Plane Universe

Chapter 2391: Need for treasure

The two treasures of soul are not worth mentioning to Cheng Buyun. He is not stingy because he has a part to see.

Venerable Claws and Venerable Patrons, after all, did not have much effort. How can the person who is Cheng Buyun eat a single food, so that the two can't catch anything.

Even in his status, the two did not dare to speak in the clan to affect his reputation, but they would never admire it, and they would even suppress annoyance in their hearts.

No need not!

How good it is now, everyone is happy!

Heavy treasure suits, powers have strengths and weaknesses, but as long as it is a set of treasures, they are more precious.

Like this treasure set unearthed in front of you, the four-piece set is more powerful and more precious.

Judging from Cheng Buyun's eyes, he will never lose any higher treasure.

"Two, I will accept this treasure set, don't you have any ideas?" Cheng Buyun glanced back from Xiaoshitai and turned his head to look at the two strong human beings.

"Nature, nature!"

Venerable Claw Light said with a smile: "Although we have made some effort before, the aliens are all driven by the Demon King. Although they have credit, they have just given it. This treasure set naturally belongs to the Demon King."

"This is the reason, without the demon king suppressing the audience, with the strength of me and claw light, I am afraid that it is difficult to retreat today, not to mention that I can still get a soul treasure gifted by the devil king." Xunyi Venerable also said politely and modestly And secretly photographed Cheng Buyun about it.

"Yeah, the treasure belongs to the devil, we are convinced, there will be no complaints in our hearts." Venerable Claw Light smiled again.

What do you do at any level, treasures that should not be coveted, you must fight for it, don't talk about hurting your emotions, and don't look good in the face!

Even if they insist on fighting for this treasure set today, it is estimated that Cheng Buyun will be divided in face, but it can be divided into one thing, but it is only to show the generosity of Cheng Buyun, but it is still the same sentence, hurt Love and face.

In the future, this matter was said in the ethnic group, and no one would look down on them.

Think they are greedy.

It didn't make much effort, but it was too much to argue for.

Besides, Cheng Buyun didn’t give credit, and a person’s soul is a treasure worth about one Treasure Point. For their merits, they are more than outstanding!

It’s not yours to be a part of life, it’s best not to fight.

In addition, they have roughly judged Cheng Buyun's identity in their minds. If such an opportunity, how could they miss the friendship.

In any case, it is not a matter of fact. After the situation is clear, I can also visit with this love.


Seeing that the two were so arrogant, there was no unwillingness in their expressions, and the language was extremely sincere. Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, appreciating the advancement and retreat of the two, not greedy.

The treasure is right in front of us. This huge wealth is a monstrous wealth for any higher cosmic venerable. Whether it is for personal use or dedicated to the ethnic group, they can immediately turn them over several times.

But it is not much to have such a sober understanding!

"So, I accepted it, ha ha!" Cheng Buyun said with a laugh.

"Please, the demon king, we will protect the law for you." The two looked at each other and even said happily.

It seems to be very glorious.


Xiaohong was looking at the side with a smile, and the eldest brother pretended to be a habitual offender, and he had to pretend to be happy there.

In the judgment of the Supreme Universe, who can't guess his identity?

He even asked others to compliment him, to be happy with a fart, pretend!


Although the treasure treasure set is precious, if it can be separated, the difficulty of identifying the master will not increase, just like other treasure treasures.

Recognizing the master refining process is very smooth, almost a few seconds to complete.

But don’t admit that the defeat is short. If many strong men fight for it, even if the Lord of the Universe comes, it’s impossible to complete the recognition in one second.

In the process of recognizing the Lord, as long as it is disturbed, it is almost impossible to complete the process of recognizing the Lord.

Because of the immense amount of life imprinted on each other, mutual influence will naturally lead to the resistance of the treasures that recognize the Lord and refine it.

After the recognition and refining, Cheng Buyun also knew the complete names and some basic information of the four pieces.

The black extinction is the name of the heavy treasure set. It is combined into one. The power is comparable to the high-level treasures that the middle and upper levels are barely comparable. It is estimated that the value should be around 15 points to the treasure points. a little.

The Black Destroyer Treasure Set is characterized by enhanced user speed, which is much more powerful than the general Auxiliary Treasure.

This is a very rare thing. The power of the general combination of accessories can be comparable to the ordinary Zhibao Power. It is already extremely precious.

But this black extinction is not in this case at all, and it is a bit too strong.

Of course, this is also related to the number of black extinction suit combinations and the power level. Its four accessories are the peak treasure level, each value is at least 3,000 treasure points, and the wings of the combat shoes are far more than 1 treasure points. Reached the level of almost two treasure points.

Combined in this way, powerful might not feel excessive.

The combination of four sets, on the power of attack, is stronger than the general attack on the treasure, and the quality of defense is far beyond the ordinary level of treasure armor.

Explosive power, flying speed, etc. are at least intermediate levels of ordinary assisting treasure.

At the same time, the black extinction combination set has a sealing effect, which can greatly weaken the enemy's domain binding power.

It's really precious.

Such a combination suit is most suitable for collection.

This type of combination set is estimated to be one of the best treasures in the entire primitive universe, and the number will not be too much.

It is simply the best level of the best in the heavy baby category!

Hard to see.

Cheng Buyun was extremely pleased to appreciate the power of the Black Destroyer suit, and even shared it with two strong human beings.

The eyes of the two powerful humans were almost rounded. They also knew that these four sets of powers were certainly extraordinary, but they didn't expect the power to reach such a degree.

Comparing the value of advanced attack treasure, God!

What level is that?

Highest treasure, even the cheapest advanced attack treasure, they have no chance to see it, not once.

Even an ordinary treasure is nothing more than a body.

The ordinary treasure on the claw lighter is the cheapest attack treasure.

In other words, it is better to patrol the Venerable. The treasure is the ordinary treasure armor gifted by the ethnic group.

my God!

Such a precious combination treasure set is really... It is estimated that if those aliens know, it will really be sad to go against the river.

Even with such bad luck, he met Cheng Buyun, the big devil, haha!

The bad luck of the aliens, my luck!

Without the presence of His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun, how could there be a harvest of soul treasure.

Although they were shocked by the preciousness of the Black Destroyed Treasure Set, although there was a burst of envy in their faces, there was no trace of greed in their eyes, and there was nothing unwilling in their hearts.

The treasures are home to those who have strength, and His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun will not come, and he or she may not be able to win this precious thing.

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