Plane Universe

Chapter 2460: The perversion that appears in order to fight against all beings

Hearing that Cheng Buyun was actually the Chaos City Lord and others who possessed the perfect secret of the Lord of the Universe, he almost fell into madness.

The Secret Technique of the Perfect Level of the Lord of the Universe is the secret technique level that many of the Lords of the Universe crave, because the Secret Technique of the Perfect Level can be used to comprehend and create a more powerful level of the secret technique.

The sixth-order secret method, that is a super secret method that can only be controlled by the strongest in the universe, in terms of power, it is not comparable to the power of the fifth-order secret method.

That is a power evolution, and the combat power has increased more than ten times.

"Do you really have the perfect secret of the Lord of the Universe?" Chaos City Lord asked eagerly.

The perfect secret is related to the future of a strong man.

It is a means of leapfrog battle, with the perfect secret method of the universe residence, you can use it to understand the sixth-order secret method.

With the sixth-order secret method, not to mention that it is better than the strongest in the universe, at least in the universe, but also has the ability to resist it, so that you can contend a little bit, and it can also make it easier to escape when you are hunted down.

Moreover, Cheng Buyun has huge potential, and Chaos City Lord naturally hopes that his background will be stronger.

"Teacher, I do have the perfect-level secret of the Lord of the Universe." Cheng Buyun saw the teacher's eagerness, the Lord of Longxing, and the expectations of the two uncles, and immediately nodded and said: "In fact, it was in the secret of the sky fire. , The last moment when my world tree clone blew itself up, it displayed a gift of the perfect secret technique of the Lord of the Universe. You can recall Senior Longxing, Frozen Master, and Teacher."

In this way, the Chaos City Lord and several others who were present at the time recalled that the two masters and apprentices, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Youhou who were not present, were very anxious and wanted to talk but was afraid to disturb the memories of the few people. .

"I know."

The Lord of Longxing yelled, everyone looked over, and their eyes were full of questions, and the Lord of Chaos also said: "I seem to have guessed it too."

"Cheng Buyun, isn't it..." The Frozen Master said with a puzzled look: "Is it... you have a perfect talent secret method... is it... is it a talent secret method that can increase divine power?"

Increase supernatural power?

Is there such a talent secret in the universe?

The Dark Lord looked suspicious.

After all, he has never seen it!

The amount of divine power is the order of increase in the level of life, and I have never heard of a secret method that can increase it.

It is not the basic realm, some powerful secret techniques can achieve the increase of the original force.

In the final analysis, the original force is inherently weaker than immortality, and it is much worse in terms of power.

Even if it was hundreds or thousands of times the power of the realm master, it might not be able to defeat an ordinary immortal god.

The other party broke out a little bit, and your world master couldn't keep up with his power.

The burning of divine power can increase the power of the secret method by one hundred times. How does your world master compare?

"Yes, Master Frozen’s eyesight is really good. Indeed, at that time, I used the secret technique of amplifying my divine power. I doubled my divine power and reached the level of the master of the universe. That’s why the power is so powerful. It almost exploded the Dream Demon Ancestor into the sky." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

"It's no wonder that I felt that your divine power has increased by a bit, the boss, so that's the case, I said it, I was still wondering how might power suddenly increased dozens of times, it turned out to be so simple, haha!" Lang Shuang laughed and exclaimed with excitement: "Wow, such a perfect talent secret method is indeed invincible and worthy of such a name."

The Lord of Youhou was also shocked, what did he hear?

The secret method of doubling the divine power!

What kind of talent mystery is that.

Is it something that people can own?

My God, Cheng Buyun’s inherent strength is a bit too perverted, such a perverted character, everyone encounters a headache!

Especially the secrets of talents that can increase divine power are many times stronger than the secrets of offensive talents.

Attacking secret methods can be created, and they can assist similar secret methods, but they are not met.

"Really, I thought it was your limit. Unexpectedly, there are so many hidden means. I feel sad for the foreign race!" The Lord of Longxing laughed, his face looked amused.

Everyone is nodding, and they can also imagine the uncomfortable appearance of the alien race in the future.

Cheng Buyun smiled and continued: "As for the other perfect talent secret that I have, the price/performance ratio is much worse. It is a talent secret that balances offense and defense."

Slightly introduced the secret method of guarding the shield of his own society, but it did not cause much surprise.

Guardian of the shield is the most normal secret method.

There is no comparison between shocking nature and increasing divine power.

"At this point, there should be nothing to hide, right?" The Lord of Longxing pretended to look at Cheng Buyun with a face that I had been greatly hit, and he smiled and said, "Don't tell me, you really There is also a super treasure in the body, then I guess I can’t stand it."

"Okay, okay, back to the topic." When Chaos City Lord heard this, he hurriedly stopped, lest Cheng Buyun felt dissatisfied.

The Lord of Longxing also quickly apologized.

Cheng Buyun naturally understood what the teacher meant, and even shook his head and said, "Teacher, it’s nothing. Senior Long Xing doesn’t need to care so much. I know his words are accidental, not trying to hit me with any idea. I can trust his people, after all. Before, Senior Long Xing had helped me many times, and it was really nothing to ask.

"And here, except for Youhou, they are all my elders. Even if I don't mention it, the foreign race will doubt me and throw this pot on my head."

"Indeed, I have a super treasure, but this super treasure is a soul super treasure, which can greatly enhance my soul strength." Chengbu Yunlian automatically explained.

He didn't want to deceive Teacher Chaos either. Besides, isn't it just a treasure?

Could it be that Teacher Chaos could still **** from themselves, that's impossible.

They can't wait for themselves to have such a powerful treasure asylum.

For Cheng Buyun, the soul is very important. After all, he is not the Lord of the universe yet and is in danger of being enslaved.

That is to say, the ethnic group is not rich, otherwise the City Lord of Chaos had applied to the ethnic group for a higher soul treasure for Cheng Buyun, rather than a top level such as a dream clothes.

"Ah? You kid, since you have the soul treasure, then..."

The lord of Longxing looked surprised and almost blurted out. Since you have the super soul treasure, why didn't the race give it to the soul treasure at that time?

Cheng Buyun seemed to see through everyone's suspicions, smiled slightly and said: "Given the elders, I dare not give up!"

Everyone looked helpless, so thick-skinned!

"As far as I can carry such a large ocean of divine power, the route I practice is a little different from that of normal cultivators." Cheng Buyun finally considered it and revealed some things.

The universe within the body is nothing to reveal, and it is not an unspeakable question or an unexplainable matter.

Even if it is exposed, others can't learn it.

"You mean it's different from the route I've been practicing?" City Lord Chaos was surprised, feeling extremely weird.

Are there different types of cultivation routes in the universe?

Why haven't I seen it before!

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