Plane Universe

Chapter 2674: The three powerhouses of the God Eyes arrive

Cheng Buyun quietly watched the Lord of Anshui fly to the neighborhood, his heart was like still water, his indifferent face did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations, the green magic sword gleaming with psychedelic light pointed diagonally below, and said faintly: "I meet you again , Really makes me happy. Last time you caused me a heavy loss, this hatred... I always remember that we will fight again this time, the result will be different!"

He is a person who holds a lot of grudges. Anyone who offends him will have no strength. If he has strength, he will avenge severely. He has been waiting for this day.

"The lord of human time and space."

The Lord of Anshui stopped hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of Chengbuyun, his expression was extremely calm, his emotions did not fluctuate at all, his eyes did not fluctuate at all and said, "You are arrogant and arrogant, unlike your other human predecessors. That's low-key. Also, last time I let you lose so much, this time it will be no exception."

While speaking, his attention couldn't help but fall on the Blue Fantasy Sword held in Cheng Buyun's hand. With that weak aura and power fluctuations, he quickly judged that this was just a relatively powerful top-level treasure weapon. , Instead of what they guessed, it is the Xeon Treasure weapon.

Judging that what the human kid was holding was just ordinary treasures, to be honest, Lord Anshui couldn't help but feel very disappointed.

How he hopes that the human kid is holding the most powerful treasure in his hand!

Two Xeon treasures, what a great harvest that is!

Attacking the strongest treasure and holding it in the hands of the weak is the easiest target to snatch. After all, attacking the supreme treasure has no protection.

If it is the strongest treasure of armor, there is no hope of snatching it, unless it is the strongest in the universe.

"Am I arrogant?"

Cheng Buyun couldn't help but laughed, and he felt contemptuous in his heart. When it comes to arrogance and arrogance, that group is comparable to the arrogant and arrogant people of the God Eye Race!

Relying on the ethnic groups, there are the strongest in the seven universes, screaming all day long, looking at the many ethnic groups in the three reincarnation era with a high attitude.

Who is arrogant, heh!

"Don't say some of these are not, I and you are considered old acquaintances, there is nothing to say, come on!" Cheng Buyun coldly glared at An Shuizhi Zhu, "Take out your god-eye clan powerhouse usually He’s proud, looking down on me, looking down on me like an ant, as if I could be killed easily."

"It's too arrogant, I don't know it when I die!"

The Lord of An Shui was called an angry hate, and immediately raged and sneered.

There was a wave of faint spatial fluctuations, and Cheng Buyun naturally knew what was going on. He even said with a sneer: "Ha, from the moment I met Lord Jiayu, I have known this situation for a long time, and I know why I want to wait for you here on purpose? Because... I have nothing to worry about! It is not that I despise you, but with your strength, it is difficult to shake me!"


Lord An Shui was taken aback, with an incredible expression on his face, unable to figure out what was going on.


Cheng Buyun yelled, and appeared in front of the Lord of Anshui under his body. The blue phantom sword was already waved. After the ultimate top secret method'psychedelic' style was increased by the power of will, the power rose very much. Outrageous, it is directly the powerful power of the strongest in the universe.

The misty phantom light shrouded, the Lord Anshui only felt a burst of alien force in his mind, and his consciousness had become a little confused.

"No! Give me a break!"

The entire soul of the Lord of Anshui was shocked, and his divine power and consciousness urged and protected the top soul treasure in his mind, and used its power to drive out the invading psychedelic power.

At the level of the psychedelic power that resists Cheng Buyun, the Lord of Anshui is much stronger than the Lord of Jiayu, and neither the highest treasure nor the level of will can be generalized.

And in the soul protection secret method, the Lord of Anshui is also stronger than the Lord of Jiayu by more than one level.

But even so, it is enough. The psychedelic power only needs to slowly calm the water for a moment, making him lose the opportunity on the spot, and Cheng Buyun's magical secret method of killing has arrived.

The sword's edge full of endless stars pierced the space and cut the skin. The Lord of Anshui's heart felt tight, and he felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Goodbye, the human kid this time, his strength has increased too much.

Compared with last time, it is a change of heaven and earth.

When the danger came, the Lord of Anshui could hardly react, and the cane he held in his hand swung up subconsciously without even thinking about it, to block the blue fantasy sword that Cheng Buyun pierced.

One was an unprepared resistance, and the other was bombarded with a powerful secret method, and the result can be imagined.


The cane swung, but there was no way to shake the pierced Blue Fantasy Sword. The Lord of An Shui could only watch, the weapon in the hands of the human boy directly pierced his top treasure armor, and a bad sound of'creaking' came out. .


The divine blood was ejected and volatilized, and the Lord of Anshui also roared in pain, and violently blasted Cheng Buyun's head with the lift of his left hand.

To solve the difficult situation of oneself.

As soon as he saw it, Cheng Buyun smiled cruelly, and immediately made a fist and blasted off. The Azure Magic Sword he was holding in his right hand quickly swiped, causing secondary damage.

Peng! Peng!

Two muffled noises!

The two fists smashed together, and Cheng Buyun felt a pain in his stomach at the same time. It was good that Wu Shenjia was strong enough and didn't suffer much damage.

Purely in terms of strength, he is still very much worse than the Lord of Anshui.

In other words, the Lord of Anshui is also the top powerhouse of Tier 5, and is definitely not much worse than the two powerhouses, Teacher Chaos and Lord Penggong, in terms of supernatural power.


The Lord of Anshui was so traumatized, he couldn't help groaning, and the divine body aura weakened, almost the kind of weakness visible to the naked eye.

Today Chengbuyun's power is not small, and the two peaks and treasures are added, which is much stronger than the previous power.

With one move, even the Lord of Anshui was not lightly injured, almost 10% of his body was gone.

Very shocked!

"Compared to the last time, how can the human kid's strength be so high, even if I have prepared, knowing that he will perform psychedelic soul illusions, he will still be tricked, **** it!" An Shui Lord's eyes flashed for a while Panicked, secretly said: This time the trouble is big.

The Lord of the Golden Ship, who was also in communication, were also very surprised. They immediately accelerated their flight and appeared one after another, shouting repeatedly, "Human kid, don't be rampant!"

"Hahaha, okay, all the three masters of God Eyes are here, and there is also a lord of the golden ship, haha ​​what an honor!"

Cheng Buyun laughed happily, and replied boldly without the slightest fear: "I wanted to fight you a long time ago, so it's just time to see the majesty of the gang fights of your God Eyes."


The strong men such as God Eyes blushed and cursed in secret. The Lord of Ernst & Young argued without blushing: "That's because you are too young and have little knowledge. Can this be called a siege? In the eternal life, some sacrifices are Inevitable means."

"Hmph, I won't talk nonsense with you."

Cheng Buyun sneered and said: "I don't care what you are for. If you want to besiege me together, you have to have that opportunity. Now, I want to get my previous debt back, Lord of Anshui... Don't hide. So far, come and die!"

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