Plane Universe

Chapter 841: Will family

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"I can't care about that much. Even if I don't report to the family now, I can thoroughly investigate it by virtue of the family's ability. The elite army has broken in half. If this is not discovered, then the Will family can't be in Yulan The empire has been inherited for hundreds of years. "Brunei-Weir said:" Trust me, even if I don't say, someone in the family will soon make a fuss about this matter, I would rather take the place of the city owner for what I need. "

"This ..." Thales was reluctant. Since joining the Will family for more than ten years, he was sent to follow Brunei Will eight years ago, and his life has been a lot more comfortable. It is also a courtesy, saying that it is a protector. In fact, Brunei treats them as brothers, so it has a deep feeling for Brunei.

Otherwise, this time when Harry died, why are they so excited, because Harry is a nephew in their eyes, and the nephew is dead, can they not be excited and do not immediately take revenge?

"Just do it." Brunei Will said with a hatred in his face, "I will cut off each other's flesh by hand to sacrifice Harry."


Cheng Buyun didn't know that Brunei Weir, the main city of Chaofeng City, had plans to deal with it, even if he knew he wouldn't care.

At this time, he was already in the city of Lenny, 150 miles away from Chaofeng City. The Magnolia Empire is worthy of the strongest economic power in the Magnolia Continent. The business atmosphere is very rich. The century is old and beautiful, a paradise for the rich, a **** for the poor.

Without money, you are nothing, even if you are a seventh-level strongman, without rich wealth, no one will despise you.

The magnolia empire has a developed economic system, and there are many novelties. For example, those magic lamps were invented by the people of the magnolia empire. The clock is also a mechanism for calculating time. Many and many items are made by the people of the magnolia empire and sold to other places. The most powerful thing is the magic crystal cannon, a very powerful empire.

When entering the city, Cheng Buyun saw the dozen or so black magic crystal cannons lined up in a line on the city head. He didn't know how powerful the power was.

"Sir, welcome."

Entering a luxury hotel, the waitress greeted Xiong Rong with a face on her face, and curiously looked at the two Warcrafts that Cheng Buyun was following. They were more waitresses and more and more guests. Restraint, it won't hurt people at all, it's safe.

"Well." Cheng Buyun nodded, followed the waitress to the counter, opened a luxurious room, and ordered to get a table, some barbecue to add belly to the two Warcraft.

"Okay, please come with me." The waitress took Cheng Buyun towards the stairs beside the hotel and took him to the deluxe room.

After opening the room door for Cheng Buyun, the waitress said respectfully, "Adult, I'm outside. Please call me or ring the bell when something happens. I will come in and serve the adult immediately."

"Well, what's your name?" Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded gently, making the waitress' face slightly red, secretly suppressing his miss, and respectfully replied: "Adult, my name is Alice."

"Alice?" Cheng Buyun's expression on the surface was noncommittal, but the name was still a little shocked in his heart. Alice was the first general of his men, and he hadn't seen Alice in years.

"It's hard work." He wiped the space ring in his hand. A fifth-level magic crystal core fell on his hand. The magic crystal stone with a big fist was flicked by his thumb and flew toward the waitress's arms. "Reward you of."

"Thank you, sir." The waitress flushed with excitement and grabbed this magic crystal stone in a hurry. I'm afraid he couldn't catch the magic crystal core on the ground and shattered it. In fact, the magic crystal core did not consume the interior. The energy ... is very hard, even the ninth-level strongman may not be destroyed.

After the female waiter respectfully thanked her, she looked at the magic crystal stone in her hand. At first glance, her eyes widened. This magic crystal core is completely different from the magic crystal core she had obtained in the past. The black surface is deeper and deeper. Because it is shiny, there is more energy inside. Although it is impossible to distinguish the level of this magic crystal, it will definitely not be a primary magic crystal.

Such a magic crystal can pay for her own salary for several years, and her monthly salary is only one gold coin. She usually has better luck and can receive a guest for her service. She will also be rewarded with some gold coins, but absolutely few Will receive more than hundreds of gold coins magic stone.

"Thank you, sir." The waitress excitedly thanked the closed room door again. The waitresses standing sparsely in front of the nearby room door immediately came over and looked enviously at the magic crystal in her hand. stone.

"Alice, you are so lucky, this adult even gave you such a magic crystal."

"I see this magic crystal is more than four levels. I have seen the magic crystal of the fourth level. The black is not as deep as this one."

After taking a shower in the room, Cheng Buyun sat in the balcony seat and watched the sunset outside.

In the southern province of the Magnolia Empire, the Weir family can be said to be a powerful force. Most of the city owners are basically members of the Will family. It can be said that this southern province is an expropriation of the Will family, resulting in seats. The result is of course that there is a strong sanctuary in the Will family-Maienless-Will.

A strong sanctuary powerhouse.

This Maien Les-Will is a bit short for others. After hearing these news, Cheng Buyun already knew that he must have a fight with the other party, so in the next period of time, he needs to make a little preparation.

A good weapon is a must-have to fight against the powerful in the Sanctuary. The thin sword given by the Lyons family is too weak to exert much power at all.

But I want a good weapon, which makes him very embarrassed. There is basically no better metal here in Magnolia Continent. No ... It should be said that there is no better metal in the entire Panlong universe. I want to find a little F-level in Panlong universe. Don't even think about the immortal metal, because there is no direct.

There is only one way to obtain immortal weapons. Use your divine power to 'nurture'. As long as you are a divine powerhouse, no matter how many immortal warriors or armor you want, you can nurture them with divine power.

Ordinary level weapons are also the same, you can use grudge, use it to nurture, the weapon will gradually become stronger, very direct, very simple, but it is a bit speechless.

After two days of rest, Cheng Buyun inquired about the refining masters with better craftsmanship in the nearby city in Lenny City, but the result made him a little disappointed. The reputable refining master could not meet his requirements at all. A refiner without some strength can't even fuse a variety of precious ores, let alone build weapons?

No way, Cheng Buyun had to buy a epee with a length of several hundred pounds and two and a half meters in the more famous weapon shop in Lenny City.

"Adult walking slowly."

Cheng Buyun came out of the weapon shop, and at a glance saw a strange man standing in the middle of the street. There was a kind of arrogance in the man's expression, as if he was waiting for someone.

"I just killed the children of my son's family a few days ago?" The man looked at Cheng Buyun and smiled disdainfully: "Humans are not very good, I don't know if your guts dare to offend my Will family, but These are no longer important, because today you must die. "

"Is it?" Cheng Buyun looked calm and looked at the other party and said, "You are stupid!"

"Play as much as you want, because you will die in a while, and talking more can make you leave a last word." The man put his hands on his belly and smiled like a good temper.

In fact, everyone who knows him knows that he is a very cruel person. He likes to play with the enemy the most. He listens to the cry of the enemy before he is very satisfied.

Many people saw the situation happening on the street, and immediately went around to see the excitement.

"This is from the Will family!" One of the onlookers, a discerning person, saw the sign on the man's chest and immediately woke up and said, "Did you hear that some time ago, someone said that a man came out of the edge of Warcraft The adventurer ... killed Harry Will, a disciple of the Will family who went to Warcraft Mountains, right? "

"It should be, he also brought two Warcraft, one tiger and one bear, and the shape is also right, I think it should be him." A bystander replied with a positive tone.

"Your news is outdated. Eight days ago, Brunei Will, the owner of Chaofeng City, sent his family's private army to take revenge. The elite army was composed of two strong seventh-level fighters and a seventh-level magician. The strong man led, but was defeated and returned by this man. The seventh-level strong man Enr under the command of Brunei City was killed on the spot. "A businessman with a fat belly and a big belly said softly.

"What, so fierce?"

"Yeah, it's a bit hard to see, is this man a ninth-level strongman?"

"How can the 9th-level strongman be comparable to the Will family? There are many 9th-level strongmen in the Will family, and they can be killed by the heap, not to mention the Will family and the" Mean Levine "adults. It's the Optimus God Pillar. "Someone said yearningly.

The man was not in a hurry, he just wanted to let more people know what happened to offend the Will family.

Cheng Buyun also knows the meaning of the other party, but only to let more people know by himself that offending the Will family does not end well. At the same time, the reputation of the Will family has been slightly stricken by himself. This time to deal with myself, of course, let more people see it.

It's just that this will disappoint them. The Will family wrongly estimated their own strength, not to mention a ninth-level strongman, even if there are more?

"Did you choose how to die?" The man asked politely, but all the fools in the words could be heard. "But someone wants to kill you by hand, so you can rest assured that I will not kill it immediately. you."

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