Planet Builder

Chapter 307 Dimensional War (4000)

The Black Hole Mine is Completed. Just three hundred years later, the Black Hole Mine was completed.

This black hole mine is built in the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and it continuously absorbs the material of the black hole to build the Blue Star Alliance.

The Galaxy-level ultimate weapon, the space destroyer, has been unlocked.

Space Destroyer: Use space resonance to destroy the fixed three-dimensional space, and all matter in the space will be destroyed!

It's really good, space destroyer. He Xingzhou thought to himself, if they had this before in the small universe of the imperial capital, they would be absolutely invincible.

This kind of thing can only be developed and become a conventional weapon now.

At the normal pace of civilization development, Space Destroyer is enough for Blue Star civilization to use for a long time. But now they have inherited the dimensional technology of the Galactic Empire and have been able to create more powerful dimensional weapons.

On the quantum optical brain, these weapons have been unlocked.

The two-way foil: The three-dimensional world can be made two-dimensional, and all three-dimensional life will die. When a certain amount of energy and mass are absorbed, the two-way foil will explode, and all matter and energy will be three-dimensionalized again. This process explodes with strong energy. , enough to destroy an entire galaxy!

One-way silk: a weapon that continues to reduce the dimension of the two-way foil, which can destroy two-dimensional space.

The Eye of Four Dimensions: A four-dimensional observation instrument that can observe low-dimensional space from the perspective of four-dimensional space.

3D Cutter: Cutting 3D Space by Cutting in 4D Space.

Dimensional Battleship: A battleship that can travel through two-dimensional and four-dimensional space.

Dimensional warships are weapons that are higher than Galaxy-class warships.

And so on, He Xingzhou is restoring many of the weapons that the Galactic Empire once possessed.

Moreover, the Alliance of Order originally had an arsenal, and also preserved some dimensional warships and related weapons. After inheriting this arsenal, the Blue Star civilization directly changed from a just-promoted fifth-level civilization to a powerful fifth-level civilization!

Upgrade all the fleets of the Blue Star Alliance into dimensional warships. Put the two-way foil, one-way silk, four-dimensional eye, three-dimensional cutting, and space destroyer on all weapons!

Build the strongest fifth-level civilization fleet!

On the quantum optical brain, because the Blue Star civilization has been promoted to the fifth-level civilization, the technological giant of the fifth-level civilization has also appeared.

Small universe: An independent small universe formed by cutting three-dimensional space and wrapping it with a four-dimensional space membrane.

Building goal: to build a small universe belonging to the Blue Star civilization.

The current task has been completed.

Completed? This was the easiest construction goal for He Xingzhou to complete, because they inherited the Imperial Capital Microverse of the Galactic Empire, so this construction goal was directly completed.

Unlock the corresponding ultimate weapon, the small cosmic bomb.

Small universe bomb, using dimensional technology to create small universes of different spatial scales, as a bomb detonated, the energy of its dimensional collapse and explosion is enough to destroy the four-dimensional space!

The power of the small universe bomb will increase with the space range and mass of the small universe. A small universe with a mass of only one gram, the explosion power is enough to destroy a dimensional warship!

If you want to blow up the small universe of the Imperial Star Cluster, it can destroy the Virgo supercluster including forty planets such as the Milky Way!

A weapon of this level is terrifying just by thinking about it!


The big expansion period of the Blue Star Alliance continues, and the Blue Star civilization also begins to move from the Milky Way to the surrounding galaxies.

One by one hyperspace stations began to be established. Where the original solar system was located, the small black hole had been disintegrated by the black hole material extractor.

Originally, He Xingzhou planned to rebuild the astrolabe world there, but after mastering the technology of building a small universe, he revised the plan to build a small solar universe and make it the center of the Blue Star Alliance.

As for the original small universe of the Galactic Empire, it was transformed by He Xingzhou and planned to be built into a military factory.

It is easier for a small universe to hide military facilities and strength, which is more secure.

In the small universe, the related technological creations of Dimension Technology are also constantly breaking through and being produced.

Development takes a long time. But if it's learning, it's much faster.

The scientists of the Blue Star Alliance eagerly absorbed the technological knowledge of the Galactic Empire, digested and absorbed them, and turned them into their own knowledge.


A thousand years later.

Blue Star Alliance Interstellar Science and Technology Research Institute.

Finally developed! In front of He Xingzhou, there was a mass of matter invisible to ordinary people.

It only weighs one kilogram, and this is a small cosmic bomb wrapped by a four-dimensional space wall!

With the small cosmic bomb, our Blue Star civilization, in a sense, has the military strength of the Galaxy Empire!


The original Milky Way, and the changes in the boundaries of the Galactic Empire, it is impossible for the Galaxy Empire to not notice.

When the Blue Star Civilization was expanding, it had been cleaning up the Zerg.

As the number of Zerg gradually dwindled, the Galactic Empire realized that the once galactic empire had been resurrected.

The Galactic Empire, no, it is now called the Blue Star Alliance, and it has grown into a level 5.9 civilization! In the Galaxy Empire, the vassals are reporting to the Galaxy Emperor.

A 5.9-level civilization was born, and you have only discovered it now? Emperor Xinghe asked everyone.

Your Majesty, the Order Alliance left by the Galactic Empire has been protecting them. They probably inherited the legacy of the Galactic Empire, so they broke through so quickly.

This Blue Star Alliance should be inferior to the Galactic Empire in terms of military strength, and can only be regarded as an incomplete fifth-level civilization.

Then destroy it! In this universe, there must be no threats to our existence! Emperor Xinghe issued a decree: Send our four-dimensional army and completely wipe out the Blue Star Alliance. This time, don't leave any hidden dangers!

Follow the order!


Commander-in-chief, the base of our Hercules Supercluster has been attacked! A message reached He Xingzhou's ears.

The Hercules Supercluster is a supercluster next to the Laniakea Supercluster with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light-years!

There is a robot manufacturing base of the Order Alliance, and many Angels of Order are manufactured at the military base of the Hercules super galaxy cluster.

What about the specific information? He Xingzhou asked.

This should be viewed with four-dimensional eyes. Cui Weimin said, It is four-dimensional creatures that attacked us!

He Xingzhou's consciousness is connected to the four-dimensional eye, which allows him to have a four-dimensional perspective.

Outside the base, a huge claw protrudes from the four-dimensional space, tearing the base and the three-dimensional space where it is located!

The four-dimensional behemoth, the evolved species of the starry sky beast, the Zerg army of the Galaxy Empire! Cui Weimin said, This must be the attack of the Galaxy Empire!

They still found out that if they give us another 10,000 years, the odds of winning will be much greater. He Xingzhou said, If that's the case, then fight!


With a military order, the dimensional fleet of the Blue Star Alliance began to go out.

These warships can briefly enter four-dimensional space or two-dimensional space, and fight against four-dimensional monsters.

The battle in the four-dimensional space is unimaginable by the thinking of ordinary three-dimensional creatures. People who have not undergone optical brain transformation cannot even watch the battle screen.

Because there is so much information in the four-dimensional space, it is enough to burst their brains!

The claws of the four-dimensional behemoth can easily tear apart the space and destroy the matter in which the space is located!

And Blue Star Civilization also has similar technology, space cutting, space smashing.

Even small cosmic bombs!

The war in four-dimensional space, a dozen is a thousand years!

For a thousand years, both sides suffered huge losses.

The old antiques left by the Galactic Empire were almost wiped out. The weapons used now are all made by the Blue Star Alliance.

Hundreds of the four-dimensional beasts of the Galaxy Empire also died.

In the Hercules supercluster where the battlefield is located, more than 10,000 galaxies were destroyed, galaxies were smashed into particles, or annihilated directly.

This galaxy is not a star system, but a river galaxy with a mass similar to the Milky Way!

The war of a powerful civilization will even affect the safety of the entire universe!

The progress of the war is too slow! Emperor Xinghe was still dissatisfied with the situation of the battle, and ordered: Send the beast world! Within 10,000 years, the war will be over!


The beast world is the small universe they use to create the Zerg.

The Zerg they put into all parts of the universe continue to devour and evolve, and after they grow into four-dimensional behemoths, they will enter their beast world to grow.

In the hundreds of thousands of years after the collapse of the Galactic Empire, how many four-dimensional behemoths have accumulated in the beast world!

When the beast world was dispatched, the Blue Star Alliance immediately felt the pressure.

The number of enemies increases exponentially!

Not only the Hercules supercluster, but also more than a dozen superclusters such as the Shapley supercluster, the Coma supercluster, and the Perseus-Pisces supercluster, all of which have appeared in a large number of four-dimensional behemoths.

More than a billion civilizations have been destroyed, and 80,000 galaxies have been plundered! When the intelligence of all parties was gathered, the Blue Star Alliance headquarters and commanders felt tremendous pressure.

The Galaxy Empire, this behemoth, does not know how much power it has accumulated.

A creature like a four-dimensional behemoth can easily destroy a galaxy with one head, and they actually have a thinking behemoth of a small universe!

We also dispatched a small mechanical universe! He Xingzhou gritted his teeth and said that the mechanical small universe was the former imperial small universe. After it was transformed into a military factory, it was renamed the mechanical small universe.

It's just that this mechanical little universe has not yet been fully formed, and its strength is definitely not as good as the opponent's beast world.

The war continued for another two thousand years.

The Blue Star Alliance began to fall into a disadvantage, losing two superclusters one after another.

The beast world continues to erode their territory, and the mechanical universe continues to produce weapons, but it is still difficult to keep up with the consumption of war.

Increase the production of small universe bombs! He Xingzhou ordered, Gather resources and create a large-scale small universe to destroy and pop out!

The other party has a deeper background, and if this consumption continues, the Blue Star Alliance will not be able to bear it sooner or later. It's not as good as one hundred and blow it up.

He Xingzhou decided to create a small universe bomb bigger than the mechanical small universe and blow up the beast world directly!

If not, he also accepted the unfinished feat of Emperor Qin, created the ether phase engine, and realized the ascension of civilization!

From the perspective of civilization strength, when the sun microcosm is built and the microcosm bomb is developed, the Blue Star civilization is already qualified to be called a sixth-level civilization.

Therefore, the creation of the sixth-level civilization, the etheric engine, was also unlocked on the quantum optical brain.

Completing the construction of the ether phase engine can unlock the ultimate cosmic weapon! Quantum Light Brain reminded.

Then let's go! He Xingzhou served as the chief engineer of the etheric engine and began to build this legendary technological creation.

I use the black hole in the center of the Milky Way as the energy source, and the black hole mine converts the black hole matter into energy and supplies it to the ether phase engine!


Five thousand years later.

The Perseus-Pisces Supercluster.

Dimensional battlefield.

In the four-dimensional space, the dimensional battleships of the Blue Star Alliance and the four-dimensional monsters are fighting.

Weapons of various dimensions are constantly being used.

Use a three-dimensional cube! On a battleship, a cube weapon was launched, which is a dimensionality reduction weapon. The cube wrapped the four-dimensional behemoth, forced it down to three-dimensional, and was then smashed by the three-dimensional space destroyer.

And the four-dimensional behemoth is also not to be outdone. There is a four-dimensional beast that can swallow the part of the four-dimensional space. It swallows the dimensional battleship and the space it is in, and smashes it in the abdomen.

The two sides are fighting fiercely. At this time, a super powerful source of gravity appeared!

Its gravitational pull is stronger than that of a black hole, like a shattered piece of the universe.

In this universe, countless four-dimensional beasts rushed out and swept the battlefield!

It's the beast world, the beast world is here! The captains hurriedly asked for help when they saw the beast world coming.

There are too many enemies to overwhelm them!

Mechanical small universe dispatched! The blue star alliance's mechanical small universe also rushed to the battlefield, countless dimensional battleships and four-dimensional weapons flew out, and the steel torrent fought against the biochemical army!

For a time, countless stars were broken, and the galaxy was completely annihilated! In the four-dimensional space, space is constantly shattering.

Gradually, the beast world has the upper hand, and the four-dimensional beasts have begun to tear apart the mechanical microcosm, trying to devour this small universe as well.

It's almost there. He Xingzhou saw that a four-dimensional beast had already invaded the small mechanical universe and started to destroy it.

And the beast world has also been in contact with the mechanical small universe.

Detonate the mechanical small universe! He Xingzhou's order was firm, this small universe is their small universe bomb!

The important technological facilities inside have already been transferred to the small universe of the sun.

Detonate the small universe! In the mechanical small universe, the space resonator began to function. With the generation and strengthening of the resonance, the small universe began to be unbearable and collapsed.

The matter and energy of the small universe erupted violently like a jet of a black hole. Its energy level is enough to destroy a supercluster of galaxies!

The four-dimensional behemoths around the mechanical little universe were affected first, being overwhelmed by the burst of energy. Then came the beast world. The beast world has multiple four-dimensional barriers. Under normal circumstances, four-dimensional warships cannot penetrate.

But under the energy of the mechanical small universe explosion, these four-dimensional barriers were all shattered, and even the beast world began to collapse!

The mighty four-dimensional behemoth, under such doomsday disaster, can only meet death!

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