“After a few days, the strongest bounty hunter in the East China Sea strikes again!”

“Eliminate the Dragon Pirates and liberate the Lomeda Islands!”

Another explosive news appeared in the newspapers of the East China Sea.

“It’s only been a few days, and he has killed the Dragon Pirates again?!”

The few pirates left in the East China Sea couldn’t believe it at all.

Klick was killed just a few days ago, and the Dragon Pirates were also destroyed.

This is the Dragon Pirates, a powerful force returning from the Grand Line.

Compared with the local overlord of the East China Sea, the Klick Pirates, the Dragon Pirates are much stronger.

In less than a week, the top two of the East China Sea Pirates were eliminated by Lowen.

They really want to ask Lowen, you don’t need to rest, are we pirates so worthy of your killing?

The remaining pirates in the East China Sea are in danger, and they dare not loot openly anymore.

For a while, the entire East China Sea was quiet.

For several days, there were no incidents of pirate looting.

“What, the Dragon Pirates were destroyed?”

The villages that had been plundered by the Dragon Pirates were shocked.

The Dragon Pirates’ headquarters is located in Cocoa West Village, and their activities are not limited to this area.

From time to time, they go out to sea and destroy all the surrounding villages.

Hundreds of villages have suffered from their murderous hands, and tens of thousands of villagers hate them to the core.

It can be said that the Dragon Pirates are notorious throughout the East China Sea.

“Is it true? Or is it Lord Luo Wen who took action!”

Countless villagers were shocked again.

They had known that Luo Wen was capable, but they didn’t expect him to be so capable.

It’s only been a few days, and the two major bullies in the East China Sea have been eliminated one after another. This efficiency is too high.

“Lord Luo Wen is here, and Qingtian is here!”

“Lord Luo Wen is here, and the pirates are gone!”

“Lord Luo Wen is here, and we have hope!”

Countless villagers cried with joy, and they shouted Luo Wen’s name.

Half a year ago, in the days without Lo Wen, they were deeply tortured by pirates.

Lo Wen has only been here for half a year, and the number of pirates has decreased day by day, and their lives have become better day by day.

Now the Click Pirates and the Dragon Pirates have been destroyed one after another, and there are no more pirates in the East China Sea.

The entire East China Sea has truly become the weakest sea, and now pirates with bounties of more than three million are rare.

East China Sea Governor’s Office.

Brigadier General Karen also learned the news, but he was not so happy, and there was another big thing that bothered him.

“Colonel Mouse of the 16th branch has been missing for a few days, and there is still no clue?”

Karen asked his two subordinates worriedly.

Colonel Mouse is the highest officer of the 16th branch, and his disappearance is a big deal for the entire East China Sea Navy.

“There are some clues, but…”

The subordinate looked at Karen carefully, hesitating.

“It’s time, and you are still hesitating, say it!”

Karen slammed the table and got angry.

“We got the information that Colonel Mouse went to Cocoa West Village and never came back.”

“You mean, he was killed by the Dragon Pirates?”

Karen’s tone was a little more relaxed. The Dragon Pirates had been destroyed, so there was no need to make a big fuss.

“It’s unlikely. Colonel Mouse has a long-term financial relationship with the Dragon Pirates.”

The subordinate’s forehead was sweating, and he handed over a stack of information carefully.


“This is impossible!”

“How could he, a dignified navy colonel, have a connection with pirates?”

Karen subconsciously didn’t believe it, but when he looked at the information, he was dumbfounded.

The content of the information was shocking.

Colonel Mouse not only had a close relationship with the Dragon Pirates, but also had connections with many pirates in the jurisdiction.



Bang! Boom!

Karen was furious, like an angry lion.

He pounded the table three times, each one heavier than the last.

The third fist fell, and the whole table was overwhelmed and shattered into pieces.

“The day he went to the Arlong Pirates, Lo Wen was there!”

The two subordinates reported with gritted teeth. They knew how much Karen valued Lo Wen.

Karen, who was originally furious, seemed to have been paused and suddenly became silent.

He subconsciously wanted to deny it.

Lo Wen is a bounty hunter, how could he kill a navy colonel? Isn’t he afraid of being an enemy of the navy?

But if you think about it carefully, Lo Wen is indeed the biggest suspect.

Lo Wen debuted in the East China Sea for half a year and killed hundreds of pirate groups.

Among them, there are thousands of people with bounties, and I don’t know how many people without bounties have been killed.

Would such a killer really be afraid of the navy?

The Arlong Pirates have a close relationship with the Sea Knight Jinpei, who is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

They also have to give face to the navy and did not wipe out the Arlong Pirates.

But Lo Wen didn’t care, and killed them as soon as they said they would, and wiped out the Dragon Pirates.

Thinking about it this way, it was a piece of cake for Lowen to kill the scum of the navy, Colonel Mouse.

“Lord Karen, are we going to issue a bounty?”

The two subordinates were a little nervous.

The navy colonel, even if he was a corrupt element, must be executed internally.

Being killed by outsiders is the bottom line that the navy must never violate.

But honestly, they don’t want to be enemies with Lowen.

He is the hero of the entire East China Sea. If they put a bounty on him, the entire East China Sea will explode.

On the other hand, Lowen’s strength is too strong.

Even if the entire East China Sea navy comes together, they may not be his opponent.

“What kind of bounty is this? Is this what a human being does?”

The always elegant Karen couldn’t help but swear.

Karen was 100% sure that once the bounty was issued, Lowen would never mind working part-time as a navy hunter.

He knew the terrifying potential of Lowen. Now he has the strength to repair himself as an admiral, and he is definitely qualified to be an admiral.

If he is an enemy of the navy, he might even be able to show his domineering color and create a five-emperor structure in the new world.

Thinking of this, Brigadier General Karen shuddered.

If Lowen, who used to kill pirates like chickens, changes to killing the navy like chickens, then everything is over.

The reason for the change is just because he killed a scumbag.

The overwhelming public opinion will cause a devastating blow to the prestige of the navy.

“Lowen did not kill Colonel Mouse!”

“Colonel Mouse was killed by the Dragon Pirates!”

“Lowen is still a hero!”

Karen did not hesitate to clear Lowen of everything, so that he would not do stupid things.

The two subordinates were already confused, how could this happen?

“What are you two doing? Spread the word!”

Karen must define the matter as soon as possible, and no one can find fault with Lowen.

“Yes, yes, we’ll go right away!”

The two subordinates agreed immediately.

“Do you know where Luo Wen is going?”

Just as they were about to leave, they were stopped by Karen.

“He went to the direction of Rogue Town, probably to exchange the bounty.”

The two subordinates actually knew about this.

“Okay, I’ll go and recruit him in person to dispel his doubts!”

Karen waved his hand to let the two subordinates leave. He had to think carefully about how to communicate with Luo Wen.

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