the strongest? Morgana is not so shameless.

At the same time, many ideas came to her mind.

The devil's technology...It's just the beginning.

Compared with the civilization technology in the videos I saw, it's simply childish.

Two-dimensional foil, four-dimensional fragments, light-speed spacecraft...

The demons had no grasp of these technologies.

Instead, they invested all their resources in time and space.

Morgana believed that time and space were the only true gods.

Now she knew very well that she was wrong.

Using the laws of the universe as weapons to launch a crazy dimensionality reduction attack on the enemy was the right thing to do.

That world...In terms of technology, they are far ahead of the demons.

Even if Morgana thinks about it, she can't imagine it. It's too crazy.

But now that she has seen it, Morgana will not miss it.

Dimensional weapons must be studied!

This may be the best way to defeat Holy Kesha.

Being thrown into the two-dimensional world, what can it do even if it is a fourth-generation divine body?

It is too easy for the three-dimensional to attack the two-dimensional.

Morgana can easily pierce Kesha's heart at that time.

It is even possible that Kesha who enters the two-dimensional world will perish directly.

There is no chance of aggregation.

Morgana smiled, she didn't expect that she would see such a world.

Her mind was opened up all of a sudden.

The whole person became extremely excited.

The destruction of the universe, dimensionality reduction attack...Great!

Morgana is also a scholar, she is very excited to see such technology.

Avengers Universe.

Iron Man Tony is silent.

Captain America is still confused

"Can someone explain to me what is going on? What is dimensionality reduction strike? What is low-light-speed black domain?"

As a poor student, Captain America now feels that he has a difficult time.

He also knows that the two-dimensional foil in that warehouse is very powerful, but there are many professional terms in it that Captain America can't understand at all.

But Stark didn't pay attention.

His mind is also opened now.

The whole person is brainstorming. He even wants to go back to the laboratory immediately.

After all, Iron Man can build a time machine, and his wisdom is not at the Earth level.

If he is given the technology in the universe, Iron Man can understand it.

Dr. Banner also has a solemn expression.

The other members of the Avengers know that there may be a big move.

I didn't expect that such a universe still exists. It's crazy.

And in the spaceship, Thanos was also lost in thought.

""Sir, we have never seen such technology before." Ebony Maw was shocked.

He was dumbfounded.

He had followed Thanos in battle for so many years and thought that Thanos was the strongest in the universe.

Thanos' army would dominate the entire universe.

Now that he saw the Singer, he realized that there were even more exaggerated civilizations in other universes.

If we attacked the Singer's civilization during the invasion, wouldn't that be a disaster?...

"Those guys seem to be two-dimensional life forms. If I reduce myself to two dimensions, won't I become weaker?" General Grim Reaper asked.

"They are different. One was transformed by himself, and the other was attacked by others to become two-dimensional. The strength of a life that transforms itself into a two-dimensional life will not be reduced, and it is not afraid of dimensionality reduction attacks. That is also a new technology. If the life that is photographed in the painting cannot adapt to the two-dimensional world, it will die directly."Thanos rarely spoke.

It can be seen that he was also shocked by the two-dimensional foil.

Before this, Thanos had never thought that there was such a weapon in the universe.

He didn't know that there was a civilization that could use the laws of the universe to make weapons. It was too exaggerated.

Even Thanos had to admit it.

While many civilizations were in shock, in the chat group.

The singer was also observing others.

It felt very strange. Where is this place?

Who are they?

Beerus, Holy Kesha, Tony Stark...

The singer had never seen such a name before. In fact, it also had a name.

But its name was exactly the same as that of the others in the race.

There was not much difference between the singer and them. They looked similar in appearance.

Only the thoughts were different.

But every time a new thought was detected by the elders, it would be directly eliminated.

Then the singer would have to start thinking again.

It knew that it might be eliminated, but it was enough to see such a picture now.

At the same time, the singer also wanted to clear it.

These creatures in the video were obviously not from the singer's civilization.

So they had to be cleared.

This was the singer's job.

In the future, it took a look at the earth from a distance and knew that it had to destroy the star-bombing creature, otherwise it would be attacked by the star-bombing creature in the future.

This was an unavoidable law.

Don't think that it doesn't matter if you just take a look and leave.

This is a big mistake.

Remember the great law of reversible exploration: if you can see a low-moisture world, that low-entropy world will sooner or later see you, it's just a matter of time.

So, it's dangerous to wait for others to do everything.

So the singer activated the main core and wanted to determine the goals of these people in the group.

By tracking various data, there is a chance to find it.

This is why the singer knows that if they see it once, they must be eliminated.

Because the singer itself has such technology.

If a civilization takes a look at the singer's civilization from a distance, even if it leaves immediately.

The singer can also locate it through the membrane in the universe.

Not to mention that communication has occurred now.

This is even more dangerous.

If the mother world is hit because of this, the singer will be the culprit.

However, to the singer's surprise, the main core has no way to locate the position of other people in the group.

No matter how many times the singer tries, it is useless.

This makes the singer tremble a little.

Because this may mean that he is going to be eliminated....

The singer didn't have many emotions, and didn't have any feelings about destroying civilization.

But if the destruction failed, it would be a trouble for the singer.

It was very conscientious.

So it immediately activated its big eyes.

This would alarm the elders, and the elders' consent was required.

Otherwise, it would be an act of exceeding authority.

"What are you doing? Big Eyes is very busy now."The elder still said the same thing.

Big Eyes is always busy.

But unlike the original book, in the Three-Body World, somewhere in the universe, the singer directly answered:"There is a strange civilization, and I can't track their coordinates." As soon as these words came out, the elder was stunned.

The elder, who was also familiar with the laws of the Dark Forest, immediately felt that something was wrong.

"I give you the authority of Big Eyes! Find it immediately and clean it up!"

The elders knew very well that if the singer was exposed, things would get very bad.

Even if the singer was eliminated now, there would still be traces left.

It is very easy for advanced civilizations to track information through the membrane of the universe.

Especially that civilization could not be located.

This is not good news.

According to the authority, the singer's matter directly became the most important.

Big Eyes has actually been observing the edge world.

Because there is a war going on there.

However, compared with the war on the front line, the cleanup in the rear is more important. At least for those civilizations on the front line, the singer is very clear about the strength of the opponent.

But those strange civilizations in the back...Who knows, they might surpass themselves through a technological explosion one day.

This is not common in the vast universe.

In fact, if the Three-Body World had not sent two intelligent particles to Earth, after they arrived on Earth for four hundred years, Earth's technology would surely far surpass that of the Three-Body World.

By then, it would be a waste of time to go there.

In the original world of the Three-Body World, technological progress was slow or even regressed.

But after leaving, it also experienced a technological explosion, so it was able to produce light-speed spacecraft.

The universe is very large, and no one can predict such things.

In the end, the Three-Body civilization experienced several more technological explosions and reached the level of being able to construct a small universe.

Therefore, the Singer civilization needs to eliminate all threats.

But something that made the elders' scalps numb soon happened.

The Singer activated the Big Eye, a very advanced computer that can travel billions of light years to search for traces of other civilizations.

But even the Big Eye can only send back data......It was blank!

Yes, I couldn't read anything at all. This was too weird.

Normally, as long as there was contact with other civilizations, even if it was just a glance, the big eyes would be able to read the data and give an analysis.

At least there would be some.

But now it was blank....

The singer's inner trembling became more and more intense.

When he reported the data to the elder, the elder was also confused.

"What on earth did you see! ?"The elder said angrily.

The singer was terrified, but it could not pass the chat group data of the All Heavens Forum to the elder.

It could not describe this magical thing.

The elder did not waste words and planned to read the singer's data directly.

At this time, the singer, like logic, also found the video in the upper right corner of the chat group.

It clicked it keenly.

This part of memory was added to its mind and was read by the elder.

The two were watching the video of the All Heavens Forum together.

When they saw that the God of Destruction Beerus sneezed and destroyed a planet.

The singer was stunned.

The elder was also stunned

"What is that?" the elder asked.

The singer answered directly:"I don't know"

"Finished."The elder said.

It had never seen such a creature.

Can it produce terrible energy without relying on any technology?

It's too strange.

The elder thought he understood the universe.

Now that he saw Beerus, he searched his memory and found that there was no record of this creature and technology.

How did it do it?

The elder began to doubt.

"You may have encountered some incomprehensible technology. This has happened before. Now I order you to continue exploring that world."The elder said.

It did not mean to eliminate the singer.

Just like logic facing two-dimensional foil.

The Bronze Age faced four-dimensional space.

When encountering this technology beyond imagination.

All avoidance is useless.

It is better to face it directly.

Maybe new technology can be discovered.

Once obtained, the singer civilization is likely to usher in a technological explosion again.

At that time, it will be easy to surpass the marginal world.

Even if it is crushed to death like a bug by a great god-level civilization, there is nothing you can do. When force majeure occurs, you have to accept it.

The singer was also a little surprised, but at the same time he was more curious.

Unexpectedly, the elder did not erase his memory this time.

So the singer turned his attention back to the chat group.

Looking at the extremely lively atmosphere in the group, the singer felt very novel.

There were also more emotions in his heart.

And the elder could not read the content of the chat at all.

But it can be read together Watch the video.

Because the content of the video is actually the function of the Zhutian Forum.

If the elder is willing to open the Zhutian Forum, he can watch the broadcast of this shocking scene like everyone else.

There is no need to go through the singer.

At that time, the elder's worldview will also be refreshed.

The joining of the singer has brought something different to the group.

Holy Kesha and others seemed very excited.

Like Tony, they asked many questions.

There were questions about two-dimensional foil, four-dimensional fragments and light speed engines.

The singer didn't know whether he should say too much.

But since the elder didn't clear his memory, and it was not easy to encounter such a thing.

Let's talk about it.

The singer has always been a humble cleaner, and no one has ever been willing to talk to it so much.

The atmosphere in the group suddenly became more interesting.

But there is only one person who is tragic.

That is logic.

He is trembling a little now.

Because this guy...He is the culprit who will destroy the solar system in the future.

And Logic dared not to speak out at all. He also thought that if he spoke out, he would most likely be located by the singer.

If he was known to be on Earth at that time, he would be doomed.

Now Logic dared not breathe, he knew that he might hold the fate of mankind in his hands.

However, as the singer talked more, Logic's fear decreased.

This guy doesn't seem to be a demon who kills people everywhere.

He is just doing his job.

His thinking is so simple that he is more like a robot.

At the same time, as he chatted with group friends, the singer seemed to be evolving.

"The pastoral age of the universe? That is also a myth to us. We have never seen it."

"Four-dimensional fragments? I have read relevant data, but the four-dimensional fragments of the universe should have almost disappeared. Big Eyes has records that those places are basically occupied by other civilizations. However, the four-dimensional fragments are connected, so it is very dangerous. If you enter them, you may see other civilizations billions of light years away, and then you will have to fight."

"What!? The Dark Forest Law does not exist? How is this possible? Now that you know the coordinates of the other party, won't you clean them up?"

The singer was very surprised.

In its mind, knowing the existence of the other party, it must be eliminated.

Otherwise, it will cause trouble for the singer civilization.

However, through Beerus' explanation, the singer learned that there were other universes.

This was unimaginable.

The singer was shocked.

The only disappointment to everyone was that the singer was indeed just a cleaner.

It didn't know anything about the technology of two-dimensional foil, the technology of light speed spacecraft, etc.

Its job was to sit in the spaceship and clean up other civilizations everywhere.

But there was nothing it could do.

However The singer is just a member of the group after all.

What Kai'Sa, Thanos and others care more about are the shocking scenes.

We have watched nine of them so far.

From the disdain at the beginning to the complete shock now.

Whether it is Kai'Sa, He Xi, or Uchiha Madara and others, they are all looking forward to it.

What is the last shocking scene?

From the collision of Whitebeard and Roger's domineering color, breaking the clouds, to Boros blowing up the surface, and Frieza destroying the planet.

The angel blew up the black hole, and Broly and Gogeta broke the space.

The dimensionality reduction attack of the singer civilization, the restart of the universe by the zeroer...

Yes, even the universe has been restarted, and this is only the ninth shocking scene....How terrifying is it?

The shock level is probably beyond description.

Even Beerus and Whis are looking forward to it.

They even feel a little nervous.

"Hey, Whis, what do you think will be the last shocking scene?"Beerus asked.

He has seen stronger existences, the destruction of the universe,...It's not the limit for him.

But Beerus is not sure.

And Frieza, Son Goku, Vegeta and others can't even imagine it now.

"The last famous scene won't be me, right? Roar, I, King Frieza, may become even stronger."

On Namek, Frieza showed an expectant look on his face.

Ever since he saw that he could transform into Golden Frieza, he has been looking forward to it.

Maybe there will be other forms later.

The same is true for Vegeta.

Super Blue form may not be the end.

There is no limit for Saiyans!!

Similarly, One Punch World.

Saitama, Boros, and all the heroes are also looking forward to it.

Uchiha Madara, Whitebeard, Naruto, Sasuke...

They all wanted to see it.

What was the extent of the last shocking scene?

But at this moment, in the chat group, Vegeta suddenly tagged Frieza.

He said:"@Frieza, hahaha, Frieza, you are finished!! You are dead!!!"

On Namek, Frieza, who was looking forward to the last shocking scene, was confused.

What's going on? Is Vegeta crazy?

Then, Vegeta tagged his two props.

@Super Saiyan God Experience Card, @Super Saiyan Blue Experience Card.

Frieza saw this and his heart stopped

"I'm so fucking...Do you dare to go a little further! ?"

Frieza's mentality collapsed.

Why did this guy's rewards come out so quickly?

And he is now heading to Namek?

If I don't run now, will I be beaten to death?

Frieza's mood became extremely bad!

(Second update! Please collect, please give flowers, please give ten points, please give monthly votes! Muah! The results are very poor! Please subscribe to support! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!)

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