Plane Universe

Chapter 2485: it is finally over!

The backlash brought by the reversal of time and space is immense.

The amazing power that covers tens of billions of kilometers is even greater than the battle between the two powerhouses.

A wave of shocking waves spread far away, and a large number of powerhouses in the entire Primal Secret Realm looked excitedly and excitedly at the void, staring at the invincible figure, and a pair of eyes revealed the ultimate worship gaze.

This time the Lord of Time and Space reverses time and space and resurrects the strong, which is simply the only grand scene in his life.

The earth-shaking ability, who can not worship.

Seeing this change, Chaos City Lord said: "It has reached its limit, and it has begun to consume a lot of divine bodies."

"Yes, after this batch of nearly 70,000 immortal gods was resurrected, based on my inductive judgment, it is estimated that nearly one percent of the divine body was lost." The Lord of Darkness said flatly.

One percent doesn't look much, but it depends on the object.

The degree of the huge divine body of the avatar of Chengbu Yun World Tree, one percent, is probably much more exaggerated than the sum of the power of thousands of cosmic lord gods.

After resurrecting millions of powerhouses, the backlash of time and space is incredible.

"Almost eight hundred immortal gods are still carrying them, my God, are they so crazy?"

The Lord of the Dragon Lord was about to be stunned. Seeing that Cheng Buyun's World Tree clone was still reversing time and space, he didn't know what to say.

"That is, it's better to take a break and let the backlash rules slowly dissipate, and it won't be too late to reverse it." The Frozen Lord looked at Cheng Buyun's large amount of squandering deity and felt very heartache.

"Even if the divine body does not want wealth recovery, it can't be wasted like this! This prodigal son!" Chaos City Lord also laughed and cursed. In fact, he understood Cheng Buyun's mind, supported by a huge ocean of divine power, and a divine body that was a clone of the World Tree. Without putting it in his eyes, it is better to reverse some immortal gods.

In fact, it is really unnecessary.

The more powerhouses resurrected in a short period of time, the stronger the backlash.

Reversal of time and space is backlashed, which can be converted into the fatigue of a strong person. At the beginning, the increase is very small, but as the number of resurrected strong persons increases, it is very likely that the resurrection of a strong person will need to increase by a large amount in the end. cut.

And these fatigue levels need to be eliminated for a long time, and there is no way to offset it with the precious materials.

Since the limit is reached, there is no need to continue to carry it.

But this time it was Cheng Buyun's first time to reverse time and space, and Chaos City Lord didn't say much.

You can explain to him later when you have time.

Anyway, a little divine body is nothing but a big deal for my disciples.


The pressure is increasing, and Cheng Buyun himself is of course very clear. After the resurrected powerhouse exceeds 8 million, Cheng Buyun dare not play any more extreme reversal of time and space.

At this time, the number of resurrections was only a thousand.

The number of these ten thousand people also consumed more than 10% of his divine body, which shows the power of the backlash.

By this point, the World Tree clone had been completely damaged.

It can be said that the rule backlash power is close to its limit. It is estimated that more than 60% of the remaining gods will not be able to reverse even the 1,000 immortal gods.

In desperation, it stopped.

No longer continue to reverse the time and space to resurrect the strong.

In fact, the resurrection of eight million powerful people at once is enough to write great, and the only powerful one who can compare with each other is the Lord of the Nine Nethers.

The endless vast power is slowly disappearing.


"I'm waiting to thank the Lord of Time and Space."

More than eight million resurrected immortal gods, the Fenghou immortal spirit, knelt down again, and sent the great Lord of Time and Space away.


The World Tree clone shook the huge canopy, which was already a little gray, and disappeared in the sixth divine kingdom teleportation point in the floating emerald green fluorescence.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the World Tree descended over the Qianbao River above the Chaos Palace, hovering wherever it was, and said nothing.

"Hey, what a big monster, I saw it for the first time. I didn't expect that Junior Brother still has such a plant life clone." The second senior brother raised his eyes to the void above the Qianbao River, the invincible stalwart figure, whoever When I saw it, I had to sigh for a while.

It's so big!

"The so-called rumors are not as good as seeing is the truth. No matter how outrageous it was before, it is not shocking to see it in person now." Venerable Starry Sky also sighed with emotions, the little Junior Brother's hidden ability is too much.

You think that he has what you see, but in fact, the true ability is basically not revealed for you to see.

As long as you show it to you, it will definitely shake you to the ground.

I don’t know, what I see now, is it all of the junior brother?

I guess Xuan!

The ghost knows what this evildoer is still hiding.

A large number of disciples were all pointing at the World Tree, and City Lord Chaos also shook his head without saying more.

What can I say?

What happened this time is really outrageous.

Resurrect 8 million immortal gods and powerhouses, and they are all at the Fenghou level, do you dare to believe?

The immortal gods of the Fenghou level are very weak, and their total divine power is not as high as the total divine power of several top universe overlords.

On average, it is only a few hundred billion times, and the divine body is not big, only a few meters in height, and the height is not more than ten meters.

A cosmic overlord has a level of 1 billion times his divine power, even more powerful than tens of billions.

But if you really want to be resurrected, even the strongest in the universe are unwilling to resurrect millions of immortal gods, mainly because they can't resist it!

Reversing time and space to resurrect the strong, mainly depends on the size of the gods.

The bigger the body, the more resistant it is!

Regarding the degree of reversal of time and space, there is no strong person who can be as good as the Lord of the Nine Nethers.

In the eyes of the Lord of Nine Nethers, no top cosmic overlord was a thing.

To put it in an exaggerated way, it is estimated that even the Lord of the universe may be resurrected.

If Cheng Bu Yun has the strength of the Universe Venerable, and allows the ocean of divine power to resurrect the immortal gods, it is estimated that all the immortal gods who have fallen in the human alliance since the endless years can be resurrected in minutes.

It's a pity that there were previous changes, not to mention that Cheng Buyun was not ready to let the ocean of divine power go out, and now he would not show it off.

So as not to be embarrassed.

The divine power ocean is just an immortal god, and the power of resurrection is too strong.

It's probably not as good as the world tree clone.

At this moment, the entire human alliance is almost in a frenzy

And he didn't want the alien race to know that he had such a large clone, so as not to be hostile by a large number of alien races, and joint attack to stifle the rise of mankind.

Boil the frog in warm water and take it slow.

Can't rush.

It's too much to be good for mankind.

After all, his current strength, to put it nicely, is the Lord of the universe. It seems that the power is endless, and the strength is boundless. If the weakness is identified by the alien, it is still very dangerous.

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