Plane Universe

Chapter 861: A piece of information

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"I surrender, lord I surrender ..." Leo, who regained consciousness, immediately shouted in horror. The panic cry of panic all day reverberated over the entire battlefield, so that the soldiers who fled in panic also widened Eyes believing, searching for the voice owner.

"You surrender?" Cheng Buyun's heavy sword stopped a few centimeters away from Leo's body and turned to look at him indifferently.

"Yes, my lord, I surrender." The old man of Huafa Leo swallowed and looked at the blade that was only half a finger away from his body. A thin cold sweat oozed out of his forehead. Well, he reacted fast enough, otherwise he would have to follow Jace's footsteps, his eyes looked slightly at the open eyes lying on the ground, those eyes that had lost their breath of life and became dull, face The color of fear is more intense.

"Very good!" Cheng Buyun nodded, and the latter immediately turned over and crawled on the ground, said respectfully: "Adult, I will start today, here, at this time ... Offer my loyalty to serve adults."


Cheng Buyun's heart was dumb. The chaotic leader had loyalty. It was nothing more than thinking for his own life and seeking perfection, but he didn't say much. He said calmly, "Get up and organize your troops."

"Yes." Leo bowed respectfully, and then shouted loudly at dozens of seventh-level strongmen who had stopped in a daze for a long time: "You come to meet the adult."

These dozens of 7th-level strongmen didn't think much, and immediately hurried over to see Cheng Buyun. This is very common in the chaotic leader. Loyal to this person today, and may be loyal to other strongmen the day after tomorrow. This is nothing. , They also did not resist.

And the strength of this adult is stronger, better than doing things under Grand Duke Jess.

"City Lord Majesty!"

"City Lord Majesty!"

The people on the upper floor of Dongmao City are completely crazy, and Grand Duke Jess, who is a ninth-level strongman, is not an enemy of the city's master. With such a strong city owner's refuge, what could be more fortunate than such a thing?


So the soldiers of the Black Mist City are completely mad, and word of mouth, and soon the city also learned of this news, the two nine-level strongmen on the side of the Ice Blue Principality died and surrendered, and Duke Jess, who exploited them, has died. Lord Leo was taken over by the master of the city, and Black Mist became stronger.

Soon, the army of 100,000 people was sorted out, and these soldiers also received the result of the surrender of the whole. At the same time, they did not have much resistance to becoming a member of the Black Mist City.

Again, the chaos leader has no so-called loyalty.

According to statistics, the elite 50,000 soldiers were killed by Xiong Er for more than 2,000 people in a while. From this, it can be seen that the threat of the 9th-level strongmen to the army has no equivalent. It is estimated that it takes tens of thousands of fighters to intercept a strong man of level nine.

Besides, Xiong Er is not an ordinary 9th-level World of Warcraft. He wields that huge iron rod, sweeping it is a large piece, fast, and lethality is not comparable to other Warcraft.

However, if Celsia is dispatched, she can only kill faster with her nine-level magic power. The magician ’s attack is not comparable to the warrior ’s means. They are like artillery and missiles in technological warfare. It's a big piece.

"Adult, this is the space ring between me and Jess." Leo picked up the space ring full of treasures from the hand of the dead Jess, and handed it to Cheng Buyun respectfully.

"I will enter the city and give it to Monroe for a while." Cheng Buyun didn't look at the two space rings, turned his head to look at or in the distance ... The farmland stepped under the soldiers' feet, the big eyes around the Black Mist City The wheat field that can be harvested has been trampled by these 100,000 soldiers, almost destroyed.

Leo naturally knows this situation. Whatever the army of 100,000 people have gone through, let alone the wheat field, in order to make the march faster, a lot of trees have also been destroyed, which will make him a little scared.

In the main city of Fucheng, the post-war statistics already have results.

The hesitation in this war was that Cheng Buyun and Xiong Er were the main forces. The soldiers just stood and watched on the city wall, so there was no loss of soldiers. The loss was a large area of ​​farmland outside the Black Mist City, almost 90% of the farmland. It has been completely trampled on, and the people must have no harvest this quarter. In order to give the people a hope of survival, the Black Mist City must purchase a lot of food and distribute it to the people for consumption.

"Monroe, count the amount of food harvested by the people in previous years, and then distribute it to the people in twice the amount." Cheng Buyun's face was calm, then his eyes turned to Reo, who stood below, calmly said: "Leo, in charge All the troops of the former Ice Blue Principality, and training in accordance with the rules of the Black Mist City, I do n’t care what you all arrange, I just want to see a smooth and prosperous Maple County, understand? "

"Yes, sir." Everyone, all the strong men who belonged to the icy principality before the parcel, all respectfully saluted.

"As for Jesse's wife and concubine ..." Cheng Buyun's words changed, Leo was shocked, and his face changed slightly, but the former's words made him worry again, "Let them be a little rich man." Let ’s stay free. If you still want to live in Maple County, arrange a hereditary baron for them. ”

In fact, Cheng Buyun has not yet established a Principality and has no power to seal the nobility, but these are trivial matters. Who cares?

"Yes, my lord, I will do this in person. I will definitely let some nephews put down their prejudices and work for them." Leo was relieved in his heart, and his face was also grateful.

Anyway, his decades of brotherhood with Jess did not want the old brother and his family to completely disappear in the Magnolia Continent. In the end, even the inheritance did not stay. This is the greatest sorrow in life!


Among the camps of the Black Mist City Barracks, Leo did not hide his figure. He came to a tent that was heavily guarded by the guards and met several sons of his older brother Jess.

Billy Morrill, yes ... Yes, the political core city of the Principality of Binglan is Jesse named after his surname, which is more common and common in Magnolia.

"Uncle Leo, what should we do in the future." Billy Morrill had a relatively calm personality, and a glare of hatred in the eyes of those birds of prey.

"What else can I do, of course to run away, Uncle Leo, will you help us right? You told us that you are not here to kill us, right?" Harry Morrill looked sullenly and looked directly at Leo Asked calmly.

When Harry's words came out, several other young people were shocked. Leo looked at Harry in amazement, frowning, and said, "Harry, what do you think, if the adults want to kill you, come It ’s not me anymore. When I came here, the grown-up told me that I was n’t ready to cut the grass and remove the roots. "

Looking at the light of hatred hidden in the eyes of several nephews, Leo sighed slightly in his heart and thought to himself: "It seems that he has been busy."

It ’s not that the uncle does n’t want to help you, but that the grown-up is not a mortal, that ’s the sanctuary ...

The Principality of Ice Blue was destroyed.

The news was heard by all parties in less than a few days, and they were all surprised.

The Principality of Binglan is so powerful that it will be destroyed within a day. Such shocking news has made several surrounding Principalities very nervous, and at the same time exploring the reason why Binglan is so quickly destroyed.

After the fermentation of time, the detailed information of the battle of the Black Mist City was also placed on the table of the various forces of the Chaos Leader.

The Temple of Light in Finlay City.

In a bright and magnificent room, the magic lamp was shining, with blond hair and a thin face wearing a red robe. Teres looked at an information in his hand and frowned tightly.

"Unexpectedly, this man Cheng Buyun was so strong, he was even a nine-level extreme power, and he also ran away to the chaotic leader, what do you want to do? Build a kingdom?" He had long ago Knowing that Cheng Buyun is unwilling to live under people, he just didn't expect that the other party's ambitions were so great.

"Sir, this guy actually hides his strength at the beginning, which makes us a big ugly. Go to the leader of chaos to occupy the territory, or this guy has planned early in the morning, he is a nine-level extreme level strong man, in chaos. The leader is invincible. In Maple Leaf County in the northwest, the area can't even reach our bright Holy See. Unexpectedly, he opened such a situation. "Rose in white robe sat quietly and stared Smiling at the information sheet in Telles' hands, he frowned, not knowing what was in his heart.

"Well, the ordinary war sanctuary generally does not intervene. He is a nine-level strongman at the extreme level. It is an unsolved situation, unless he sends the sanctuary to assassinate, but according to the information we have obtained before, this guy can be more than nine. The ultimate strength of the level, in fact, some time ago, our spies in the Yulan Empire found a very precious information. The information said that Cheng Buyun and the Sanctuary strongman of the Weill family of the Yulan Empire ... Mai Enlais had handed once, and both sides suffered injuries. "Tress gave Ross a slight glance and sighed.

"What?" Rose was shocked and asked with a shock on his face: "Master, is this true?"

Tells nodded, and Ross widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, but that is the second-level powerhouse of the Holy Land, is he also the Holy Land?"

"It's not ..." Terrace shook his head and said, "So I said this person is terrible."

"How is it possible that it is not the Sanctuary Powerhouse, and that it is possible to beat both the Sanctuary Second Level Powerhouse and lose both sides, which is too hard to believe." Rose's head fainted, Sanctuary! The realm that is hard to find for many people is a realm with infinite lifespan, completely different from ordinary realm.

eternal life!

This is the state that all life desires, even if it is him.

"It ’s also due to Mai Enlai ’s carelessness, but in any case, his attack is so powerful that even the strongest of the Holy Land must be seriously injured. This person ’s talent is surprisingly powerful, so the command given to us above is Draw him in. "Telles said right.

"Roll him?" Ross looked weird. How could the Finlay Kingdom be thousands of miles away from the chaotic leader? But he quickly responded, "It's not him who wants us to win, should it be the two families of Lyons and Baruch?"

"Yes, it is estimated that there is also a copy in the hands of the Dark Holy See, so after receiving this information, the Pope gave us an order immediately," Tellis smiled. "That Cheng Buyun is difficult to draw, but with him The related Baruch family and Lyons family will accept our goodwill. After all, these two families are in our sacred alliance. Some things are inevitable for them. As long as we show goodwill, the other party can always feel it. "

Rose nodded in agreement.

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