Plane Universe

Chapter 2075: Chaos Gate Space Time Palace

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The giant land seemed to be shrouded in mist, and the blood-red fairy floating in the sky could not see exactly what the huge land underfoot was.

It seems a bit mysterious.

At this moment, the Scarlet Blood King suddenly turned to Bai Suzhen, and asked curiously: "Oh, Director Bai, can you tell me about the unfinished topic now."

"You still remember it." Bai Suzhen smiled, before she stopped talking, but the content was a bit sensitive, requiring the master's consent.

For what she made ... it's not a make-up, Cheng Buyun agreed.

The name Chaos Gate actually makes sense. The owner of Chaos City, even the secret codes created by himself, are all named after Chaos. If they really want to create a school, they must also be Chaos Sect or Chaos Gate.

"I'm just curious about His Highness's background. It doesn't mean anything." The Red Blood Fairy King smiled quickly: "I just want to have a bottom in my heart, and don't offend you if you encounter it in the future."

Bai Suzhen Anko shook his head. Here, even if you want to offend, there is no chance, those people can't appear, but she nodded and said, "Yes."

The Red Blood Fairy King quickly concentrated and listened carefully.

"The reputation of the Chaos Gate is not too grand, but its leader is prestigious, saying that it is the Megatron universe." Bai Suzhen said solemnly: "A super holy lord, the most top kind, As for the status title, you do n’t have the qualifications to know. You only need to remember one fact. Chaos Gate has the top Saint Lord and strong man sitting in it. "



The Scarlet Blood King heard his body suddenly tighten, and his mind was blank.

It turned out to be a superpower at the level of the Lord.

God, this background is really unimaginable.

Seeing the Scarlet Blood King in extreme shock, Bai Suzhen smiled slightly and let him relax his emotions before continuing: "And below the Chaos Gate, it is divided into 33 palaces, by the Holy Master's 33 personal disciples. Be in charge. The strength of the 33rd house is strong or weak. Most of the controllers are respected, a few are emperor-level, and very few are junior-level. "

"It can be said that, with the exception of a few palaces controlled by the monarch, every palace is as strong as a cloud."

"And my young master is in control of the 32nd house, called the space-time palace."

"It's also the strongest house."

"Because I don't talk about the young master, there are two great emperor-level powerhouses in the space-time palace. Among them, the king-level powerhouses are over a thousand, and the king-level powerhouses are calculated in units of tens of thousands. Like the scary blood fairy king, "the rest are below the Jindan level, and there are too many. According to incomplete statistics, the soldiers with Jindan combat strength are calculated in 100 million units."


The Scarlet Blood King was dumbfounded. The information said by Bai Suzhen really scared him a bit.

The power of the Palace of Time and Space is a bit too ridiculous.

The entire Qinglong Empire is only more than one hundred thousand king-level strongmen, and the monarch level is only a few hundred, far below the power possessed by the Palace of Time and Space.

However, Bai Suzhen didn't talk much, these data are true.

Under Cheng Buyun, there is actually no limit to the king, but whoever lets him have the golden king armor, as long as he puts on the golden king armor, he will immediately be the king limit, such as fake ones.

Or the law will be weaker than the real king limit, but it can definitely compete.

In the final analysis, in the same realm, although law perception is very important, most of the time it still depends on the level of divine power.

When the level of divine power is reached, the weakest level of the mysterious law will be unbeatable, but there is absolutely no problem in resisting or even procrastinating.

"These things are very secretive things, just know inside, don't take them out." Bai Suzhen warned: "You and Tianxing are now the only two strong immortals in our space-time palace, so young master Pay more attention to it, and some secret materials will be open to you. "

"I'm very glad that I was valued by His Highness as soon as I joined. Believe me, Mr. Bai, I'm not the kind of person who can't keep my mouth." The Red Blood Fairy King was very excited and promised, but his heart was excited.

In the past, many junior strongmen have recruited him and wanted him to join the other party to play for him.

It is a pity that he has a proud character and naturally does not want to be restrained.

In fact, in his heart, he wanted to join Qinglongxianzun all the time.

After all, the supreme powerhouse has stronger power and can protect him well.

Today, the dream is not only realized, but also higher.

Because the background of the space-time palace is larger, he can give him more asylum.

Seeing the big as a small person, the identity carried on him has already revealed the news to him, and the strong men of the ranks all cried to support.

Joining the Blue Dragon Immortal, and encountering dangers outside, can you call the Blue Dragon Immortal?

Negative answer.

At most, after a person dies, Qinglongxianzun is free, and remembers this person before going to the resurrection.

Everyone knows the difference between the two.

"You and Tianxing will gradually understand these things in the future, and you will find more luck in waiting long enough." Bai Suzhen explained a little, and immediately signaled: "Now you communicate with the virtual system, let's go down."


Bai Suzhen was wrapped in a strong wind, and fell like a meteorite towards the mainland.

The Scarlet Blood King did not dare to neglect, the figure immediately followed.


As we approached the land, some landscape buildings on the land, as well as people moving, etc., had barely been able to see clearly.

On the mainland, a large number of buildings, palaces, and other constructions have different styles. It can be seen that they are not built by the same person, but by many different people.

Human heads are like crucian carp, countless people wandering in the streets, or gathering, talking, drinking, or tasting food in a manor place.

Even, many people practice their spells (secret methods) in quiet places.

As far as the red blood fairy king can sense, most people are at the level of the realm, and the magical powers that can be used by it are far beyond the realm, comparable to the god-human level.

Even some master-level spells have surpassed the god-man.

"Can you practice here?" The Scarlet Blood King said with a surprised expression: "It's generally the same as the virtual network built by Tianting."

"Why not!" Bai Suzhen smiled and pointedly said: "The virtual network we built is different from the general technology virtual network, but has its own special means."

In fact, this internal network is formed by Xiao Hong ’s own power, and Xiao Hong understands many laws, various secret methods, and a large amount of information.

Naturally, cultivation here will certainly have an effect.

But it cannot be compared with the virtual universe.

The network formed by the virtual universe is the means by which the original ancestor sacrificed his own intelligent assistant to possess such powerful power and finally protect humanity.

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