Plane Universe

Chapter 2601: Extremely exaggerated scene

Chaos Square.

Today is different from the past. Many Chaos Sect disciples discovered that great beings are actually gathering together, rushing to the primitive secret realm to visit Chaos City Lord.

"I don't know what happened, and it provokes so many great beings." Venerable Starry Sky looked at the masters of the universe, or energy clones, with a surprised face, and entered the Chaos Palace. He was very strange in his heart, speculating wildly.

What is going on?

It's just that his level is completely unqualified to inquire, and the teacher of this society is also busy receiving you great beings, and he doesn't dare to visit and disturb in the virtual universe.

Why is there a little bit of curiosity in my heart, and then to disturb the teacher, he is not so stupid.

"Senior Brother Xingkong, there won't be any major events that are difficult to solve!" Venerable Fire Phoenix came to the side of Venerable Xingkong, also showing a strange expression on his face.

"I don't know, I only knew about this when my subordinate disciple reported it." Venerable Star Sky shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a soul-shocking figure in his eyes, and he was shocked. He thought he had made a mistake and looked at it with concentration, his expression immediately showed shock, exclaiming and whispering: "My God , Sister Huofeng, look, that's..."

"The founder of the giant axe!"

Venerable Fire Phoenix's face was full of horror, and his phoenix eyes were completely opened.

"Even this one is here? Even if it's just an energy avatar, it's a bit scary, it's really worrying!" Venerable Starry Sky became completely worried. A large number of cosmic masters actually gathered together, which has never happened to humans thing.

When a person sees something that shouldn't happen, his mind will naturally get confused.

Both of them are energy incarnations, standing on one side is naturally very eye-catching. After a while, several more figures walked over and joined the discussion.

Moreover, the number is increasing, reaching nearly a hundred, almost including most of the direct disciples of the cosmos elders and immortal gods under the leadership of the Chaos City Lord.

Among them, there are many named disciples of Venerable Universe.

In less than half a day, news was flying in the sky, and the entire human alliance group was discussing what had happened to allow so many great beings to gather, and to achieve gathering.

What... Is the Human Alliance ready to copy guys to attack the alien lair?

There was a lot of discussion outside, and in the Chaos Palace, more than two dozen super powers were talking and talking with smiles. Looking to the future, they did not come forward to explain.

The chaos is just for a while. What's the matter? Let the alien race panic for a while!


In the main hall of the Time and Space Palace, Cheng Buyun sat on the throne with his eyes closed, faintly exuding bursts of powerful aura fluctuations, which affected the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

All the maids and servants did not dare to approach at all, so they could only stand aside and secretly observe from the outside, looking at the mighty power of their own ‘Master’, their expressions were full of admiration.

To be able to serve in the Palace of Time and Space, even a maid or a servant, in the eyes of other powerful men, has a high status and makes people feel enviable.

The so-called seven-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate, even the most common immortal servant girl, the strongest person must be polite and dare not offend.

How could it be simple for the great existence under the sect? If possible, even if they were servants, many immortal kings would be willing, but unfortunately, they could only envy them by themselves.

I don't know how long it has passed, or if it received some kind of signal, Cheng Buyun, who was entrenched on the throne, suddenly became powerful, and the oppression of a large number of maids and servants almost couldn't breathe.

He almost bowed towards Cheng Buyun with the most non-standard and hardest movement in his life, and then he dared not wait any longer, and he was very embarrassed and rolled out of the hall.

That’s right, he really rolled out, and it’s not too far from the gate.


Xiao Honghou said with a funny face and whispered: "It's really weak, tens of thousands of kilometers away, so you can't stand such a bit of supernatural power? It seems that you have to practice hard in the future, but you can't shame your elder brother."

The divine power is mighty, the power is getting stronger and stronger, and at this moment, in front of Cheng Buyun, the divine power of the law condenses rounds out of thin air, and the divine power and the law are intertwined, forming three secret patterns in the blink of an eye.

Teleport, blockade, and strangle.

Three spatial capabilities...

It was sketched out easily, and the sketching speed was so fast that countless limit kings were ashamed.

The three major abilities of space are presented in the form of secret patterns, which is just a habit of Cheng Buyun.


There was a sound, and the three Secret Patterns flickered, but they were close to each other and merged with each other.

In the blink of an eye, the three secret patterns have been fused together to form a new secret pattern, a secret pattern that belongs to the master of the law of space.

At the same time, a new space capability and space control have also been formed!

In fact, it is the space field!

An ability unique to the Venerable Space.

"Ha, it's done."

Cheng Buyun immediately opened his eyes and smiled. He already felt that the endless huge pressure was crossing the endless void and approaching where he was.

The law of the origin of the universe has come to the primitive mystery.

The special and powerful incomparable original law came under the pressure, and all the strong outside were directly stunned. Whoever has such a big heart, so many great existences have arrived, and even cultivated so peacefully and broke through.

Is it the shelter of the great existence?

I just passed through such thoughts in my head, but it immediately felt wrong.

The coercion of the original law of coming is a bit too heavy, and when I look up, my mother!

I was scared and paralyzed!


Chaos Palace.

In the void, there was an extremely exaggerated and huge portal that made people desperate. At the same time, behind the torn portal, there was a huge colorful object struggling, trying to get out.

Colorful vortex!

Talking loudly and looking forward to the many great beings looking forward to the future, feeling the huge and special pressure from the leap, all of them suddenly showed joy.

"Haha, it's done!"


"Hahaha, I have seen the origin law of the colorful vortex come, directly covering a large area."

"Go, look outside!"

"Chaos, don't be slow, it's your favorite disciple who breaks through, can't you just behave a little more anxiously?" Lord Peng Gong laughed, and hurriedly took the arm of Chaos City Lord.

The savage giant laughed loudly, and joked very happily, "Chaos is probably too happy to forget it!"

A group of strong men joked and moved to the top of the palace one after another, looking up at the galaxy, where there was a stalwart figure standing at a height of 100,000 kilometers, which could scare the strong men who saw it to death on the spot.

"Wow, what a big colorful vortex, this is a bit exaggerated and outrageous." Looking at the scene above the galaxy, the lord of the universe suddenly exclaimed again and again with a shocked expression on his face.

"This level is really exaggerated." The Lord of Xujin was also shocked.

"I've only seen it in my life!"

"It's no wonder that the coercion coming from such a long distance is so huge, as if you are in the center."

"The pressure is so heavy!"

"Who has seen a colorful vortex with a diameter of twelve light years?"

"It is not an exaggeration to have such a huge pressure."

Even the Lord of the universe felt slightly uncomfortable with the extremely exaggerated aura of pressure.

This is the case for the masters of the universe, and the sages of the universe include the powerhouses at the following levels.

Within the scope of the huge Chaos Square, there are already a large number of figures crawling at this moment, all surrendered under this huge pressure.

No matter whether you are willing or not, you have to kneel.

You are not allowed to fight!

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