Plane Universe

Chapter 2402: Venerable Tianhua asked for help from the dream demon ancestor

These lively alien powerhouses have no eyesight and energy, and they can't see the secret method that Cheng Buyun exhibited.

Only the Lord of the Dragon Walk hidden in the dark can see clearly, and he is also very clear about the ability of the treasure in the field of "Condenser" that Cheng Buyun exchanged in the ethnic treasure trove.

He even knows clearly that Cheng Buyun can display this powerful mysterious trick with his own ability even if he does not need to urge the domain treasure.

Looking at Cheng Buyun's implementation of this mysterious method, he felt even more wonderful in his heart. The little guy's application of the law of light was much more powerful than many great existences. He said with great emotion: "It's really a genius. Such powerful and rare secret methods can be created, and even I have to say something and admire it!"

Not admirable!

The secrets of the field, as strong as the Lord of Dragons, cannot comprehend the creation. After all, any treasure seal is only the secret patterns of power, without any directional secret patterns, it is impossible to learn from them!

"When do you have time to communicate with him?" The Lord of Dragons looked very tickled, and the secret technique of this trick displayed by Cheng Buyun was superbly superimposed on the superposition of the domain treasures!

Fortunately, Heavenly Lord Hua is also a top-level cosmic overlord with a strong level of power, and the **** body is also very arrogant. Some of the more powerful cosmic masters exist, and it is difficult to do remote bombing with the domain treasure

But Cheng Buyun... It's so easy, there is almost no consumption!

Even if you stand still, depending on the scene, Venerable Tianhua will eventually have to be tortured to death.

"How could this be?"

Heavenly Lord Venerable is completely stunned, why did things become so unmanageable?

According to what he had thought in advance, even if he could not win and Bu Yun was suppressed by him, it should not be difficult to escape afterwards, but now... everything is completely different from the development of his thoughts, even...

Even...he may fall here today.

He judged this point clearly.

Human beings shattered into Buyun are terrible, their strength is not high, but the rule of law is super strong.

Unable to escape, the body of the **** was reduced by a large amount, and he had to appeal to the clan.

Being beaten by a cosmic overlord to ask for help from the ethnic group is shameful, but shame is better than losing life and losing wealth.

As long as he escapes, there is a chance to make a comeback. If it falls... he will not dare to think about the consequences.

The riches of the adventures of the endless years... Almost all of them are on the body. Just think about what terrible consequences, and he feels a little scalp all over his body.

Indeed, once it fell, even if the teacher reversed time and space and resurrected him, the strength would have to be reduced from the top of the universe overlord to the first-class level. That kind of blow... he can’t afford it!

Without the powerful arrogance, the strength of the top cosmic overlord is just like that.


The Xiaguang bathed the morning sun, and Cheng Buyun seemed to have the eyes of the God of War in the sky, and the color of the eyes was endlessly murderous. The figure quickly flew to Tianhua Venerable in the sky of the stars, instantly spanning hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and then blinked Time appeared not far away from the latter, the stick had also been raised, and the power of the law of priming slammed past.

Feeling this powerful breath of power, Venerable Tianhua in a panic suddenly shook his body, and the remaining light in his eyes did not need to look sideways to know who was coming, there would be no other than human debris into Buyun, now Almost without even thinking about it, I was about to move aside.

He has forgotten that at this moment, he has also limited his qualities, and his response does not mean that the **** body is on the ground.

When he was alert and wanted to block, there was nothing unrealistic at all.

In the bombardment range of the "God's Light" secret method, his speed is as slow as a turtle, and he can't keep up with the reaction speed of Cheng Buyun, even turning around is several times slower than usual.


Iron rods slammed between its thighs, letting the divine light blaze for the intensive bombardment of Heavenly Lord Venerable. A muffled noise came out. The attitude of the whole body flying in the air is called ugly, but the limbs are stretched out in the air in large letters.

I don’t know, I thought I was playing juggling!

Cheng Buyun looked indifferently, and chased up silently. The stick continued to bombard the Tianhua Venerable again. This time instead of continuing to attack the position of the groin, he hit the waist and let the latter be like A broken sack flew sideways.

Under the power of the divine light, Venerable Tianhua had difficulty making any resistance. Like a target, he could only be beaten.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cheng Buyun's figure is like a ghost, like a group of afterimages, within tens of thousands of kilometers of Fan Yuan, all are afterimages.

And Tianhua Venerable was even thrown to the left and sometimes to the right, without the slightest return.

This scene makes all the strong interracial people dumbfounded!

"Sovereign Tianhua seems to be in a catastrophe today, and was consumed by 10% of the gods in the blink of an eye, so terrible!!!"

"What a ridiculous mystery trick, is this a mystery that people can create? It can't even be torn apart by Tianhua's terrible and terrifying!"

The alien strongmen who watched all this from afar were all stunned, their bodies were shaking with excitement, and there was an unbelievable look on their faces.

Exaggerated secret power!

Exaggerated top-level treasure power!

It is far more outrageous than the control of space and time by the Lord of the Universe. It should not exist in the world's ability!

so horrible!

"No, no, no..." Venerable Tianhua panicked in death, and even quickly shattered the token given by the teacher hidden in the ring of the world in the body.

He doesn't want to fall here, but he has several high treasures, a huge sum of wealth!


The avatar in the ethnic group quickly rushed to the palace where the teacher was.

When he shattered the token, the dream demon ancestor had sensed, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted with rage: "That guy who doesn't know what to do, dare to kill my disciple?"

The sound was so shocking that the whole palace was shaking.

Terrified to serve the immortal gods outside and tremble!

"Teacher help!"

The incarnation of Venerable Tianhua quickly ran in, even the etiquette could not be taken care of, and even shouted in panic: "Teacher, save me, please go to save the disciple once..."

"What's the matter? The strong man of that ethnic group killed you?" Meng Yaozu's huge silver-white snake's head was angry, guessing in his heart, is it the master of the human universe?

After all, now that the Zerg, Mechanical, and Demon are in cooperation, it is impossible for the Lord of the Universe to dare to mess up, making the Demon unhappy.

Because Cheng Buyun is the most important goal, others can bear it.

"It is Cheng Buyun, he wants to kill me, he is too strong, and he has a top-level domain treasure, which suppresses me from having the slightest resistance, and my **** body consumes very fast, and now has lost 10%. More than half."

Tianhua Venerable couldn't take care of anything at the moment, even begging and shouting: "Teacher save me!"

"You asshole, why didn't you tell Cheng Buyun when you met me, did you take what I said to my ears?" The dream demon ancestor was extremely frightened, as if the huge eyes of the black hole showed cannibalistic eyes and scared the Heavenly Lord. Shaking all over, only knowing to beg!

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