At the speed of the express shrimp, the Wind Riding quickly passed through the huge passage formed by the clouds.

At the end of the road, a line of words was engraved on the wall of the passage.

“God’s Kingdom!?”

Robin looked at the words and was very surprised.

The next moment, the express shrimp lifted the Wind Riding through the end of the passage, and then the express shrimp disappeared in the clouds.


With the remaining inertia, the Wind Riding glided in the air for a while, and then landed lightly on a cloud.

The ground paved with clouds and the various buildings hidden in the clouds are indeed as dreamy and beautiful as the heaven where God lives.

“It’s the real [Sky Island], we’re here!”

Nami looked at the surrounding scenery and said in amazement.

“This place is really strange, you can even stand on the clouds!”

Weiwei stepped on the soft clouds with a comfortable expression on her face.

“This kind of place is really full of adventure!”

Robin looked at the dreamy scene around him and couldn’t help but sigh.

She had been hiding in the dark world for many years, but she had never thought that there would be a day when she would have adventures with her friends.

It felt unexpectedly good, and Robin smiled unconsciously.

“Let’s go and take a look at the town over there.”

Loveen looked at the building in the cloud and took the lead.

“Okay, Captain!”

The girls responded loudly and followed Loveen.

Soon, they came to the cloud town they saw on the ship, Lovely Street.

The architectural style here is dreamy, like a castle in a fairy tale, and there are large white clouds surrounding the building.

All the pedestrians on the street have a pair of wings and say “Hasso” to each other, but when these people see Loven and others, they will subconsciously avoid them.

“It’s really a beautiful town, but why do I feel that the people around me are weird?”

Nami touched her chin and felt something was wrong.

“No, maybe they just don’t welcome strangers?”

Dashiki said uncertainly, she felt that the people around them were deliberately avoiding them.

“No, they are too unfamiliar. They are not afraid of strangers, but they feel like they are hiding from disaster.”

Weiwei’s expression was solemn, and she felt that the matter was not simple.

“Moreover, they looked at us with pity, as if they were looking at dead people.”

Robin felt something was wrong. Years of experience in the dark world told her that trouble was coming.

Perhaps, it was the monitor of the Gate of Heaven who did something she didn’t know.

“Don’t think too much, just ask someone.”

Lowen said calmly, he already understood.

The reason why these Sky Island people were afraid was nothing more than that they had been targeted by Enelu, and they were afraid that danger would come soon.

Lowen stretched out his hand to stop a beautiful blonde woman. It was not because he was attracted by her beauty, but because he was familiar with this person. It was Conis who met Luffy in the original work.

The other Sky Island people suddenly became nervous and looked at Lowen and his friends.

“Hello, can you tell me why you are so afraid of us?”

Lowen smiled and said gently to Conis.

“You are already first-level criminals in the Kingdom of God. The omniscient and omnipotent God Enel will impose sanctions on you. We are just afraid of being implicated.”

Conis saw that there was no way to avoid it, so she could only say timidly.

Looking at the face of Loven, she sighed in her heart. It was a pity that such a handsome brother was going to die under the punishment of God.

“The omniscient and omnipotent God is going to impose divine sanctions on us?”

Nami’s eyes widened, and she felt like the sky was falling.

This high-sounding title sounds quite dangerous. Is she going to die? !

Vivi, Robin, and Tashigi also frowned. This god sounded more terrible than Crocodile. I’m afraid he is an extremely difficult opponent.

“No one can survive under the punishment of God. You should find a place with better scenery and enjoy the last time.”

Conis looked at Loven and the others and gave sincere advice.

She had never seen anyone survive the punishment of God. The lives of these people were already in the countdown.

“It’s too late. The so-called divine punishment has arrived.”

Luo Wen looked up at the sky and said calmly.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color. The originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and blue and white arcs flowed in the air.

It seemed that the air became heavy, and everyone’s heart seemed to be pressed by a huge rock, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

“What’s going on? This time the sanctions are much stronger than before, and it’s completely suffocating!”

The residents of Sky Island were panicked, looking at the thunderclouds surging in the sky with great fear.

The scale of this divine punishment was greater than any previous one, and it was almostThe whole town was destroyed.

“God is angry! We are all going to die!”

The residents of Sky Island shouted in despair, but there was a hint of relief in their voices.

They were worried about Enel’s high-pressure rule. As long as Enel was dissatisfied, they would worry about their lives.

Since Enel became the new god, they have been separated from their originally happy and peaceful life and fell into an endless and high-pressure hell.

Now that they are about to face death, the residents of Sky Island are also relieved in their fear.

“In fact, you can still live.”

Lowen sighed and raised the giant sword in his hand.

He didn’t have the bad habit of involving other people’s lives. Of course, he had to deal with the opponents he chose himself.

“Do you want to fight against God’s anger? That’s impossible!”

The residents of Sky Island looked at Lowen as if he was a madman, and shouted self-deprecatingly.

Vivi, Nami, Robin, and Tashigi were relatively calm. They believed that Lowen would definitely be able to do it.

“Maybe, he can really do it?”

Conis muttered to herself as she looked at Lowen.

This man was so confident, and his companions believed in him so much, maybe it was really possible.

The next moment, a blue-white lightning column like a waterfall fell from the sky, covering the area around Lowen with a breath of destruction.

Under the dazzling blue-white lightning, the residents of Sky Island watched Lowen swing his sword in vain, waiting for death to come.

“One sword cuts in two!”

Lowen shouted softly, and the giant sword in his hand drew a huge slash, covered with dark armed color domineering, facing the thunder in the sky head-on.

The next moment, the sword energy destroyed the lightning column, and even the dark clouds in the sky were broken together.

The residents of Sky Island were stunned for a moment, and it took them a long time to come back to their senses.

“We survived!?”

The residents of Sky Island looked around in disbelief, shouting in surprise and joy.

The previously dancing lightning snakes were gone, and the sky was clear again, as if nothing had happened.

Only the powerful swordsman who slashed the thunder in their memory made them know that all this was not a dream.

The strongest divine punishment from God was slashed by the man from Qinghai with one sword!

Everyone looked at Luo Wen in awe. This man was no different from God!

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