Plane Universe

Chapter 2259: Fighting collision

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Taking the heavy and soft right foot as the landing point, a yellow light quickly spread around.

This yellow light didn't stop until it covered a million kilometers, and then ... the entire million kilometers of the void began to oscillate.


Intense collapse has occurred, a lot of space energy combined with the law of earth and air is rioting, the mysterious method of collapse of the void, the combination of soil and air, is the ultimate king of the king created by the meticulous guidance of Cheng Buyun according to the secret method of the fist of the sky Hierarchy.

The power is extremely strong, you can play all the power 100%.

The blockers are ridiculous!

Centered on Chongrou, with a radius of one million kilometers, there is no breath of life.

On this blow, at least millions of devil's lives were taken away.

The group of soldiers watching from behind were almost shocked.

Especially Xingmeng Shenjun and several others were so frightened to sweat all over.

"It turns out that the serious commander is so terrible!" Ziye Shenjun swallowed and groaned. Before, he felt that he was close, but actually not much worse than the commander.

Now I know that it is the great commander who is taking care of himself and others.

Anyway, Chongrou has followed Cheng Buyun for more than 10,000 years. After a long time of teaching, even a pig can become a strong man.

Moreover, Chongrou is still an elephant!

With his own efforts to create the ultimate secret law of the king-level, 100% power, the law of the peak of the earth, the law of the space of the king's realm, the first level of the beast god's artistic conception.

All kinds of details can barely be considered an invincible level.

It should be almost the level before Alice's mysterious realm.

It's just that there is sometimes a great difference in strength between invincible and invincible.

Such as Lan Xueying is also called the fairy invincible strong, but her realm of the invincible strong is too high, incredible high, a bit outrageously high, so that other invincible strong are all hanged in front of her Serving.

But if she encounters Xianzun, she is much worse than other invincible strong.

Other invincible strongmen have some chance to escape when they encounter Xianzun, but she has no such possibility.

This is the experience gap at the level of fairy power.

Lan Xueying's fairy power is very poor, only 200,000 times, no more normal human.

Compared to Immortal Venerable, this level of immortal power is indeed much worse. The other party's slap will directly lead to death.


"very scary!"

The first time I saw the warriors who relentlessly attacked, including the heads of the other five fleets, and the immortal strongmen who temporarily visited the seventh fleet, almost ‘buzzed’, and the soul was stunned.

Mass killing little demons, of course they can and can do it, but like Zhongrou is so easy, there is no one in the entire fleet.

Including two empresses.

Although the mothers of the two committees are also invincible, they have different directions for the study of secret methods. They are not pursuing scope, but apex attacks, in order to achieve maximum damage and rush to kill the enemy.

A large-scale attack, they have Titan warriors do it.

The million-kilometer range became a life-forbidden zone, and the red wave seemed to be bitten by a monster.

Moreover, it is not only Jurou who does this. Almost all the regiment leaders are the first to take the lead, rushing directly into the enemy's square, and opening the kill ring to reduce the pressure on the soldiers behind.

Needless to say, the effect of the strong attack is very good.

There are 10,000 immortal strongmen who make the front row of meat shields. Under the leadership of the heads of the soldiers, the soldiers rushed into the battlefield and contacted the little devil.


The weapon waved up, chopped melons and vegetables.

The fleet fighters of the space-time empire may not be as high-quality as the heavenly soldiers, but the number of soldiers wearing armor is almost all the pseudo-general level.

Even if the realm is not high, the mystic power is better than the Golden Power.

The level of 1,000 times the power of immortality is several times more powerful than the peak golden pill.

And once you choose to burn, it is even a few streets away from the latter.

This is the benefit of high-level fairy power.

It is also the ability of high-level powerhouses to easily oppress low-level powerhouses.

"Damn, the Xianjun Powerhouse was dispatched so quickly, and there was also a super Xianjun!"

The demon clan commanded here, a human man's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes flashed with hatred, and he turned and roared and shouted: "King Cerro, don't watch the drama, it is your Senluo army who dispatched the strong men to drag on The other party, do n’t give that woman a slaughter of our demon warrior. "

"It's a small thing." The tall figure standing next to it, the voice between the speech has a hoarse friction cold feeling, invisible people feel the surrounding air has dropped a few degrees.

It is comparable to the majestic body of a three-story building, with dark red skin. The exposed areas on the arms are dense and full of carapace. The collapsed nostrils are extremely ugly. A black scale on the face is dense and dense. These fine scales will open and close slightly, exposing small pores, which looks really scary.

If it is seen by people with intensive phobia, they must be dizzy.

Fortunately, those disgusting bugs in the small stomata crawled out, otherwise ... your sister ... trembling with just thinking about it!

Huge fangs radiating cold light, wearing a red pattern black armor. The sharp bone spurs that grew on the elbows of both hands, at a glance, knew that the lethality was very powerful.

Behind it is a pair of huge bat wings, a row of thorns on the spine.

The demon, a formal member of the devil family, has a natural physical strength that is ten times that of normal humans.

The talent is extremely strong, far exceeding the life of other ethnic groups, and human beings are incomparable.

Probably the peak bloodline like the twelve starry sky monsters.


"Attention, the captains of each team give priority to fighting the opponent's plague demon. The commanders pay attention to the enemy's follow-up forces, and must drag the opponent's strong."

"The commander of the army pays attention to intercept the demon king."

He ran rampantly, as if the tigers were entering the flock, punching and kicking. Rows and rows of little demons and big demons fell in groups, quickly approaching the plague demon behind the enemy, and had the power to command the fleet Out arrangements. "Proguard, follow me!"

"Warriors, follow in the footsteps of the Great Commander, kill!" Ruying, the female fairy king Ruying, who followed the side of Zhongrou, issued a clear roar like a green luan, and the silver gun in her hand swept forward, The blossoming ice flowers suddenly bloomed in the void.


Together, the ice lotus, the big devil in the stroke all became ice sculptures.

However, there was a big demon who was struggling and roaring, the supernatural fire on the surface was buzzing, and the power of ice and snow on the surface of the body was melting very quickly.

"Huh? It turned out to be a great demon with a level of gods, and it was even more forgiving you." Ruying Immortal King's body was ejected, and several flashing bodies had approached the great demon.

Seeing the strong female human race coming to him, the great devil became more and more crazy, his eyes showed a look of extreme hatred, and the whole body bulged slightly.

Obviously, this great demon is going to explode and burn with the jade of a strong female human being!


Ruying fairy king sneered, a little fairy will dare to explode in front of his own eyes, what do you want!

I really don't think it's a parallel!

The dark golden sharp blade shone with a layer of blue color, and poked directly forward. The half-meter-long blade quickly pierced the air and reached the forehead of the great demon.

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