Plane Universe

Chapter 2262: This is a group of lunatics!

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The strong interracial man wanted to escape, but the captain of the legion was too crazy, even holding the alien's shoulder with one hand, and then slashing madly.

The regimental commander beside him was also desperately piercing with a weapon, like a lunatic.

In the end, the alien fairy king wailed unwillingly, and quickly chose to explode himself, and he would be uncomfortable for the enemy when he died.

But the two lunatics didn't think it was the same thing, and they continued to hack.

Seeing that the self-explosive alien immortal king strong man was stunned.

"Haha, 200,000 credits go to hand." The head of the group laughed out loud.

"Shout Mao." Your exasperated Legion Commander kicked this guy involuntarily, his voice was so unwilling, but he was the main attacker, and he only contributed 100,000 credits.

The price is one order higher, and the contribution of killing the enemy is halved!

If you go to kill the fairy level, Mao will not have.

That is not an opponent of the regiment leader.

Killing is nothing but a voluntary act.


The lord of the crazy legion, ran to another alien fairy king, this time he changed the number of roads, directly caught the opponent, and then slashed wildly.

Well, this can kill the enemy faster.

With the strong armor of the king, it is almost invincible, and there is no need to bother to defend.

There are 10,000 immortal kings, too many. For the entire battlefield, it is a disaster.

An immortal king-level strongman fell into their hands and died unwillingly.


In the command post in this area of ​​the Demon Clan, the strong human being roared unwillingly and roared wildly, "The defense area of ​​the human immortal has only been less than 300 fairy monarchs. Why is there so much suddenly now Fairy King? "

"It's more than a thousand times more, **** it!"

At this moment, he had no choice but to pull the fighting power to deal with these human fairy, because the entire battlefield was stunned.

It was the demon clan who was stunned.

The fairy king wearing the king armor is 100% fairy level.

Even if there is a lot of difference in the realm, it can make up for the strength.

What a horrible thing are millions of hypocrite kings?

The powerhouses on both sides just just contacted and almost collapsed directly.

"The strength and quality of this strong human being is too high." The demon clan commander was unwilling, trying hard to think of a way, but ... the battlefield is the strength, the strategy ... forget it!

One-sided slaughter!

The six paper fleets of the space-time empire, the configuration of each fleet is 10,000 celestial kings, nearly 8 million celestial kings, 40 million celestial generals, and all others are Jindan, Tianxian, and celestial beings. Bingjia is a fairy general.

In terms of high quality and high-end powerhouse, it is far more than a hundred soldiers and horses in heaven.

A soldier in the heavenly court is only 20 fairy monarchs, and 100 are only 2,000.

In particular, Wang Jia's defense is too strong, and there is no need to defend against the enemy's attacks, as long as he is desperately required to replace the wound.

For example, the mad Lord of the Legion, who is extremely crazy, even slashing the enemy with one hand, and the door is wide open.

Swap wounds with the enemy.


Among the command posts of the human immortals, among them, the immortal monarchs are drinking leisurely wine, talking and enjoying happily.

However, one of them was not too interested, and his face was bitter and worried, and there was a tangled color in his eyes.

This person is the Yuanxingjun.


With a sigh, the other strong men could not help turning their heads, looking at the lingering worry on the face of Yuan Xingjun, they could only comfort.

They are all people who do not have a strong background, and a strong background will not be assigned as coordinator.

Don't think that the co-ordinating officer has a lot of oil and water, but it is already very leisurely.

Actually not.

The co-ordinator is just a mixed position. The status seems to be high, but there is not much oil and water. No matter whether it is a strong individual or a strong country, it does not need to look at their eyes.

At most, the battle sequence of the soloist can be checked. How much oil and water can the loner have?

There is no need for extra wealth to come to the frontier battlefield to fight for a future.

Therefore, the coordinator listened to the tall, but in fact, no bird use.

Xingjun with a little background, almost all went to the battlefield or went to the secret realm to temper.

"The benefits haven't been gained, and I've offended a state shepherd. It's really unlucky." Yuan Xingjun drank sullenly.

Mr. Zhou Mu, that hot?

Several of the others were bitter, and one of them even said, "I don't know what happened over there. I can't hold it. If the loss is too great, it is estimated that I will be really angry."

"Is there any way to be angered?" Yuan Xingjun looked up with a bitter smile.

"At that time you should make it clear to the time and space empire, this is not your idea."

"Of course I want to make it clear, but what can I do?" Yuan Mingjun said helplessly: "I was under surveillance at the time, and the two next to me did not see you. Once you heard the voice, I cannot afford the consequences. Even, I cannot log in to the virtual network, what can I do? "

Everyone is silent!

"Although the Empire of Time and Space is a new advanced fairyland, its strength is not bad. Let's understand it first." One person persuaded and raised his hand to click a few times in front of him, and a virtual figure immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Xingjun." The man in the virtual body hurriedly fell back, and there was a surprise expression on his face that could not be concealed, even as if he saw something incredible.

"How is the situation over the 999 area? The power losers of the space-time empire have not lost much?"

"It's incredible, Xingjun, you certainly didn't think about what kind of amazing situation is here!" The man shouted with shock.

"What's going on? Make it clear!"

"Xingjun, the strongmen of the space-time empire are too perverted. They actually have millions of immortal monarchs and tens of millions of immortal kings. And surprisingly, none of them are less powerful than the general. ... A terrifying fairyland ... "The man swallowed, and his voice was a little trembling. That was the situation where he was so excited that he was trembling." Wow, it's crazy like chopping melons and vegetables. It's crazy ... a group of lunatics in the Empire of Time and Space! "

"What's the matter?" Yuan Xingjun also put down the bottle and quickly got up. He wanted to ask more clearly what was going on.

"Oh, I'm a little bit unclear. It's crazy. Xingjun will be more clear when he comes to see it on the ground."

Several people glanced at each other and said in unison: "Let's go and see!"

In an instant, several people were lost in the palace.

They flicked towards the area of ​​999 in a very rapid continuous movement.

When they reached the 999 area, it was a very surprising picture before them.

A large number of corpses filled the entire void, and as many as a billion strong men are now madly slaughtering the devil's servants.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the space-time empire are besieging the high-end powerhouses of the enemy.

Anyone can see clearly that the demon clan has been suppressed, and it is only a matter of time to repel.

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