Chapter 92

The change in Lin Ci's facial expression was witnessed by countless people.

And this evidence No. 4... became the most concerned thing for people at the moment.

What on earth is it?

What on earth can make someone like Lin Ci change color?

The barrage in the live broadcast room almost completely covered the screen!

The excitement in people's hearts is indescribable!

"Lin Ci was finished! He didn't expect the solver to have such a method!"

"The cosplayer's winning streak is coming to an end? That's it? Doesn't Lin Ci have any other preparations?"

"What exactly is this evidence? Stop keeping us in suspense! Show the evidence quickly!"

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also in the audience, they were amazed at the preparations of the solvers.

People were talking and looking forward to it in amazement...

But Jiang Yin, who was sitting in the defense seat, seemed out of tune with people's amazement.

She was indeed a relatively indifferent person...

But it seemed a bit abnormal that she could remain calm at a time like this.

Jiang Yin's eyes were slightly fixed, and she was looking at Lin Ci.

And suddenly Lin Ci's eyes also looked over.

The question in his eyes was about to come out.

Jiang Yin shook her head unnoticed, and her eyes crossed with Lin Ci's.

At this moment, there seemed to be a different look in the depths of Jiang Yin's eyes.

Guan Hongshan watched all this with cold eyes, saw Lin Ci's surprise, saw Jiang Yin's slight shake of her head...

And at this moment, Guan Hongshan's mouth was slightly smiling.

"It seems that this time we are finally ahead!"

"Lin Ci, you have no way to retreat!"

The discussion in the room seemed to go on for a long time.

Until the judge's gavel sounded.





The presiding judge's voice did not quiet the court in time this time.

But the presiding judge did not care about this. He looked in the direction of the judge and said,"Play evidence number four!"

The judge nodded and operated it quickly.

Then, the picture appeared on the projector.

The originally noisy court suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stared at the shaking picture.

After shaking continuously, the picture stabilized a little... and at the moment when the picture stabilized, a cry of surprise was heard in the audience!

"What is going on! ?"

"This parking lot……"

"It’s the parking lot where Chen Weiwei murdered someone!"

People felt their heartbeats speeding up.

Because they knew that what they were looking at was most likely the truth of the ninth issue!

"Was it filmed at the same location?"

"Was there a third witness to this case?"

People stared at the situation in the picture with wide eyes.

In the picture, a man appeared.

"Is it...Lin Ci?"

"It was actually him! ?"

"Lin Ci was actually there at the time! ?"

In the picture, the man was cursing!

"How dare you scold me! ?"


"I really gave you face!"

The woman who was sitting in the corner seemed to have lost the strength to resist.

But the man was still furious.

That kind of manic feeling was still frightening even through the screen...

Then, a scene that made Jiang Yin's eyes change suddenly appeared on the screen.

Lin Ci grabbed the woman's head with both hands and slammed it against the wall.


A heavy muffled sound. Several gasps of air were heard in the court!

Then the short video of more than ten seconds came to an abrupt end...

As the video stopped, the court became strangely quiet.

People finally saw the truth!

And this truth shocked countless people!

The real murderer... the one who grabbed Liu Yan's hair and knocked her against the nail... turned out to be Lin Ci!?

People held their breath and looked at Lin Ci standing in the witness stand.

At this time, Lin Ci's face was ashen and his brows were tightly knitted.

In the live broadcast room, people suddenly realized that this might be the final battle of the ninth episode.

"So that's it! If Lin Ci was the real murderer, he didn't need to prepare anything!"

"If Lin Ci is not found to be the real murderer, then when the time is up, Lin Ci will still be the winner!"

"But he was discovered in the end. The appearance of this video made it impossible for Lin Ci to turn the tables!"

"Lin Ci is bound to lose!"

"We only need to wait until the third final trial to confirm Lin Ci’s failure. This time, it will be a victory for the case solver!"

"Oh my god, there is such a layout... If it weren't for this video, I would never have thought that Lin Ci actually used his own daughter to take the blame!"

Countless comments flashed across the live screen.

People only felt that their common sense was being challenged by the scene happening in front of them.

Their heartbeats accelerated and their breathing stagnated.

This was simply too powerful a layout!

In this instant, they seemed to feel that they were back in the previous episodes.

The solvers produced decisive evidence and instantly turned the situation around!

Confirmed victory!

Qin Ming's eyes were almost shining.

The evidence that turned the solvers' decline was the video file that Guan Hongshan received this morning!

At this time, Qin Ming looked at Lin Ci, looked at the disbelief on his face at this time, and finally broke the silence in the field.

"Lin Ci……"

"What else do you have to say?"

"On January 6, you were not at home at all. You were at the crime scene! You are the real murderer of Liu Yan!"

Lin Ci opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But he just opened his mouth.

Qin Ming's voice continued:"Of course you have nothing to say."

""Ironclad evidence!"

The chief judge's voice came at the right time:"Defense attorney, do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Yin looked at Lin Ci in silence, then shook her head in silence.

Facing such a scene, facing such ironclad evidence... even if she was Jiang Yin, she was still helpless.

People did not react to Jiang Yin's shaking head this time.

After all... who could have thought that the truth would be like this!?

"No! That's not the case!"

Chen Weiwei's voice suddenly appeared, interrupting the silence in the court!

""Dad! How could you be the murderer!?"

Her voice was hoarse and painful!

Such a voice echoed throughout the court, and everyone who heard it was moved!

Being used by your own father, such a fact would be unbearable for anyone, right?

People's eyes were a little depressed.

However, after Chen Weiwei's voice echoed down...

Lin Ci's voice also came out.

His livid face seemed to become a little relieved at this time.

Lin Ci looked at Chen Weiwei.

He said in a tired voice:


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