Plane Universe

Chapter 2125: Shameless

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Chong Rou and Catherine could not know the thoughts of the Jinshan fairy country.

If they are allowed to hear each other's thoughts, it is estimated that they will immediately lose their teeth.

What a naive idea, would they be afraid of the power in the Holy Land of Jinshan Fairyland?

Slowly advancing, it is just to allow the lords and fighters to make more credits, and to practice for thousands of years, all rely on rewards, and only consumption, in front of this rare opportunity, the lords and fighters have been mad with joy.


At the moment, a war is taking place in the satellites in the orbital space of Yiyun County (the main galaxy of the galaxy).

One of them is naturally the main black warrior of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, and the other is the defending army of Jinshan Xianguo.

"Damn, is there any news from Xingfu, is there a strong man coming to support it?" Rotan, the lord of the wing cloud galaxy, roared in the surveillance room, and he roared with a blue face: "And immediately contact the Holy Land, The situation here is well known. "

What is the number of defense forces in a galaxy?

However, the number is only 100 million, 99% of which are almost the landlord and the period of the robbery. The golden fairy is only more than ten people, the fairy is more than one hundred, and the fairy level is 10,000.

This strength is not enough for the main warrior to stop the teeth.

Millions of main warriors madly blasted around several satellites. Explosions and roars continued. The defense cover on the satellites continuously rippled. After each attack, the shield shook and the energy escaped. go with.

"Master Lord ..."

"There are too many time and space chambers of commerce, and the defensive cover spirit stone is not very fast. We can only defend at this moment, and we are about to lose."


"Remove the energy shield, let the enemy in, relying on the position of the formation, do the final resistance, and send a decisive email to the family."

"I will never take a break with you in the time and space chamber of commerce of Cainima." Lord Lord, the county's master, turned over a fairy spear and rushed out like a whirlwind.

It took him tens of thousands of years to develop Yiwuxing, and countless mental developments have reached the current scale. The Space-Time Chamber of Commerce attacked Yiyunxing, not to mention his old life.

"The other party actually removed the shield, haha, it seems that they have no energy, everyone rushing ducks!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Each of the main warriors wearing black armor exudes a strong momentum, carrying the weapon with a murderous look into the satellite.

The sword light is like a phantom, and the other person will fly away with a knife.

"Damn, it's also the power of the formation. A robbery level can withstand a blow that I can compare with the immortal leader. Zhen Nima is so powerful, it also looks incredible!" Anel snorted and raised his knife before him , Blocked several weapons from the bombardment, and then swept one by one.

The blade of light fluctuated like water, and there were endless ripples.

Hey ~!

A sound of metal rupture came, but he cut off the enemy's several weapons, and the passing knife cut the body, and released the other party.

Dozens of people rolled into a ball at once.

This warrior named An Er was the first genius to follow Cheng Buyun and participated in the selection of Zhang Genius following Cheng Buyun.

As far as perception is concerned, the first-class level and the realm of today definitely have the ability to become one of the members of the virtual realm of the universe.

In fact, there are many people in the human race who have a good understanding, but what they lack is the opportunity to practice.

After all, human beings are weak, and their wisdom is commendable.

However, resources are limited, and it is impossible for everyone at the top of the human society to cultivate it. They can only rely on their own competition to stand out from the general public.

Then absorb and use some of the resources on it.

It is too difficult to stand out from the public without resources.

Fight for something, take risks.

In this way, before falling stronger, it has already fallen.

"Ha, An'er, you can't die even if you are a robbery class. Learn to look at me with this knife." Another black armored real warrior flashed not far away beside him. The sound of thunder thundered and roared around the body, shouting loudly: "The starting form of the twelve types of **** battle-the combination of human and sword!"

call out!

The sword is as fast as lightning, and it brings endless power. The space has a little sign of stillness in a flash. The thundering sound is accompanied by the light of the knife. It is at the middle of the hall of the head of the strongman of the robbery class, just listen. The sound of '~

The cross-robber-level strongman hummed, the whole body was divided into two halves, and a large amount of aura rose and evaporated.

But it is too dead to die!

"Cole, you cheated. Against these small fishes, did you actually show the twelve styles of blood warfare taught by His Highness?" An Er gave a playful glance at the Jinshanxian National Defence Force under the defense of the formation, making a ridicule. The color, "Not only you will fight the twelve styles, there will be more people!"

He also slashed a knife, and the strange mysterious power of the mysterious mystery spread. The magical power of the knife he exhibited was stronger than Collet. The huge ice knife that was 100 meters long swept across, causing a large number of casualties, and many of them were strong. The writers turned into ice sculptures one by one.

"Well, you are so powerful, you have realized the second type!"

Both of them are interim heads of the 10,000 Army, and they are also competitive in cultivation.

However, these competitions are benign and friendly, and are carried out under the rules.

Under Cheng Buyun, there are no cunning people.


"Yes, An Er's perception is still commendable, and even the second type can be exhibited." Inside the battleship, Xiaohonghou smiled. It is true that she often gave them a small stove. It is indeed worthy of her effort.

In the future, Anle is definitely one of the pillars of the vanguard.

Xiao Honghou was pleased to see each of the masters progress.

Suddenly, a small piece of space in the cosmic space a million kilometers away is rippling.

The subordinate intelligence immediately noticed after the small red in the battleship. When a small flying bird fairy came out of it, it immediately connected to the past warning, "This is the war zone, the step of the comer!"

But at the next moment, the subordinate intelligences madly warned, "The strong men above the fairy monarch arrive, and the warlords are ready."

Unfortunately, it's late.

In the void, the three immortal strong men emerged and cast a teleport.

"Dog Day, how dare you!"

Xiaohong immediately took over the battleship, and then urged the battleship to rush past madly, but almost beyond reach.

Teleport came to a satellite, and the opponent waved a secret trick, and countless waves of light appeared, and a large number of Boundary Warriors died in the blink of an eye.

Even Anle and Collet died unfortunately.

Although they still have some skills, but the Xianjun level is not something they can resist, there is almost no resistance, and they are killed at will.

"All the warlords retreat and return to the battleship." Xiaohong quickly ordered that the **** Jinshan Xianguo strongman, even so demeanor, with the power of the Xianjun strongman, went to some realm masters.

Xiaohong is so furious now!

Although he was furious, Xiaohong didn't dare to mobilize the battleship's artillery attack at will, and the artillery bombarded the other party.

"It's too careless!" Xiao Honghou blamed herself. Many of the fallen lord warriors shouldn't have died, but she didn't expect the other party to be so indifferent and attacked the lord with the power of the fairy king.

If it is only the level of the fairy king, at most it is just the bombardment of the armor, and there is room for survival, and the strong king of the fairy king can not cause such a terrible number of falls to the main warrior.

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