Planet Builder

Chapter 75 Simulated Zerg Battlefield

The few who followed Qin Peng were also generals of the Xuanwu Army.

He Xingzhou didn't know all of them, but they all knew He Xingzhou.

Comrade He Xingzhou, on behalf of the Xuanwu Army, I welcome you! Qin Peng said enthusiastically after the two sides saluted.

Thank you, I should have come earlier! He Xingzhou shook hands with everyone and smiled.

The time is just right! Qin Peng said, A month earlier, our main structure had not been completed yet. Right now, only one-tenth of the project has been completed!

The Xuanwu military base is to be built into a base that can accommodate 100 million people. It is necessary to hollow out several of the mountains alone. In addition, it also has an underground city with a huge space.

With such a huge amount of work, even if the engineering team works 24 hours a day, it will take ten years!

Come on, I'll show you around first! Qin Peng was very happy about He Xingzhou's arrival, especially hearing that He Xingzhou brought them new technologies this time.

The Xuanwu military base has achieved full-area magnetic road coverage. The engineering vehicles operating here are all manufactured electromagnetic floating vehicles. Stones hollowed out in the mountains and underground spaces are continuously transported out by automated electromagnetic transport vehicles, and construction materials are also used. in input.

Lu Ping, the engineer in charge of this project, said: Because of the use of electromagnetic floating vehicles and radio networks, our operation efficiency has been improved by two or three times!

Otherwise, this project may not be completed in twenty years!

Inside the mountain, there is always the roar of the machine, surrounded by sound-absorbing materials and dust-proof nets to prevent noise and dust pollution.

He Xingzhou looked around and saw that a huge space had been formed inside the green mountain. Thousands of large pillars made of special steel and concrete supported the mountain space, and the walls of the cave were all reinforced to prevent it from collapsing. .

A large number of engineering troops and engineering equipment are working, creating various places!

In this huge space, even skyscrapers can be built!

These skyscrapers are integrated with the mountain, they are also the pillars of the mountain!

The floating maglev vehicles and flying drones, as well as the round-trip armored vehicles and fighter jets make this place very surreal!

It seems that this place does not belong to the Blue Star civilization of this era, but a future city!

It's so grand! He Xingzhou also felt the grandeur of the place while watching the flowers.

He believes that when the Xuanwu military base is completed, it will definitely become a spectacle in the history of human architecture in the world!

This is only the part of the mountain. The construction of the underground city has not started this year, and it is still digging holes and consolidating the foundation! Lu Ping introduced proudly.

After visiting for more than an hour in a construction vehicle, Qin Peng couldn't wait any longer and said, Didn't you bring new technology? Hurry up and show your hands!

He Xingzhou said: This time I brought an intelligent program, an AI instructor. It is proficient in all military knowledge, including soldier training, use of weapons and equipment, maintenance, battles, and more.

It is an almighty computer instructor. As long as it is used, all soldiers can grow into an elite in the shortest time!

I describe it in the simplest language, that is, I made a special plug-in for soldiers. As long as everyone uses my plug, everyone is a special soldier!

So powerful? Then I'm even more curious! said a middle-aged general. His name was Lei Yuanfeng. He was one of the generals of the Xuanwu Army.

Can this AI instructor compare to our real instructor? Another general surnamed Zhou asked, I have been an instructor, and this instructor is not a rigid way of making trainers memorize knowledge, but to Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, everyone has different abilities, talents and potentials, and it is not easy to cultivate well.”

General Zhou, you've got the point! Xu Zhilan explained, Our AI instructor's greatest ability is to teach students according to their aptitude!

It can provide the most comprehensive analysis of a person, and then give corresponding advice and help.

Just talking is not enough, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out and run! Qin Peng said, I have prepared the experimental site for you!

He instructed his subordinates: Go, let's go to simulate the Zerg battle field!

Simulation of the Zerg battle field? I just want to go and see it! He Xingzhou was interested.

The so-called simulating Zerg as a battlefield is an area specially opened up in this military base.

This area is very large, and there are several mountains! After artificial transformation, dozens of terrains and environments are included.

This is also an area where the Xuanwu military base was first built, which is used as a practical training base for simulating the battle against the Zerg.

When He Xingzhou came here, he found that not only was the surrounding area surrounded by power grids, but even the sky was covered with a huge steel structure glass cover that could be opened and closed.

Lu Ping introduced: The area that simulates the Zerg battle field is completely closed, not only the outside and the sky, but also the ground has a protective layer to prevent our test objects from escaping!

All spaces in the base have monitoring equipment and sensors, and have precision-guided weapons. Once any accident occurs, we will clear it as soon as possible!

Lei Yuanfeng also introduced: What we use for training is the real Zerg. They are all Zerg cultivated by your Sentinel Tower and the team of Chief Song Jinghong!

With that said, he ordered: Let the cage out!

Yes, sir! Immediately, there were soldiers operating, and several lifting platforms were born in the open space in front of them.

The biological cultivation tanks that originally existed in the ground are gradually rising. They are made of special bulletproof and explosion-proof tempered glass, which is completely transparent and contains blue-green biological culture liquid.

And the biological culture solution is soaked in so-called Zerg. They have different shapes, some of them are ugly in appearance, and their faces are ferocious. Even in their deep sleep, their whole body reveals a tyrannical and bloodthirsty aura.

Some looks are seen with human aesthetics, and they are quite honest or cute, but no one dares to underestimate them!

Lei Yuanfeng said: These guys have sleeping and sedative medicines in their culture fluids to calm them down. Otherwise, they can even destroy these specially made containers! A mutant creature that was sent earlier destroyed the petri dish. Escaped and painted it, and in the end we had to wipe it out completely.

He said it lightly, but He Xingzhou and others could guess that the situation at that time must be very difficult!

Yeah, this is not a good thing. Every Zerg can easily defeat our special operations elite. There are no armored vehicles or other military weapons. Our soldiers are not their opponents! Qin Peng said with emotion.

I don't agree with one point. As soon as He Xingzhou opened his mouth, everyone looked at him suspiciously.

This is not a Zerg! He Xingzhou's words shocked several generals again. I read the recent research report, and they haven't even evolved to their infancy. Now it can only be said that the Zerg gene is partially manifested.

Thanks for the sad you, 20~97, the brick under the throne, the chariot of the dead, the fire He Jingdao, the Lu Shuyou from Qingshi Tea House, the God-killer Xiaotao, I used to love that starry sky and that she, rely on What a reward.

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