Plane Universe

Chapter 2062: Red blood fairy king's annoyance

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Panic is inevitable.

The details revealed by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce these days have put too much pressure on the He family.

Incomparably large.

Xianjia's ability to manifest itself is exaggerated to the extreme. Even those who are stupid can expect that there will be a large group of people in the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce equipped with this kind of stuff.

A large group of strong people comparable to the generals, who can not be afraid!

So, what should he do with the question raised by the family He Qiming, and who knows what to do?

However, there is a problem that everyone has decided in their hearts, that is, they cannot continue to be silent, and they need to face up to the conditions put forward by Cheng Buyun.

No, it should be serious consideration, to achieve the latter's tolerance, not to target He Jia in the future is the most important issue.

They are willing to bow their heads, the question is, will Cheng Buyun accept it?

After Cheng Buyun's comments that day, nearly half a month later, they have been ignoring each other's threats, and now they have decided to bow their heads, that is so easy.

"Why didn't you say anything?" The host, He Qiming, was directly angry and shouted at the table: "Are we silent here, and then waiting for the other party to attack? Isn't it too late at that time?"

"You all said before that the other party is just an ignorant person who has a bit of strength, and he hasn't put the other party's threats in his eyes, but he is thinking about retaliating others. Now he is dumb?" It must be vented or it will drive him crazy.

Sitting on the left was an old man with a thin face and a kind eye, and he immediately dissatisfied glanced at He Qiming. The unhurried voice was full of great oppression. At the time, we have to find a way to solve this serious problem, not to make the future worse. ",

"I agree with the elder elders that we should face this problem squarely. We can't let the mistakes go on all the time, because the time and space company shows the foundation, and the future will not have any benefit for my family." An elder immediately conformed to the old man .

Immediately after the elder had finished speaking, several elders stood up and agreed.

The slender old man is the elder He Jia, whose prestige is no worse than that of his master He Qiming.

At that time, the elder elder was also the person who had been the head of the house for several consecutive years, but later suffered a big loss in a foreign conflict, and the position of the head of the house was withdrawn by the ancestor.

Changed to the younger He Qiming.

However, in this incident, it seems that He Qiming's position as the master is unstable.

Of course, after this conflict was resolved.

Once they can't understand Cheng Buyun's understanding, trouble will come one after another. Whether the family can resist it is a problem.

"But before solving the trouble, I think it is still necessary to report the ancestors, so that the ancestors have a preparation." The elder elder made another comment.

This opinion directly pushed He Qiming to a dead end, and immediately looked at the elder with anger, and his eyes couldn't contain his anger.

But no one helped him, anyone could see that He Qiming was going to be out of luck.

He Qiming naturally wanted to struggle, and looked at the elders who supported him in the past.

But at this time, the elders who supported him all chose Mingzhe to protect themselves, pretending to be invisible.

Unable to do so, He Qiming bowed his head in dismay.

The head of the family was foolish. Not many people in the family served him.

Soon, a virtual image of a middle-aged man appeared in the lobby. I saw this middle-aged man wearing a blood-red half-body armor and carrying a sword. With a determined face, he revealed the **** grief that came from the face. Very horrifying, he is the so-called fairy ancestor of the He family, He Kuangxiao, nicknamed Red Blood Fairy King.

He spoke lightly, but his tone was extremely majestic and he said angrily: "Don't you say? It's better not to contact me, don't you know that I'm taking risks outside?"

Although the tone is weak, even if a heavy pressure is not coming in person, it also makes a group of parents feel nowhere to gasp, and there is nowhere to leak in their hearts.

Under great pressure, He Qiming respectfully said: "Ancestor, we have to disturb you because the family has had a major incident recently."

"What's going on?" The Scarlet Blood Immortal immediately snorted.

After the ancestors' applause, He Qiming dared not conceal, nor could he conceal, and even the details of the busy matter made a detailed report of what happened.

In the present moment of He Qiming's report, all the parents stayed aside, daring not to reveal a slight voice, and even suppressed their breathing, waiting for the ancestor's thunder.

Sure enough, after He Qiming finished his report, the Scarlet Blood King's face turned black, and he smiled angrily, saying: "Is I too forgiving to you all these years? It has led you to no one in the eyes? I thought I was sheltered Will you be able to dominate the Qinglong Empire? Can you know how high it is? "

"Knowing that I have asylum and dare to threaten casually, can it be an ordinary strong man, can I have no strong identity and background?"

"Use your brains like **** to think about what you can understand, but you chose the worst decision."

"You are simply a group of useless waste. You didn't immediately notify me when something happened, but ignored the threat of the other party. You have to give me madness. I really wish I could shoot you all to the ground."

"I built the family, I want the family to help me, not that I have to wipe the **** for the family at all times. If so, I might as well dissolve the family."

The Scarlet Blood King made a big fire, almost scaring He Jiaxia up and down to death, even kneeling down, asking the old ancestor to forgive his sins.


The Scarlet Blood King snorted heavily, and finally said helplessly: "You immediately prepared me with a generous gift, to ask the other party for forgiveness, and promised the condition of Cheng Buyun, and told him that I will return in no time. Visit in person to discuss the outcome of this matter. "

"You remember, no matter what bad request the other party has, you ca n’t decide privately. This is very important. It ’s not as simple as you think. Once you do n’t get the other party ’s understanding, it ’s likely that the so-called home will become history. . "The Scarlet Blood King warned a group of descendants of the family in the harshest tone.

His vision was so superb that he saw the essence of the matter at a glance, and even shocked when he first heard about it.

The heart was missing a few beats.

Because He Qiming said that the space-time chamber of commerce really scared him.

A group of useless family juniors only saw the power on the surface of Xianjia, but they could not see the hidden essence of Xianjia at all.

This world is cruel, such a powerful fairy, without a strong heritage, how dare to reveal it, open auctions, and even arrogantly held a low-level auction in January, each time you can auction one?

PS: Sorry, I changed it again yesterday. These days are too busy, so there is no time to update. Please forgive me, sorry.

Chapters that owe more are owed first, and then be filled later!

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