Plane Universe

Chapter 2652: Lord of the sea

The little stone in the small valley is not only forbidden, but also extremely hidden.

Full of powerful deceiving power.

If the mood is not strong enough, it is difficult to discover the huge secret hidden in the small valley.

Cheng Buyun was able to discover the secret in the little stone, that his mood was strong and powerful!

Noticed it.

However, the general powerhouse cannot compare with it, and naturally cannot discover the secrets in the small valley.

Secrets can be buried for such a long time without being discovered, and it has something to do with the outer region. The strongest in the universe cannot be mixed on this side. Even the strongest in the universe who fears life and death the most, the area to invade must be the inner range.

That's why this secret can only be kept for such a long and endless years, and it was only discovered by Cheng Buyun now.

When the lord of the sea covered the small valley, time and space immediately noticed it.

"Stop it first." He knew the importance of it, and quickly reminded him: "A strong alien has noticed the small valley and is about to approach. Go and deal with it and drive the opponent away."

Cheng Buyun immediately retreated from his sentiment in surprise. He knew as well as Time and Space that if the hidden things were discovered by a large number of foreign races, then this place would become a battlefield meat grinder, and a large number of the strongest in the universe would come. Scramble.

Will he still have his share?

Even if the founder of the Great Axe arrived, it was useless.

Can't suppress the scene.

In an instant, he stood up, and flew to the cliff at the same time, looking at the figure flying in the distance with scorching eyes, but his expression was suddenly shocked. Isn't that the lord of the sea who has had a relationship with him?

Unexpectedly, this old guy came to this side.

Luck, or luck!

I hope that the other party will know and be more interesting, so as not to have a huge conflict with him.

The Sea Covering Master, who flew quickly to the small valley, naturally noticed that something was wrong, and quickly raised his gaze and swept towards the cliff, with a bit of suspicion in his expression.

"Human powerhouse?"

The Lord of Covering the Sea frowned, and there were only a few human experts who could break through the core of the waters, and almost all of them were not easy to provoke.

Even those who are weak in strength, such as the Lord of Human Desolation, the Lord of Blue East, and the Lord of Frozen, are very difficult to win, and the Lord of Void Gold is even more powerful.

As for the Lord of Longxing, he definitely belongs to an existence with the same strength as him.

Human beings are powerful in all realms, possessing powerful secrets that exceed their actual strength.

The two human powers, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Peng Gong, are even more invincible than the strongest in the universe.

However, it is exactly as it is called, the strength is really strong, and they are the two existences that have the best chance to become the strongest level in the universe in the current third cycle era.

Because the distance is too far, the Lord of Coverage hasn't noticed that the human figure is a step cloud. From this point of view, his consciousness sensing range is not as strong as the former.

The range of consciousness that the average top powerhouse can spread in the universe is about a million light years.

But that is only a general sensing distance, and it is more difficult to sense the breath of a certain strong person carefully.

The chaotic airflow has a great influence in this respect and will interfere with your conscious judgment and induction, unless the distance is close enough.

"Who among the primitive humans?"

The sea-covering master's mind turned sharply to determine what it meant to hold a human figure ahead, and why he would stand on the top of the mountain and wait for his arrival.

Is it a delusion to drive myself away and dominate the treasure in the valley, or is it already taking the treasure and preparing to leave, but I can see my approach, so I waited for a while, ready to turn it over?

How can there be such a human powerhouse.

almost impossible!

What does that mean!

In other words, the treasure has not been taken out?

The Lord of Covering the Sea judged in his heart.

As for evasion, it is impossible.

Treasures are naturally home to the strongest. If the treasures are really not taken out, it can't be said, he will compete well.

As long as the human figure is not one of the two human beings, the Lord of Virtual Gold and the Lord of Dragon Walk, he is quite sure to defeat the opponent and drive away.

The hidden treasures in such a hidden valley are definitely not mortals!

As the distance approaches, the look of the Lord of Covering Sea suddenly becomes astonished. It seems that he has forgotten a new powerhouse in the primitive universe-the Lord of Time and Space!

"It's you, the Lord of Time and Space of the Primitive Universe Cheng Buyun!" The Lord of the Sea Covered with a look of astonishment.

The expression seemed astonishing as if he could not expect to meet Cheng Buyun here.

"The Lord of Covering the Sea."

Cheng Buyun was also slowly nodding his head and greeted politely, but his expression was very leisurely, as if he didn't have the slightest worry about the scene of the other party's arrival.

Such a move made the Lord of Covering the Sea very angry.

But for almost an instant, many thoughts flashed in his mind. The lord of human time and space is a very difficult existence for human beings. At the level of strength like the lord of the **** eye tribe Anshui, he can’t win the opponent. The Lord of the Sea is not much stronger than the Lord of Anshui.

For a moment, he felt a little hesitating, fighting with the Lord of Time and Space, fighting for a treasure that might exist, feeling completely unnecessary!

No strong man is a fool, he doesn't know it at all.

Any strong person will judge the situation and judge the record and strength of both sides, so as to make the most correct choice.

After saying hello, Cheng Buyun saw that the Lord of Covering the Sea was silent, and even kindly said: "The Lord of Covering, I found this place first, please leave!"


When the Lord of the Sea Covered heard that Cheng Buyun wanted to ask him to leave, his face suddenly became a little uncontrollable. It was one thing to leave, and it was another to be driven away.


Even if Cheng Buyun is not easy to provoke, he can't leave directly at this moment.

Cheng Buyun didn't understand this at all, and his words led to annoyance of the Lord of Covering the Sea, making the latter feel uncomfortable.

The experience is still too little.

As long as he waits quietly, the Lord of the Sea Covering will naturally retreat, because he has a record and feels that he is not easy to provoke, and it must be the end of leaving.

But at this moment, the result is a little bit off.

"Am I arrogant?"

Cheng Buyun looked indifferent and looked down at the lord of the sea, and said: "The so-called first-come, first-served, I have the first opportunity. Even if there are hidden treasures in the valley, I should investigate first. This principle, Don’t you understand?"


The Lord of Covering the Sea hummed coldly and said: "So what, so-called first come first served, who made the rules?"

"If this is the case, your Excellency has the means to use as much as possible, I... took it!" Cheng Buyun looked at the approaching Lord of the Sea Captain and said: "As long as your Excellency has the means to beat me, the investigation of this valley Visiting the power, naturally belongs to you, and I will not call the strong people of the ethnic group to come and help."

The Lord of the Sea Covering is very helpless, he is so special, he has said everything to you, what else can I say?

Also summon the strong of the ethnic group, would you be shameless to do that.

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