Planet Builder

Chapter 48 Industrial crisis?

Can the Zerg biochip be cracked? Qin Peng asked.

There is currently no way, our research equipment can't keep up, and we can't accurately detect genetic information. Song Jinghong said, I contacted many foreign biological research institutes and companies, and they all said they couldn't help, and related equipment was strictly prohibited. sell.

We have to rely on our own research. Kong Qing said, I have asked the team to go to public relations related technologies.

Qin Peng also said: At present, we have established a special 'Xuanwu troop' in the army, which is specially used to deal with the Zerg. Now the Zerg information is urgently needed, so that we can prepare for the relevant war.

Song Jinghong said: We will share the news in time.

He Xingzhou also replied: Once there is a breakthrough in Zerg research, our team will report it immediately.


The success of the electromagnetic float vehicle road test is still fermenting, and the domestic media is naturally celebrating it, and related companies are also actively seeking cooperation.

In a few days, He Xingzhou's team has received more than 5,000 inquiries from companies! Many of them are from abroad, and they are also the giants of the world's top 500 companies!

For them, the team always uses pretexts, only cooperates with domestic companies, and has to go through strict audits.

Maple Leaf Country, Magna International Group, the world's third largest automotive supplier.

After the road test of He Xingzhou's electromagnetic floating vehicle, President Rhodes was urgently recalled to China by the headquarters and asked him to explain the relevant situation.

In the conference room, a group of high-level executives sat upright and listened to Ross's story.

I have already reminded it in my previous report! Rhodes emphasized, The results of this road test also prove that they have mastered a kind of automotive technology that is ahead of us, including magnetic levitation motors, metal-air batteries, and unmanned driving. , wireless power transmission, and more!

Why was there no wind at first? Broad said angrily.

Rhodes glanced at Chapel, another senior executive, and said, Maybe everyone ignored it.

Chapel lowered his head and said nothing. When Rhodes reported to him a few days ago, he thought it was just a concept video, who knew that the other party actually came up with it!

He couldn't understand why it happened so fast?

Now, this pot is destined to be carried on his own back! He was full of regrets. He paid more attention to it at the beginning, and now he will not be scolded by the chairman in the face!

The other presidents were also silent, and Rhodes said: Everyone should know that with their creativity and industrial manufacturing capabilities, within three years, their related products will be sold all over the world! At that time, our market will be Squeezed in the eyes!

It is no exaggeration to say that we have ushered in the most dangerous moment for the group! We must come up with countermeasures!

A high-level executive said: Even if they have this technology, they may not be able to manufacture them. The relevant parts still have to be imported from us and other countries. We only need to block important parts and still make a lot of money. !

We don't have to talk about it, we have to unite the producers of the island countries and Germany!

I have to make a few calls in person! Chairman Broad said solemnly, and he was going to contact the auto industry associations in Germany, island countries and the United States to discuss the matter together.


Once large-scale manufacturing of electromagnetic floating vehicles begins, half of our auto industry products will be eliminated! Several important figures from the Island Country Automobile Industry Association are having a meeting.

Our representatives have confirmed the authenticity of the relevant technologies, and their commercial operation is a sure thing! said Takeo Toyoda, president of Toyota Motor.

None of our clubs have mastered the relevant technology. Once the electromagnetic floating vehicle is fully promoted, it will bring a devastating blow to the auto industry of the island country! said a representative from the Mitsubishi Group.

Our company has received news that some car companies have been authorized by He Xingzhou's team and will soon carry out the research and development of related models! The representative of Mazda also spoke.

Everyone, we have encountered an industrial crisis! Kengo Nomura, president of the association, concluded, All members of the association should agree to the outside world.

I also received news from other national automobile associations just now that we must kill the momentum of the rise of electromagnetic floating vehicles in the cradle!

At least, delay their development and give us time to follow up!

In the technology industry, whoever masters the core technology will master the source of wealth! In their opinion, the successful road test of the electromagnetic floating vehicle is a hundred times more serious than the threat of a big model or the rise of a car company!


In Germany, the incident has alarmed the highest echelons.

The transportation department, the commerce and trade department, and even members of the Supreme Council have personally visited the relevant companies to learn about this matter.

The automobile industry is one of their pillar industries!

Every year, one-third of the world's cars come from their country's car companies and related parts suppliers, and 70% of the high-end cars come from their brands. The GDP of the auto industry alone, More than the GDP of nearly 100 countries!

After the meeting of all relevant groups, the German Automobile Industry Association held an emergency meeting, and more than 600 related companies in the association were notified and sent representatives to participate in the emergency meeting to discuss the electromagnetic floating vehicle.

Everyone, everyone has read the relevant information. I don't need to say more about the seriousness of the matter. Let's talk about how we should deal with this industrial crisis? Wagner, president of the Association of Automobile Manufacturers, glanced at the venue.

There were more than 100 people attending the meeting, and hundreds of companies were unable to arrive, so they used the Internet to conduct video conferences.

Around the podium are representatives of well-known car companies and related suppliers, such as Benz, Volkswagen, BMW and other companies, as well as representatives of giant suppliers such as Bosch, Continental, and ZF.

At this moment, they are all frowning and contemplating, if this matter is not handled well, they will lose their position as the world leader in the auto industry!

According to the intelligence data, the large-scale commercial use of their technology is no longer a problem. Relevant departments have released rumors and seem to be planning related plans. Next to Chairman Wagner, Koch, a member of the Supreme Council, spoke.

We believe that we should immediately speak out through the Western Alliance, and carry out all-round restrictions in terms of raw materials, spare parts, related standards, technical patents, etc.!

At the same time, all car companies are following up on the electromagnetic floating vehicle technology simultaneously, and before the electromagnetic floating vehicle industry is fully developed, they will occupy the market dominance!

The congressman talked freely, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, as if he had won the ticket!

However, the representatives of several large groups were smiling bitterly in their hearts.

The most important thing is that the core technology of this electromagnetic floating vehicle seems to be independently developed by them, and it has nothing to do with relevant German companies. What restrictions are there? Mouth cannon?

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