Plane Universe

Chapter 2666: The plan of the Lord of Gaya

Cheng Buyun was shocked when he met Lord Jia Yu here.

He didn't know whether he should sigh his luck or his bad luck.

Even if this is the area where Wu Yuyi Space is located, he will not look for it.

How can he find it, he can get that wing?

Do not make jokes!

That wing has the core of the ‘source’, and the power is incredible. He doesn’t want to try whether the power the opponent possesses can kill himself.

Cheng Buyun estimated that the power of that thing should not belong to the power within the limits of the rules, and even he guessed that the true god's limit level could not withstand the opponent's blow.

It belongs to a god, and a drop of blood alone has such a great power, a true weapon?

Probably it was at least Chaos Rank, after all, this Wu Yuyi was forged by a stronger Wu State than the Jin State where the mountain guest was.

Moreover, it can threaten the mechanical treasure of the strong chaos, and what remains is the strongest pair of attack wings. Find it if you want to die!

Cheng Buyun takes his own fate very importantly. He does not gamble at all, and it is a gamble that is destined to lose.

It's better to leave it to Luo Feng. He has the shelter of the Star Tower and is not afraid of the attack of the last pair of Chaos Golden Wings.

Suddenly... a wave of divine power swept over, and it swept past Cheng Buyun's location. Suddenly, the divine power that swept through quickly gathered and settled on him.

"Master of God Eye Clan Jiayu, hello!" Cheng Buyun's soul consciousness moved, and he even greeted over there.

Upon sensing the hello from Cheng Buyun, the master of the god-eye clan powerhouse Jiayu was almost shocked, and quickly responded with soul transmission: "It's you, the lord of human time and space!"

"it's me."

Cheng Buyun responded with a polite smile and said: "Unexpectedly, here, I will meet the powerhouse of your God Eye Clan again. It's really... unexpected and very exciting!"

Lord Jiayu would be very surprised, for Cheng Buyun quickly recognized his identity only with the breath swept by his own divine power, and he was greatly impacted.

The breath of divine power he swept across also sensed the existence of life, and he deliberately identified it before confirming that it was Cheng Buyun.

So... he was at an absolute disadvantage in the exploration of soul consciousness.

He didn't even know that Cheng Buyun had discovered him a long time ago.

If he knew this conclusion, he probably wouldn't stand up.

"I didn't expect to meet you, such a human genius and strong person, here. However, listening to you, it seems that there is some misunderstanding about my God Eyes." But this time, the Lord of Jia Yu will step forward. The quick response of Yun's soul consciousness was just a little shocked, and he hadn't reached the point of turning around and fleeing.


Cheng Buyun even showed a smile on his face, and said with a serious expression: "Absolutely not, how powerful is the God Eye Clan, there are so many powerful, the great reputation of the Seven Allahs, it’s too late for me to respect the great reputation of your tribe. Any complaints, besides, I always respect the strong in my life, and the spirit of your God Eyes is worth learning."

It's just what the meaning of this translation is, let alone the Lord of Jia Yu, even someone else can hear it, Cheng Buyun's words are full of mockery.

"How dare you... how dare you... asshole, shut up!"

The Lord of Jia Yu immediately became so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born, and his voice roared in the void: "Never a strong man dared to despise my God Eye Clan so much, you...the Lord of Time and Space is the first!"


Cheng Buyun laughed, and his contemptuous tone exploded directly over Lord Jiayu’s head and shouted: "I just like your God-Eye clan with such a lofty overlooking attitude. What are you waiting for? Don't talk about these. come on!"


When he was speaking, he unexpectedly first a space blockade banned the temporal and spatial fluctuations in the surrounding area of ​​several light-years, making the teleport ability no longer effective.

This flip action was obviously afraid that the Lord of Jia Yu would run away, and the Lord of Jia Yu was so angry that he immediately flew into a thunder, and being so despised by a junior as the master of the fourth-order top universe, it was a shame.

It's weird to be able to bear it!

"You **** arrogant human kid, I Jia Yu... My Lord Jia Yu must kill you, you will wait for me." The Lord Jia Yu shouted, turning his right hand, and a fiery red long sword was taken He clasped his hand tightly, holding the flaming sword, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the cave where Cheng Buyun was located.

"Haha, good time, I’ve been waiting to compete with you a long time ago, but to be honest, the last time I fought with the Lord of Anshui, although the fight was fierce, I can say seriously that the old guy is really not good at strength. Di, I don’t know how strong your Lord Jiayu is, and can you please me."

Cheng Buyun laughed arrogantly, and greeted him by pulling out the Green Fantasy Sword.

The distance of trillions of light-years is in the primitive universe with the upper limit of speed. It is naturally very far away, but in the sea of ​​cosmos... it is just a short distance. After all, the speed of any top powerhouse is hundreds of millions of kilometers per second. Hundreds of millions of kilometers per second.

Trillions of kilometers?

At most, you can get close to the encounter in an hour.

The weaker side, if there is no good domain treasure to resist the defense, it is impossible to escape such a distance. The Lord of Flint is chased and killed by the only master of Ernst and Young is the best example.

When the domains are almost the same, they can't win, even if they are only 10 billion kilometers apart, they can escape.

The two who are approaching each other extremely fast, there is a swell in their hearts. Under the power of the realm, the speed is further accelerated under the increase of its power.

However, as far as the flight speeds of both sides are concerned, the speed of Lord Jiayu is far better than that of Buyun, hundreds of times faster than him, and it is estimated to be about two thousand times the speed of light.

Chengbuyun is only about 1,500 times, which is the fastest.

Even with the help of the condensing mirror, he himself is good at the law of light, especially the speed of light, and he is famous for flying and moving, but his strength is really bad.


Lord Jiayu saw Cheng Buyun's flying speed much slower than his own, and immediately laughed and said: "At such a speed, dare to be so arrogant, human kid, I have to say, you are really capable! "

"Huh, how can the speed be faster than me? In the end, it depends on your ability. Don't be beaten by me, then it's ridiculous." Cheng Buyun sneered, and shouted without losing. Tao.

"just you?"

The Lord of Jia Yu looked contemptuous. According to the information he got, he knew that the Lord of Time and Space is not strong. In terms of mystery, although he is at the top level, his overall strength is barely a Tier 4 universe master , Much worse than myself.

The only thing to pay attention to is the endless divine support of the human kid, huh!

It just consumes his background and makes some contributions to the supreme auxiliary treasure that will be snatched from him.

As long as he contributes to the consumption of the human boy, the Lord of Time and Space, in the end, once the **** is successful, even he can allocate some benefits.

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