Plane Universe

Chapter 2163: Supernatural

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Now that the law of wood is ten percent, the world tree does not reach the limit of the king, even if it breaks the immortal level.

Immortal breakthroughs have made the Venerable Cosmic Sovereign, without the shackles.

It is only necessary that the law realm is sufficient, and the secret law created is high enough, and it is not difficult to break through to become the level of the venerable universe.

As far as the details are concerned, Cheng Buyun is sufficiently qualified. The secret method of the universe's hegemonic level, the world tree can't exceed the sky beyond this degree.

The limit level of the king

9999 times the life gene.

The world tree reached the peak level of the Venerable Universe as soon as it broke through the realm.

Only a little bit of a divine body can be compared to a cosmic overlord, and the divine power needed to break through will naturally take time to instill.

So everything looks so terrible and terrifying in the eyes of Yun Xiao Zhenjun!

With the divine pot, the breath of the world tree is becoming more and more tyrannical.

A strong coercion began to spread.

The magic tank can't stop.

Under the incredible face of True Master Yun Xiao, the breath that filled the world tree quickly climbed from the god-human level, and God will naturally not return to the apex.

Divine monarch level, deity level, intermediate deity level, advanced deity level ...

As if there was no end, Yun Xiao Zhenjun was about to drop his chin.

The prostrate servant of God next to him was extremely trembling at the moment, and the whole body was trembling and trembling!

The strong pressure that hit his soul, the horror pressure that seemed to die at any time, really tested his soul!

"Shenzun is at the limit of the peak level limit." Yunxiao Zhenjun's face was amazed. The world tree broke through and could not hide his strength. He was almost completely sensed by Yunxiao Zhenjun.

But reaching the peak level of the Venerable Universe, the divine lake above the sky did not stop, and even continued to dump the divine water.

As if the world tree is a super ocean, it can't be dissatisfied in any way.

Just kidding!

The rapid spread of the breath before was just a hierarchical **** body at the peak of the normal universe.

Big head is still behind!

Imagine that the huge divine body of the world tree requires much more divine power than the normal peak of the universe.

The breath from the world tree **** body is getting stronger and more shocking!

How big is a normal human?

Compared with the body of the world tree, toothpicks are not counted.

A huge tree canopy covering a diameter range of 300 million kilometers and a backbone of approximately 7 million kilometers with a height of 100 million kilometers.

Under the shocked expression of Yun Xiao Zhenjun's face, the world tree has stored an unimaginable strong divine power, and he can't even match the mood.

Too thick!

Even if the giant tree stood still and let him attack, it is estimated that it would have to kill for a long time, or even lose patience in the end.

The amount of divine power is too ridiculous.

"Brother, your big tree breakthrough scene is a bit of a pediatrics!" Inside the palace, Xiaohong stared at the scene of the world tree breakthrough, and could not help but glance at his mouth.

Or in Yunxiao Zhenjun looks huge, but after seeing the scene of Alice's breakthrough, the world breakthrough is much worse than that.

Cheng Buyun said with a faint smile: "No matter how abnormal the world tree is, it can't be compared with people with blood."

Without relying on special talents, Alice's sea of ​​blood can be 10 billion kilometers in size. Can the world's trees compare?

What's more, under the blessing of special talent, Alice's blood sea diameter reaches 100 billion kilometers, only ten times less than him.

The world has a ratio of one, even if it is extended to the limit, it cannot be so huge.

"Haha!" Xiaohong laughed exaggeratedly, but then said with a smile: "But overall, the world is still highly capable of fighting."

"This is certain." Cheng Buyun also nodded. When it comes to actual combat power, the blood sea cannot compare with the world tree.

The sea of ​​blood is just an undead foundation, and the formed body cannot exceed the limit of the universe, with a maximum height of 100,000 kilometers and a thousand-fold life gene.

This level of power is at the lowest level in any universe.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Sea has a very powerful self-explosive trick, and the strong one can easily provoke it.

Annoying the Lord of the Sea represents endless trouble.

If he insists on looking for you, he may cause you trouble, even if he can't kill you, he can be hit hard by more times.

A very rogue means.

"Haha, big!" A joyful laughter resounded through the sky and swayed in the ears of countless people. Xiaohong even turned his head to look at Cheng Buyun and smiled: "Brother, I can't think of your original character. Laughter is a bit magical! "

Cheng Buyun immediately silenced

Buzz ~~~

The world tree has changed again, and the trunk has begun to grow taller and grow up. Under the eyes of everyone, it is actually a few big circles quickly visible to the naked eye.

The diameter of the main trunk eventually increased to about 6 million thick and nearly 7 million kilometers, and the height increased to a jaw-dropping point.

On the original basis, it has been doubled, very close to an altitude of 300 million kilometers, and the gap is negligible.

The area covered by the canopy is nearly a billion kilometers.

"Isn't it? It can continue to grow taller and taller? It's really outrageous, it covers so far away." Yun Xiao Zhenjun has nothing to say.

The divine lake above the sky began another round of dumping, and the endless wood divine water continued to pour into the world tree.

The strength of divine power increased again.

The pressure from the world tree has increased again.


In another palace, two people, Red Blood and Tianxing, lie on their backs in stone chairs. Their expressions have been covered by shock. Their four eyes stared at the boss, looking at the outside through the palace with horror.

The powerful pressure from the diffuse, the body is so difficult to move.

A robe is even windless, and his body is trembling violently.

The air of tyranny pervades, and the divine power is like prison.

They were fortunate enough to have seen the once-a-long Qinglong Xianzun, and they could not be compared in coercion.

The two couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw shock in the other's eyes. The Star King was even more shocked and said: "The ridiculous giant tree has just just broken through, but its strength is so strong."

"Yeah, it's unimaginable. It's just a plant. I'm afraid the flow of the Blue Dragon Immortal Venerable. Once they are enemies, they are definitely not opponents." The red blood fairy king's expression is incoherent, with such a powerful 'thing' sitting, who dares to take light Your Highness?

Who dares to underestimate this new kingdom?

"Unexpectedly, the teacher behind His Royal Highness is so powerful that even such plants are sent to protect His Highness." Star King Fairy also said excitedly, "Fortunately, I did not refuse to join His Royal Highness before, otherwise there is such luck, seeing such a great shore The scene of breakthrough! "

Not only Red Blood and Tianxing, but the Jinshan Holy Land is full of excitement.

Zhong Rou is full of smiles, even if he is pressed to crawl on the ground, a face is full of joy.

Catherine and gluttonous are also hard to hide their excitement.

The master's plant avatar has finally broken through, and his own side has added a super combat power, adding another source of knowledge in this universe.

After a while, in the shock of countless people, the intensity of the breath on the world tree, everyone can no longer speak, and the lake above the sky is slowly shrinking until it disappears.

The special breath is slowly fading.


The rules of the universe (Heavenly Way) have receded.

"Haha, once a breakthrough, who is my adversary now?" The arrogant laughter covered, shaking the whole world.

Zhang Kuang's laughter resounded through the sky, but no one dared to refute it.

Even if the rules of the universe receded, the divine power that covered the whole body did not diminish. Several fairy kings were still crushed to the ground and could not move at all.

Even turning over is difficult.

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