Plane Universe

Chapter 2274: Among the reasons

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Just like the Lord of Chaos, how can you pass a face when you let him reward a treasure to your disciples? !

Either there is a reward, and as long as the reward is given, it must be rewarded with a treasure that can hold its identity. This is called a card.

"I ..." Shuying Wang opened his mouth, and his heart was really tense. This is a reward for treasures, not some third-rate treasures.

The type of treasure is still up to you.

Can she not be nervous!

It's so nervous.

She was so anxious that there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, and she had a small crime, but she couldn't speak.

"Ah, I'm still used to it, even this little scene is so nervous." Cheng Buyun felt a little helpless, but she couldn't blame.

Treasures of this level are the pursuit of many immortal gods. Even the Venerable, many are equipped to run for a treasure.

One fact is very clear. Among the 10,000 kings limit, one of them may not have a treasure that can have a treasure level.

At least it has to be invincible level to barely, but very few.

"Soul, realm?" Cheng Buyun finally chose for Shuying Wang, relieving her tension and uneasiness. "If you are not sure, I can only choose for you."

Shuying Wang still did not say anything, just blinked a pair of eyes.

"In this case, then the soul is good. After all, you already have the royal armor. The defense is basically enough. What is lacking is the limited treasures. The domain treasures should be the greatest help for you." This decision was basically the best choice for Shuying Wang.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shuying Wang almost fainted with excitement, and quickly fell down, her body trembling.

A treasure in the field, how precious is that treasure?

Equivalent to the value of ten ordinary heavy treasures, at least!

Under normal circumstances, a domain treasure, even the most common domain treasure, has more than a dozen treasures.

Equivalent to the price of a high-level attack heavy treasure.


After Xiaohong waved her hand, a stream of light shot out and floated on top of Shuying Wang's head. She couldn't help making her look up quickly.

I saw it as a cloud of mist. At this moment, it is exuding its own unique power, affecting the law of the large amount of wind around it. A invisible force like a knife is cutting and tearing the air, visible to the naked eye, The vaguely twisted light around me knew at a glance that the treasure itself was extraordinary.

At the same time, the sound of whimpers came from his ears, affecting the soul of the person.

Song of the wind!

It has strong binding power and cutting power. It is very extraordinary. It is a strong level in the low-level heavy treasure, with a value of at least 56 heavy treasure points, which is at the low-end high-end.

For general treasures, it takes about 12-60 treasures.

The value of its 56 treasure points shows its powerful power.

Even if placed on some cosmic Venerable. It is a valuable treasure in the field.

King Shuying's excited and cautious hands were holding the treasure of the field "Song of the Wind", his face was full of joy, and he was shaking and thanking His Highness again.

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand, said: "At ordinary times, it is best not to show it, so as to be coveted by others. Well, go back and recognise it, you can greatly enhance your strength."

King Shuying thanked her again, and then left the Palace of Time and Space with a lot of armor beads full of joy and excitement, to do what she should do.

Although it is too much to give Shuying Wang a piece of real estate treasure, who is Cheng Buyun rich? This is something that many people hate.

Shuying Wang, his loyalty is good, and he is also valued by Cheng Buyun in his work. Adding good understanding and talent is also a big reason.

What else is required to break through a small level in less than 20,000 years, from the peak of Feng Wang to the limit of Feng Wang!


When all the chores had just been dealt with, within a few minutes, the Chaos Palace Square and even half of the mysterious area were covered by the power of Qianbao River again.

"The teacher is back." Cheng Buyun gave a slight shock, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The teacher came back, so the watch band Luo Feng also came back.

Sure enough, when he came out of the palace and looked up, he immediately saw two figures standing in a corridor at the top of the hybrid palace. It was Chaos City Lord and Luo Feng.

At this time, the corners of the two people's lips buzzed, apparently talking, but Cheng Buyun could not hear.

He wanted to eavesdrop in front of Chaos City Lord, he was not qualified.

The gaze of the Lord of Chaos immediately looked at Cheng Buyun, and even looked over with Luo Feng. When he saw Cheng Buyun, his face also showed a happy look.

"Yun Tu'er, come here." The chaotic city master beckoned beckoningly, and naturally Cheng Buyun flew up quickly.


"Brother Yun." Luo Feng also showed his big white teeth, and said happily.

After the two of them greeted each other, the chaotic city lord said quickly: "Returning to the topic, Luo Fengtuer, the reason I told you just now was because your teacher he cultivated, which is also 'earth' and 'space' The way of the beast **** fusion. "

"Ah!" Luo Feng suddenly surprised.

Cheng Buyun also showed a smile on his face. Obviously, the Lord of Chaos began to intercede for Zhenyan.

An ancestral **** order is very valuable. At the level of Zhenyan, it is impossible to apply for it with his own ability. Therefore, Luo Feng received an ancestral **** order this time, which is a very good opportunity.

After all, the teacher said that the realm of King Zhenyan is already the limit of the limit of immortality, that is to say, it is over, and it cannot be improved.

It's not that it can't be improved any more, but every little bit of improvement takes too long.

Moreover, the realm of King Realm ’s beast **** is also the third level peak. It is really difficult to improve.

The Lord of Chaos first glanced at Cheng Buyun, and then looked at Luo Feng and said: "You must have guessed my meaning, the Seven Sword Kings, even Brother Yun can get the beast **** inheritance order issued by the group, With your talents, the day when you become an immortal god, it will be easy for the ethnic group to pass this decision and give you a beast **** inheritance order. "

Speaking of this, the chaotic city master suddenly turned around and looked up at the river of the Qianbao River. The charming starry sky river said with a sigh: "But your teacher Zhenyan is not good, his talent is not as good as you, he is too mature It took a long time, and there was guidance from the strong people within the clan. Only then did he finally reach the invincibility of the king. He wanted to get a beast **** inheritance order directly from the clan. It was impossible. "

"His teacher is also helping him apply, but the family has always failed the review. He wants to get the handing down inheritance order, he can only get it by himself, but the universe is vast, how rare is the beast god's inheritance order?"

"It's entirely based on luck, good luck, a host may get it by accident, bad luck, the universe lord dart can't find one in the universe."

The Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng and Cheng Buyun and solemnly said: "The ethnic resources are shared by the entire human race. Although there are countless treasures in it, it must be given to the most gifted and must be discussed by all the senior members of the ethnic group. "

"Of course, you're Brother Buyun is an exception!" Chaotic City Lord glanced at Cheng Buyun, his face full of smiles, even if Cheng Buyun applied for the purchase of four beast **** inheritance orders, the strong people in the family did not Too much blocking.

This is the first time Cheng Buyun has applied for a small resource. This kind of preferential treatment is still necessary.

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