Planet Builder

Chapter 100 Chapter 114 Chapter 115

Is it so hot? What time does it say? a roommate asked.

The above said that the full-scale construction of the hyperloop will begin when the test is successful. Is this the date?

666 Ah!

Several people couldn't help their inner excitement, and quickly posted their findings on the Internet.

In fact, not only them, but others also discovered this little detail.

He Xingzhou's news has attracted a lot of media attention. As soon as this incident happened, it was immediately overwhelming news reports.

Shudi Observation: He Xingzhou made a new update, claiming that he is developing a super high-speed rail, and a small detail is thought-provoking! A planning map detonates the entire network, look at He Xingzhou's hyperloop plan!

Penguin News: He Xingzhou has updated again, hurry up to catch up!

UC Browser: He Xingzhou's new video, 1.4 billion people are shocked after watching it!

Dousheng, Kuaikan, and Weibo's top search rankings are all about this topic #HE Xingzhou releases new news#

After blowing the top of the hot list, someone asked: What do you think of He Xingzhou's new developments? Could the development of the hyperloop be successful? Are the highlights of the plan real?

This question has attracted numerous netizens to answer, many of them professionals.

Someone answered anonymously: Relevant interests, answer a wave. People are on Mars, just got off the spacecraft.

Okay, no kidding. We have been developing hyperloops, but there are still problems with vacuum pipes, mobile platforms, linear traction and magnetic levitation technology. Since He Xingzhou has announced this plan, it means that he and his team will enter the Lord of this project.

Everyone has seen what He Xingzhou has done. He has been breaking the impossible! I believe that with their participation, the Hyperloop will be able to test successfully!

As for the highlights of the plan, it is very likely to be true. I don't know if you are paying attention to the news. Recently, more and more ships have been launched, and a large number of monitoring stations have been built on the ocean... I can't say more about the latter, I All I can say is, I know everything!

There are more than hundreds of thousands of answers alone. Some people are really analyzing, and some people are bragging.

Anyway, this incident has attracted the attention and heated discussion of the whole network.

Of course, the people who are most concerned about this are the Yizhou people on the other side of the sea.

Someone reposted this news, and Yizhou's Internet was instantly fried!

What? The local people said they want to develop a super high-speed rail, and they have to build it all the way to us? Someone was already panicking.

Are they coming over?

No? Isn't there a strait in the middle? How is the hyperloop built at sea?

Are you all frightened by them? It's impossible. Look closely, isn't that bragging about a 20,000-kilometer-per-hour hyperloop? Still want to cross the sea? Dream!

Just look at this kind of junk news. And that He Xingzhou, isn't he a liar? Not everyone likes He Xingzhou. For example, in Yizhou, many people slandered him.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the local media smearing him.

Because of this incident, many TV programs in Yizhou that day were also discussing this incident.

Among them, Emergency Moments is such a program with very high ratings. Not only are many Yizhou viewers watching, but there are also many netizens in Shenzhou.

There are also people who specially start live broadcasts on the Internet to rebroadcast the program. Because of He Xingzhou's news that day, many local netizens entered the live broadcast room, not for anything else, just to have fun!

Something has happened, something has happened, something has happened! a host with thinning hair and glasses shouted at the beginning of the show.

Seeing him, netizens swiped: Appeared!

Why do you have a yellow face and thin skin?

Now the entertainment shows are not good, I love you!

Which immortals did you invite to perform the show today?

The host's real name is not Brother Zhacai, this is because he once said something, and netizens gave him the nickname. In addition, he has a partner today, Brother Vole, who, like Brother Mustard, has his own success story.

In addition, Brother Vole is also a candidate for a doctorate in electrical machinery and automation, and is also a regular guest of this program.

Brother Mustard said in an exaggerated tone: Brother Li, do you know? There's another big incident over there!

He Xingzhou, a local scientist, announced that he would develop a hyperloop with a speed of 20,000 kilometers per hour, and also threw out a plan.

Everyone, look carefully, this plan, see if there is no dotted line, they want to build the super high-speed rail to us!

Brother Li, what do you think?

When Brother Vole saw it, he immediately slapped the table and shouted, This is nonsense!

Everyone knows, I'm going to tell you. I myself graduated from Yizhou Jiaotong University, and I'm about to become a Ph.D. I know this very well!

What kind of super high-speed rail is this, with a speed of 20,000 kilometers per hour. Think about it, is it possible? What is this concept, sixteen times the speed of sound? Our planes are not so fast!

At this speed, do you want to fly to the sky? Oh, then what kind of car are they taking, isn't it good to fly directly?

Besides, how can there be such a fast engine, how do passengers get on and off the bus? This is unscientific. This is completely civil science, and does not understand science at all!

Brother Mustard nodded and said, Brother Li is an expert in this field. This analysis is not without reason. What does Brother Li think of the plan?

That's their wishful thinking! Brother Vole laughed. Everyone knows that. The mainland is separated from Yizhou by such a large strait? How are they going to repair it?

Building a cross-sea bridge, or building an undersea tunnel? Let me show you some data. There is a Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in mainland China. How much did it cost to build it? It's close to 20 billion US dollars!

It doesn't cost hundreds of billions of dollars to repair it to us? Do they have so much money?

Brother mustard should also agree: Brother Li is right. And we don't want to repair the high-speed rail. How can they repair it? They can't repair it!

That's right! Brother Vole agreed, If the time comes, let them repair half of it, but it won't be open to traffic!

So, this news is completely the onion news over there, everyone can just watch a joke!

Brother Zhacai waved his hand directly and said, Don't say anything to repair it, the super high-speed rail will not be established!

If they can develop a super high-speed rail, then what show do I host, I'll go straight to build the high-speed rail for them!

Brother mustard also laughed and said, Add me when the time comes, I will squat in the sea and build tunnels for them!

The two laughed together.

Yizhou's audience also laughed, and their views were the same as those of the host and the guests.

But on the local side, netizens are frantically swiping the screen.

You are laughing, and then I will arrest you to repair the high-speed rail!

Brothers, screenshots and videos are recorded, and this will be the evidence in the future!

Two brothers repairing the high-speed rail, make a reservation!

Whether or not we repair, we still need your consent? You are thinking about shit!

Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter! You two just make your debut, it's called the 'Railroad Workers Group', it's sure to be popular!

Wait, watch He Xingzhou's next live broadcast, the test of the super high-speed rail, let's see what they say!


It's so funny, I can't do it! He Xingzhou was watching Yizhou's show, and beside him, Xu Zhilan covered her stomach and laughed non-stop.

He Xingzhou also smiled and said, Since they all said so, then we must fulfill them.

Well, when we test the super high-speed rail, give them two railway work permits to see if they come!

At this time, they were sitting on the plane to Southwest Jiaotong University.

Shenzhou's super high-speed rail project started before He Xingzhou's decision, and the main R\u0026D team is the team from Southwest Jiaotong University.

However, the super high-speed rail they developed has a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour, which is still a long way from the goal set by He Xingzhou.

Soon, He Xingzhou came to the high-temperature superconducting maglev technology laboratory at the Design Institute of Southwest Jiaotong University.

Project leader Zhu Changfeng, Professor Wang Chenggang from Southwest Jiaotong University and their team briefed He Xingzhou on their current progress.

Our current suspension plan is to install superconductors at the bottom of the train and replace the tracks with permanent magnets. Then, the liquid nitrogen is cooled to minus 196 degrees Celsius, the resistance of the superconductors disappears, and the power is energized to generate a strong magnetic field for magnetic levitation. Wang Chenggang introduced.

He Xingzhou nodded slightly, high temperature superconductivity is the most feasible way at present.

The high temperature here is relatively speaking, the so-called high temperature of liquid nitrogen is also minus 196 degrees Celsius. As for normal temperature and normal pressure superconductors, no good materials have been found in the world so far.

Liquid nitrogen is relatively inexpensive and more suitable for large-scale applications.

Zhu Changfeng said: We need to achieve three basics now, self-suspended, self-directed, and self-stabilized!

On this basis, increase the speed of the hyperloop!

The biggest problem is the three we mentioned before.

He Xingzhou certainly knew that before he came, he had unlocked the corresponding technology from the quantum optical brain.

He immediately said: First give me the design drawing of the super high-speed rail electromagnetic float unit, let me see!

The two looked at each other, and of course they knew that the most advanced electromagnetic floating motor unit in the world was designed by He Xingzhou!

Wang Chenggang said happily: It's ready!

In front of the computer, He Xingzhou began to improve the existing electromagnetic floating motor unit. In this regard, he already has experience and ideas, and the speed is extremely fast.

In the vacuum tube, a wireless power transmission device can also be added, so that the hyperloop can be continuously powered!

Use the current strength and direction to change the direction of the magnetic field, and add a linear traction force. When the linear traction force is consistent with the direction of the super high-speed rail, it can continuously assist in acceleration, and when the direction is opposite, it can assist in deceleration!

This problem is easy to solve. The key is the problem of moving the station. How to merge at high speed and separate at high speed?

He Xingzhou is constantly revising the drawings. He shares every stage of his process with other engineers and designers through the intelligent system. They use the cloud office model, and everyone can write their opinions or improvement plans on the computer in real time. Others can communicate and consult at any time.

In this way, the R\u0026D efficiency has been improved several times!


While He Xingzhou was busy with research and development, foreign countries were also discussing the so-called hyperloop plan.

The famous capitalist of the light country, Musk tweeted, Hyperloop is the inevitable way of transportation in the future, and our light country should lead the world!

So I decided to invest more money in the research and development of hyperloop technology, which will be launched faster than China's hyperloop!

As soon as he tweeted, the shares of several of his companies soared that day.

The Super Traffic Railway Company of Dengguo stood up and said: We have been developing super high-speed rail technology. The so-called 20,000 kilometers per hour in China is completely unrealistic. We are currently breaking through the super high-speed rail technology with a speed of nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour!

The transportation director of Maoxiong Country also stood up and said that they are jointly developing with the super transportation railway company of Baiying. Once the technology breaks through, a super high-speed railway will be built in Maoxiong!

The Western Alliance has made similar voices, and even Tianzhu has come forward, claiming that they are also developing a hyperloop.

Before you know it, the whole world is staring at the East's move and starting a technological race!

If in other high-tech fields, they are successively surpassed by Shenlong, their status may not be guaranteed.


In the southeast waters of Shenzhou, a frigate is patrolling the sea, and a marine scientific research ship is next to it.

Captain, the torpedoes we fired only hit some mutant creature groups, and the Zerg who led the team escaped. A crew member reported to Captain Xue Yang.

Xue Yang frowned slightly and said, Can it hide the torpedoes that are tracked and positioned?

A deputy replied: As the torpedo approached the target, it was interfered by strong electromagnetic interference, and the radar system failed!

Xue Yang was in a heavy heart. When he first came to perform this task, he thought it could be done easily.

Who knew that the mutant creatures seemed to be able to sense their ships approaching, and they began to deliberately disperse and avoid when they were dozens of nautical miles away.

Now that even the torpedo positioning radar can interfere, these guys are too scary!

Moreover, he heard that most of these mutant monsters have not evolved into real Zerg. He heard from those scientists that if it is a real Zerg, even an aircraft carrier fleet cannot approach them, how terrifying?

Professor Ye, our torpedo failed to hit the primary target, what about yours? Xue Yang asked Professor Ye Yun from the marine research ship next to him.

The ocean probes we issued were damaged by 70 percent. The good news is that we caught two mutant fish and installed trackers on them. They have followed those migrating monsters and have not been killed by the Zerg yet. Find!

That's good! Xue Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got something.

He looked at the vast sea and muttered to himself: This is the third migrating mutant organism group we have discovered. Tell me, where are they going?

The crew members were at a loss, and they did not know where the destination of these migrating mutant creatures was?

Thanks to Aileen DE Mao Mao, Qingquan CV, Qi Hensan, Ge Wanxiao and other book friends for their rewards.

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