Plane Universe

Chapter 2492: Luo Feng seeking treasure

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Regarding the enemy, the Black Phoenix King is not worried at all. Now she is different from the past. With the aid of the golden king armor, the enemy is only large in number, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Even if the other party finds shelter from the ultimate powerhouse, she is not afraid.

In her own terms, her secret method is not much worse than the limit of the king, and she can kill a peak king-sealing powerhouse with a few swords, although she relies on the increase of the golden king armor, but her own power can not be underestimated.

The level of the strongest king, wearing the golden king armor, is the stronger the stronger the stronger.

Still the pinnacle is the best.

The increase is even greater.

The Golden King Armor can retreat their divine power to the ultimate level of the king in one fell swoop, and raise the power of secret magic and so on by several steps.


Areas such as extraterritorial battlefields, common cosmic secrets, medium cosmic secrets, etc., can be described as beacon smoke everywhere, and a large number of human powers are like a hurricane blowing through and raging like locusts.

Especially those strong human kings who are directly attacking the three alien races, as long as they encounter the powerhouses of the three alien alliances, they seem to be crazy and lunatic, their eyes are scarlet, and their expressions are distorted and contain endless evil spirits. hit.

Even if the loss is huge, it will be reconciled to the alien race that he encounters.

A posture of not letting you kill you has made the hearts of many foreign experts tremble.

In the face of crazy human powerhouses, many powerhouses who are not under the command of the three major alien races are also afraid to provoke them.

In the end, the three major alien races can understand what is the situation of the strong human beings.

It turned out that the Human Alliance was restructured.

Killing aliens actually gave corresponding contribution points, and even these contribution points can be exchanged for heavy treasures in the space-time palace.

"Damn prodigal son, I really regret not killing you in the first place, so that the race has suffered a huge loss now."

The masters of the three different races of the universe are almost mad at this moment. The tri race alliance has just been established, and many issues have not been discussed and resolved. Human beings have already acted first to be strong, killing their own race.

Damn it!

Since humans can come up with treasures to seduce, why can't my three ethnic groups alliance?

In terms of background, who is weaker than the four peak ethnic groups?

Moreover, human beings are just a single ethnic group. In terms of background, can they be deeper than the three major alien alliances?

Who believes it!

Messed up!

When the three major alien alliances also implemented the contribution value system like human beings, almost a large number of middle and low-level universe secret realms have become the battlefield for the immortal powers of the four pinnacle race groups.

Caused the fall of a large number of immortal gods.

As a result, forces such as the Xinjiang Alliance, the Thorns Alliance, and the Nine Regions Alliance all laughed, wishing that the four pinnacle races would fight harder, and it would be best if Venerable Universe would also participate.

Expand the level of war.

It's just that the four pinnacle races adhere to one rule, and the cosmic sages and above will not end.

What to do in the past, what to do now.

Once the Universe Lords are all gone, then the infinite war of the races will not be far away.

No one wants the results to develop like that.

Because Cheng Buyun has a powerful deterrent to the three alien races.


Bauhinia Island, in the mansion of Venerable Zhenyan.

Venerable Luo Feng and Venerable Zhenyan were all sitting in golden armor, drinking together.

Luo Feng's expression was very happy.

"Haha, it's a great pleasure. Nowadays, I am a human being who is strong and strong, and I only have to kneel down and beg for mercy." Luo Feng laughed and toasted, "It's really a grand occasion for me."

But when Zhenyan Zhenzun heard the words, he said with a smile: "Have a good shit, I knew that, I might as well bear it."

"Teacher, if there is gain, there will be loss. With your venerable body today, how difficult is it to get some valuable treasures." Luo Feng laughed.

"It's not difficult, but with the level I haven't broken through before, it will be easier. What a good opportunity. With my strength, killing those alien kings is not as easy as killing dogs and chickens." Venerable Zhenyan sighed. , As if missing tens of trillions of wealth, the mood is a bit depressed.

"Before, I was so excited about owning a top-level treasure. I didn't expect the situation to change so quickly. The treasure is almost worthless. Killing foreign races to earn contributions in exchange for the treasure is how ridiculous it sounded before. Good thing, it's a pity... I feel that my two old friends, Wang Yuwang and Wang Nanan, have met good luck, and they have been showing off in front of me recently."

Venerable Zhenyan was incoherent in his words, but he soon regained his mood, haha ​​laughed: "I am not complaining, I just want to tell you some unhappy things in my heart. Okay, no. Having said that, come, let's continue drinking."

Luo Feng naturally understood the teacher's desire for Zhongbao.

He is just a newly-promoted Cosmos Venerable, and he was also poor before. Most of his wealth was spent on his disciples, but he didn't have much.

At this moment, the venerable is at a higher level, and the armor he wears is not even a heavy treasure, it is still a golden king armor treasure, which seems a bit low-end.

If the wealth of a large amount of immortal gods' level is much greater than that of him, the Venerable's face will be turned there!

The loss of heart is also the reason for this.

Lamented that the world has changed too quickly.

The position of Venerable Zhenyan at the moment is very embarrassing.

It's just that Zhongbao's stuff, he couldn't stand to help.

Now he doesn't have much wealth. The treasures on his body are just barely enough for his own use. Even if he doesn't give it to the teacher, the latter will definitely not want it.

The teacher is as kind as a mountain to himself, just like before, knowing that he had been chased by the King Barking Mirror in the mysterious realm of the ancestor, and he ran all the way but was swept away by the vortex of space.

After he knew it, without saying anything, he picked up the guy and killed him with King Huojing.

Had it not been for Venerable Wan Feng of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance who had arrived and saved his life, I am afraid that King Vejr would have fallen on the spot.

This time, I have to be a bit cheeky. Even if I am shameless, I have to get a piece of the treasure for the teacher in front of Brother Yun to comfort and comfort the teacher's depression.

Primitive Secret Realm.

"Congratulations to Brother Yun for his great existence." Luo Feng laughed and congratulated.

"What is great and not great."

Cheng Buyun laughed, glanced at him and said, "And I just come to congratulate now, is it a bit late?"

Luo Feng Naotou said embarrassedly, "Isn't that busy studying and practicing?"

"With your current background, it's almost time to make a breakthrough. Is it almost imperfect?" Cheng Buyun smiled deliberately.

Luo Feng shook his head, "I am preparing. If it weren't for the sudden excitement, I wouldn't come out to breathe."

"Okay, let's talk about it, what is it that makes you face me such a lack of confidence." Cheng Buyun asked with a smile, and even put aside the issue of the return of the earth, there must be something bad to say Make him feel embarrassed.

"That...that..." Luo Feng flushed, his mouth was open, but he couldn't speak. He couldn't speak the language of the organization before he came, and finally he just blurted out, "I'm here for treasure!"

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