Plane Universe

Chapter 902: Hard mining

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After nearly half a year of development and excavation, a large number of high-level magic crystal stones have been excavated. These magic crystal stones are almost all of the highest grade, that is, they are comparable to the seventh-level magic crystal core. The magic crystal stone, this magic crystal stone is between level 6 and level 7.

If you insist on setting a level for it, it is the sixth level peak, a piece worth 10,000 gold coins, and the seventh level magic crystal core is worth about 50,000 gold coins!

Legend has it that only two large crystal veins in the entire continent can produce seven levels of crystal crystals, one in a mountain range hundreds of miles outside the capital of the Magnolia Empire.

Another one, it is said that in O'Brien's "Wu Shen Mountain", the quality of the magic crystal ore vein is not as good as that of the Magnolia ore vein in the Magnolia Empire, and it produces less super quality magic crystal stone. It is only about a thousand pieces per year, and the number is really very small.

Cheng Buyun flipped the mechanism somewhere in the bedroom wall bookcase. Suddenly, the bookcase shuddered and slowly moved away, revealing a heavy steel casting door two meters high and one meter wide. There is a carved tiger's head in the gate, and the eyes of the tiger's head blink with a light blue light.

He stretched out his hand and gently put it into the small tiger's mouth. A finger stretched toward him, and there was a raised place. Then a rumbling sounded and the steel door opened slowly.

Inside the steel door, there is a small room about three meters square. Except for the long magic lamp on the top, there is only a slate that looks a little abrupt in the ground, and there is no other furnishings or objects.

After the door of steel was opened, people could vaguely hear the dense jingle sounds coming from below. This jingle sound is very light and very light. If you don't pay attention, it may be ignored!

Cheng Buyun entered this small room, first closed the steel door according to the method just now, and then pulled it up, and a passage appeared. At this time, the jingle sound was more crisp and bright, and it was obvious that there were a large number of people holding The sound caused by a shovel or a pickaxe striking a rock wall to dig up minerals.

Along the channel illuminated by magic lamps, Cheng Buyun quickly came to the basement. In the huge basement, a busy scene was pushed by countless shirtless or wearing a single guard. A cart full of magic crystal stones appeared from the mine tunnel, pouring the magic crystal core on the body of the bucket into the pile of magic crystal stones on both sides of the basement wall.

"City Lord!"

"City Lord!"

The guards at work nodded and smiled at Cheng Buyun, who appeared here, and then pushed the carriage towards the mine. And those guards who squatted on the edge of the pile of magic crystal stones and sorted the magic crystal stones, also raised their heads, nodded their heads, and then bowed their heads again, swiftly moved the magic crystal stones to the wind gate category, according to the level Different, put them in several iron boxes around them.

Huge piles of several meters high hills are placed in the huge basement, and the number is at least one million.

Such a huge number of magic crystals of different grades fill the entire basement with rich energy of heaven and earth. The breathing air has the unique smell of magic crystal. The smell is so rich that the whole body of the person is smooth, and the creatures are in this basement. The long-term leader looks forward to it, I am afraid that he will not practice. One year later, his physical fitness may be comparable to that of the second-level fighters.


However, life survives here. Every breath of breath will consume the energy of the magic spar. Over time, these magic spars placed here may consume part of the energy, so it is reasonable to pack them as soon as possible.

After all, there are many people here, there are nearly a thousand people, and every time they take a breath, it means that those magic crystal stones have been consumed part of the energy, which is a well-known thing.

So do n’t look at digging the magic crystal stone. This is a hard job. In fact, many people still do this thing. After all, they go to the magic crystal mineral vein to dig the magic crystal stone. After years and months, the world energy absorbed by the breath is a huge amount of energy. If you don't practice qi, it will increase slowly. Being able to become a absentee from digging the magic crystal stone is not an easy task.

After looking at it, Cheng Buyun walked toward the depths of the basement, and at the same time inquired about a guard's military road pushing a car body beside him: "Your army commander, are they all in the mine channel?"

The Guards turned around slightly excitedly, pushing the body of the car to slow down, looking at the Lord Lord who was walking with him, and reverently replied: "Yes, Lord Lord, I heard that the following magic crystal grade As it gets higher and higher, the rocky soil covered with magic crystal stone becomes stronger and harder. Those of us who have just been in the fourth level excavation speed is very slow. I was also arranged to mine the magic crystal stone in the front mine a few days ago. Very strenuous and reluctant to work hard, less than two hours, the whole body has no energy and is very tired. So after consultation, the head of the army they organized all the masters of the sixth grade, as pioneers, in the front of the vein Step up mining. "

This personal guard was able to speak with Cheng Buyun, and he was more excited.

But Cheng Buyun already knew what to know.

Now the magic crystal vein has mined the best magic crystal stone, that is to say, it has reached about ten miles, the next magic crystal stone level will be higher, and the difficulty of mining will be further increased. If it is not required to hurry, the third level of physical fitness In fact, absenteeism can actually be competent, but do n’t think about speed.

It will be very slow!

Stop and stop, where can I go soon?

The two were talking. The distance of several kilometers had been completed. The entire basement is three kilometers long and more than two thousand meters wide. It is almost a square. So, this basement is extremely huge!

Cheng Buyun came to the mine tunnel. The mine tunnel was tens of meters wide and obliquely led to the deep underground. The channel was bright as daylight under the illumination of magic lamps, and it could be seen clearly at a glance.

Into the channel, in addition to a solemn main road, there are a large number of bifurcation crossings on both sides of the main road, a bifurcated mine road capable of accommodating three carts, at this time there are a bucket of vehicles in these channels Moving forward, the bucket that came out was loaded with dense black magic crystals. Most of these magic crystals were primary, and a small amount of intermediate.

It can be seen that these magic crystal stones are the layer of automatically formed magic crystal stones between the periphery of the ore veins, which is the most magic crystal stone in this vein.

In fact, this magic crystal ore vein, in addition to the high-level magic crystal stone within the five miles at the core, other magic crystal stones below level 7 have been formed automatically after countless thousands of years. It has been said before that the magic crystal ore vein will automatically replenish the energy of the world and slowly recover its own output. If no one finds this magic crystal ore after decades, the magic crystal stone in the vein will gather more and more quickly, even It will be exposed to the ground and be discovered by people.

This magic crystal ore vein can be simply divided. All the primary and intermediate magic crystals in the outer 4 layers, the top and top grade magic crystals in the middle layers 4 to 11, and the core 5 layers are all magic crystals beyond the top grade , The closer to the core, that is, where the micro space is, the higher the level of the magic crystal.

Even the radius below the ground is deeper than the radius above, about 23 miles, very deep.

Traveling along the main mine road, this wide main mine road has very few bucket trucks. Only after a few minutes can I see a full-bodied magic crystal stone cart full of exhalation! With Cheng Buyun's eyesight, I judged this car body magic crystal at a glance, all of which are magic crystals of grade 8 or above, and even a small amount of grade 9 magic crystals.

One or so 9th-level magic crystal is equivalent to the amount of total grudge in the body of an early 9th-level strongman, you said horror no!

If it can mobilize the internal energy and use it as a bomb, I am afraid that it will be thrown out, and the early nineth-level strong will be killed! ! !

This level of magic crystal stone is already an extremely precious strategic resource, and no one would be so stupid to sell it. After all, these nine levels of magic crystal stone can already recharge the magic crystal cannon of the sanctuary level, although it will inevitably be It consumes a lot of energy, but it is worth it. It can cost the life of the powerful sanctuary under one shot.

He looked up at the surrounding rock walls. The top of the wall and the surrounding areas were all dark black walls. There was a small pagoda with a child's fist on the wall. The small walls were densely packed with small mines, even on the ground. This is also the case. Obviously, these small mines are small mines that are revealed after the excavation of the magic spar. They cannot be removed. They can only be filled with some small stones. After all, if you want to level the ground, it ’s easy to spit it out. Dig out other magic crystal stones.

The quality of this magic crystal vein is very high, almost one magic crystal is superimposed on another magic crystal.

Twelve miles forward, a burst of shouts came from the front.



The whole main mineway was shaken, and a sound of violently striking the rock, Cheng Buyun came to the front and saw hundreds of people shining under the magic lamps and lanterns, and the forged pickaxe in his hand, with the addition of grudge, Bomb down on the dark-colored rock walls and dig out some dark rocks. At the same time, there are gray and white magic crystals with huge energy in these rocks.


Suddenly, the pickaxe in the hand of a majestic man in front was stuck in the rock wall, as if there was a tacit understanding. The two men standing next to him immediately stepped forward, holding the pickaxe together and pulling hard.


The rocks fell off, and off-white magic crystals and rocks fell from the stone wall to the ground. Waiting for the personnel to immediately pick up the separated magic crystals and put them in the bucket, and the big rock He was lifted aside, and then several people took tools such as hammers, gangsters, awls, and hacksaws, and beat them desperately ... or sawed these rock blocks to get one of the higher magic crystals.

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