Plane Universe

Chapter 2784: Ethnic interests above all else

The price of treasures worth one hundred thousand treasure points is amazing, more than twice the price of Xeon treasures.

With such an expensive price, let alone the master level of the universe has enough wealth to buy it, it feels a little trembling to see it.

Only very few ancient existences have this wealth of wealth, and they have to be very ancient ones, such as the powerful universe masters of the First Universe World, who have mixed endless years.

But those who existed in the ancient universe, even if they have enough wealth, they have no chance to buy such rare treasures.

The magical set is powerful, as long as you see the strong, you will not miss it, and will fight for it, even the strongest in the universe.

Because the magic set is really powerful, the increase is the foundation, and it does not affect the additional holdings of the treasure.

For example, if you do not need the power of a single component of the savage giant, you only need to condense the armor on the body, without condensing wings, shoes, gloves, etc., and will not affect the final effect of the magical suit. .

The treasures created by time and space are quite special. As mentioned before, they have no weaknesses, not only effects, but also no weaknesses in appearance.

However, the general Lord of the universe will not do this, and there is no need to add additional treasures. The magical set itself has a single treasure component except for the heart guard and battle shoes. The other three components belong to the peak treasure level. Any component has the power Not under the peak treasure of the same level, that glove is extremely powerful even when used as the main weapon.

Not to mention the wings.

Why bother to be near and far!

Unless there is the best pinnacle treasure, it will abandon the wings without condensing, and only condense the armor and gloves on the body.

Therefore, there is still a lot of reason for treasures worth one hundred thousand treasure points.

The potential is very powerful. As far as the two levels of the Lord of the Universe and the True God are concerned, it may be a product that will never be out of date.

Of course, the price of 100,000 treasure points customized for the magical set does not mean that it is only worth so much, and the impact must be considered.

At the same time, Chengbuyun can only get half of the 100,000 treasure points for each set of magical fantasy. After removing the material cost, he and the ethnic group's profits are divided equally.

The cost of the magic set is about 5000 points. It does not calculate the labor cost, but the material cost. The four rare materials of soul wood, stardust sand, gold leaf, and ming earth stone are used for 12 Pieces of top treasure in exchange.

This is already worth 3,600 treasure points, and some other top materials, etc., add up to almost 1,300 treasure points, rounded up.

So it is five thousand treasures.

With a profit of 95,000 utmost points, Cheng Buyun and the race are equally divided, and he can get a set of 45,000 utmost points.

The five sets of magical illusions are directly more than two hundred twenty thousand treasure points, surpassing the wealth contribution he made last time for the large number of secrets of the race.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the actual value of the secret code. Even if the human beings all know that they are very precious, they are still more cautious when making contributions. In addition, the ethnic group is indeed poor, and giving one hundred thousand treasure points is considered very large. Handwriting.

Even one hundred thousand treasures are already the greatest sincerity that the ethnic group can give.

After all... the wealth of the entire ethnic group adds up to about half a million, and a lot of the wealth is of resources, accumulated over countless trillions of years, and is used to cultivate the wealth of the ethnic group.

Including most strategic treasures, they are ethnic heritage and cannot be easily used.

In this way, the Lord of Chaos City at that time even reminded Cheng Buyun specifically not to exchange for treasures, lest it affect the development and growth of the ethnic group.

As for this time, why set a high price without letting Cheng Buyun suffer, but everyone has considered the interests of the ethnic group.

As with the previous sentence, this is no longer related to their personal interests, but the interests of the entire human race.

Everyone is very clear that there will be more and more illusions in the future, and there will also be more and more masters of the universe of races. If you customize a low price, everyone will take advantage of it, but the race will suffer in the future.

All of you here are the great pillars of the ethnic group, drawing on the blood of the ethnic group to strengthen yourself, isn't that a parasite?

How should the later ethnic powerhouse look at them?

The reason is simple...I would rather suffer a loss than to lose the interests of the ethnic group!

One more thing, Cheng Buyun is still sitting here, he must have the demeanor of a predecessor, and behave like a predecessor. Don't let Cheng Buyun look down on himself.


The magical set has set a high price, but the strong ethnic groups present here are not in a bad mood. The conditions have been set. First change and then make up. Later, you will be rewarded when you go out. Every time you make a contribution, you will get half of the harvest. Make up for the wealth owed to the ethnic group.

The remaining half of the wealth can be disposed of by itself. If you exchange treasures for treasures, you can strengthen yourself by changing and strengthening yourself, and it will not affect the progress of strength.

The impact was minimized.

This can be said to be very fair considering everyone's difficulties.

They are all powerful in the ethnic group, and the ethnic group is not afraid that you can afford it, just because you are not strong enough.

"Time and space ghosts pay more attention. How afraid is he that we don’t want to change because the fantasy is too expensive!" Long Xingzhi laughed teasingly, "It seems that for a long time to come, I have to The ethnic group is working."

"Yes, one hundred thousand treasures of wealth, it will take a long time." The master of Peng Gong also smiled: "It's hard work!"

"If you don't want to give up the spot, there are some people in the room who want to increase their strength." The Lord of Virtual Gold cast a squint at the two shameless old guys, and then said with a chuckle, "Sure enough. It seems that you haven't worked for the ethnic group before!"

The Lord of Longxing and Lord Penggong naturally heard the grievance in the heart of the Lord of Xujin, glanced at each other, smiled tacitly, and did not answer the conversation.

The strong of other races will naturally not touch the mold of the Void Gold Lord, anyone can see that the latter is very unhappy at the moment, the reason is naturally that he is not qualified to use the magic set.

Who will die!

Next, it was the turn of Tai Heng sets of pricing, everyone was expressing their opinions.

Taiheng set is naturally not as powerful as the power of the magical set, but it is also a very good combination treasure. Although the quality is not as good as the peak treasure, the power is not bad.

After comprehensive consideration, a small number of strong ethnic groups proposed to set the Tai Heng set at the price of 3000 Zhibao.

But it was rejected by the savage giant.

Compared with the magical set, the power of the Taiheng set is much worse, but it is extremely powerful when placed in the main level of the universe. Don't underestimate the Taiheng set only doubles the amplitude of the power and divine power, as well as speed. , But any cosmic lord wearing a cohesion can increase his strength by one or two small levels.

The amplitude is very impressive, three thousand treasure points, it is simply an insult to the power of the too balanced set.

It also denies Cheng Buyun's refining achievements, which is not desirable!

There is no way to customize a magical set of 100,000 treasures. If the price is high, the strong ethnic group will really not be able to pay it. It will take endless years to carry a large amount of debt.

In the end, the savage giant directly decided that the price would be more than five thousand treasure points, and the price is more suitable. If the Lord of the universe has a better chance, he will be able to pay it back in hundreds of billions of years.

At that time, the strength is estimated to have almost the third-order strength, and the realm has accumulated enough, and you can wear a higher-level magical suit.

PS: Xukong is here to say sorry to all the book friends, very sorry! Because it was too busy yesterday, it was close to 1 o'clock in the middle of the night when I got home. I couldn't code words at all. I had to wash and fall asleep.

Once again because of busy schedule, ashamed!

Because the chapters I owe will be made up, I will make up one chapter today, and I will continue to make up another chapter tomorrow.

Here, Xu Kong solemnly speaks once again, I am sorry, and please forgive me, all book friends!

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