Planet Builder

Chapter 1 Small goals, Dyson spheres!

parallel world.

Huaxia, Beijing, Beijing University of Science and Technology, in a male dormitory.

It was midsummer and the weather was hot. Several students in the dormitory went to the study room to use the air conditioner. Only one male student stayed inside.

He is 1.78 meters tall, with a simple and neat inch head, handsome facial features, wearing a cool and clean white T-shirt and black shorts, his skin is relatively white, but his muscles are clearly defined, especially the pectoral muscles and vest lines. This is the result of long-term fitness.

His name is He Xingzhou, a student at the School of Physics, Beijing University of Science and Technology. He is 19 years old and is in his third year.

At this time, He Xingzhou was browsing the news on the computer, and a message above made him feel a little angry.

The latest news! The island country decided to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea. Research shows that it will pollute half of the Pacific Ocean in 57 days!

In order to save money, the nuclear sewage is discharged into the sea? Do these people have no face at all? He Xingzhou couldn't help scolding in the comments.

In the comments, Huaxia netizens also unanimously condemned.

Also apologizing? I still insist on discharging after apologizing! Haha, is this the spirit of a master craftsman? It's enough to apologize if you do something wrong, and you won't change it anyway!

Blue Star's environment is so polluted by them, why don't you think about future generations?

I heard that they have already discharged it, and environmental protection organizations have already detected radioactive substances nearby!

Will marine life mutate in the future?

I am really worried about the future of mankind. Although He Xingzhou is just an ordinary college student, this does not prevent him from thinking about the future of mankind, the beginning of time, and the end of the universe.

He swiped his finger lightly and swiped another piece of news.

In the southern waters, fishermen caught a deformed shark with features similar to a human face. Experts confirmed that it was a thresher shark that mutated for some reasons.

He Xingzhou looked at the photo. It was a thresher shark cub. Its eyes actually grew on the belly of the fish, so it looked a bit like a human face and looked very weird.

There seems to be more news about mutant creatures recently. He Xingzhou has paid attention to it. Recently, news about mutant creatures has been reported all over the world.

Is it a survivor bias? Because I've been paying attention to these things, so big data pushes me these news, giving me this illusion? He Xingzhou thought to himself.

It's not an illusion, it's a fact. A voice sounded in his mind, startling He Xingzhou.

Who? He looked left and right, but saw no one.

Don't look for it, I'm here, in your brain! In front of He Xingzhou, a light group seemed to appear.

Before He Xingzhou asked, he said to himself: Introduce myself, I am a quantum optical brain, a product left over from a certain god-level civilization. For some reason, it was activated by you, and now it belongs to you, you can take me as your carry-on. AI.

The content and information I display, now only you can see.

He Xingzhou was stunned for a few seconds, and then said in ecstasy: Are you the legendary system cheat?

The quantum optical brain said: You can call me that, but I don't have any system, I only have a technology tree.

Why did you bind me and what do you want to do? He Xingzhou was still very vigilant, after all, there was no white pie in the sky.

The quantum light brain explained: Countless years ago, there was a powerful god-level civilization in this universe, and their technology has reached its peak. Their various technologies, in the words of your Blue Star people, are god-like realms. !

In order to know the ultimate mystery of the universe, the god-level civilization created me - a quantum optical brain, a quantum robot with supercomputing and analysis capabilities.

The goal of my birth is to study the [Cosmic Matrix], which contains the ultimate mystery of the universe!

But the god-level civilization has not successfully researched the cosmic matrix. Because of the enemy's sneak attack, the civilization collapsed and disappeared in this universe.

I chose you because I calculated countless possibilities, and it is estimated that you are most likely to study the cosmic matrix! Complete the long-cherished wish of a god-level civilization and my mission!

I'm so arrogant? He Xingzhou asked in surprise, Then how likely is it that I can study the cosmic matrix?

The quantum optical brain said: About one in ten trillion.

He Xingzhou: Gan, you are teasing me!

The quantum light brain continued to explain: You already have the highest probability. The cosmic matrix is ​​the ultimate mystery in the universe. If it can be easily researched, the god-level civilization will not be destroyed.

In the process of your research, you may also encounter various problems, technological bottlenecks, resource limitations, attacks from alien civilization enemies, etc.

But even if you haven't developed the cosmic matrix, on the way to research and development, it is enough for you to become a leader of the times on this planet, or even this galaxy!

After that, the quantum optical brain showed him the technology tree.

Electromagnetics, material chemistry, quantum physics, genetic engineering... The technology tree has countless branches, each of which corresponds to various technological creations.

He Xingzhou just glanced and saw something like nuclear fusion technology, spaceships, neuro-machines and the like.

His heart was pounding, and as someone with a modern college education, he certainly knew what that meant!

On the technology tree, there are technologies that humans have not yet completed and realized!

Just take out one of them, and it is enough to make He Xingzhou famous in history and world-renowned! As for becoming the richest man in the world, that's a breeze!

How can this not make his heart move? He's going crazy!

How do I research what's on the technology tree? He Xingzhou asked hurriedly.

The quantum optical brain said: It's very simple, you only need to provide energy and complete some small goals, and I can unlock the computing power and automate research.

You need to provide me with constant energy, and after completing a precondition, I can unlock new technology.

How much energy is enough? He Xingzhou had a hunch that this matter was definitely not easy.

Well, describe it this way. According to the current situation of the solar system, the first stage of the energy supply device is to build a Dyson sphere around the sun. Quantum Light Brain said.

The so-called Dyson sphere is an energy harvesting device. That is, with a diameter of more than 200 million kilometers, an artificial celestial body that can wrap the entire star!

It can maximize the absorption of all the energy output by the star to generate huge energy.

Dyson Sphere? He Xingzhou can't imagine it. Now it is difficult for humans to even land on the moon, and they still build an artificial celestial body that can wrap the sun? No novelist dares to make it up like this!

Yes, Dyson Sphere, this is only the first stage of studying the universe matrix. The first stage can only be regarded as just starting, and there are higher stages that have not yet been unlocked. He Xingzhou's heart was shocked if the quantum optical brain had no emotional fluctuations. .

With the imagination of a low-level civilization creature, it is not enough to imagine the great achievements of the god-level civilization back then!

Don't talk about Dyson spheres, Dyson spheres are really created, Blue Star has no sunlight, and it will be an ice age, and creatures will be extinct! He Xingzhou said.

Quantum light brain: If you want to protect the ecology of the blue star, you can build a Dyson ring or a Dyson cloud, part of a Dyson sphere. Adjusting their positions through the planetary vehicle orbit control system can prevent the blue star from being affected.

Although the energy supply will be a little less.

He Xingzhou: ...

I really don't know if I can do it. He Xingzhou sighed, not because he dared not do it, but because it was too unbelievable.

A penniless poor student building a Dyson sphere? outrageous!

The quantum light brain said: It's not whether you can do it, but you have to do it. Because if you don't do it within a certain period of time, you are likely to be buried with this planet!

He Xingzhou: ??? What's wrong, if you don't do it, you will destroy the world?

I'm just a technology research and knowledge storage device, I won't do such a thing. The voice of the quantum light brain is emotionless, According to the information I have obtained, there are already Zerg in this world.

This is an alien creature. They feed on matter and energy. They are like locusts in the universe. They can eat all the planets they can see!

According to their evolutionary laws, within 50 years, they will be able to wipe out humans; within 100 years, they will be able to eat all living things on the earth; if they breed planet-devourers, it is estimated that the entire solar system will be eaten up by them. !

You scare me? He Xingzhou didn't quite believe it, I haven't seen any alien creatures at all.

The quantum light brain said: The mutant creatures you see are the juvenile forms of the Zerg. This is their self-protection mechanism, which can parasitize genes on the creatures on this planet. When the time is ripe, they will occupy the body and completely mutate into adults. clan.

I have to remind you that the Zerg can absorb nuclear radiation to speed up the evolution, and your planet seems to be doing some things that are conducive to the evolution of the Zerg. Such as release and pollutants.

If no measures are taken, after a few decades, the Zerg will land from the ocean, and ordinary thermal weapons will have limited lethality to them. Even your nuclear weapons cannot completely destroy them, and there are even insect kings that can absorb nuclear energy.

These bugs will eat all of us and go into space.

It may be more serious than what I described. You are not saying that when you see a cockroach in the kitchen, there must be more than one cockroach in your house! So not only the earth, but other planets in the solar system may also have Zerg.

With the energy of the solar system, it is very likely that a planetary devourer will be born, which can eat the entire planet! Assuming that there is a body like the earth, do you have any way to deal with such bugs?

No. He Xingzhou said decisively.

Only by unlocking advanced technologies can you be able to deal with them! Quantum Light Brain continued, Dyson spheres can provide energy for the planet destroyer, as long as you build the Dyson sphere and the planet destroyer, even if a planet eater appears, the planet destroyer can also Destroy them!

When on the ground, you can also build steel cities, mecha units, aircraft carriers, etc. for defense.

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