Plane Universe

Chapter 2014: The wives' considerations

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In the end, Cheng Buyun was attacked by the Lord of the Demon Race universe. Although a group of great beings was extremely furious, they thought about it in the end, and finally it was gone.

The top humans no longer clamored for revenge.

High-level officials understand that it is undoubtedly the most stupid act to start a war at this time.

Cheng Buyun, whose potential is so high, is too wasteful if he does not give him a safe environment to grow up in?

It is the human race that ultimately suffers.

So I can only swallow the sound.

When this has never happened!

The highest level of humanity sighed in silence, accumulating strength in secret, waiting for a suitable time, and then making the demon look good!

As for the fact that the Lord of the Setting Sun attacked Cheng Buyun and didn't succeed, he lost his big face. There is no voice on the side of human beings, as if to make a fortune with a muffled voice.

Inevitably, Cheng Buyun, a realm master, has the ability to control time and space, so how can he call out, fearing that Cheng Buyun's attack is not strong enough now?

On the side of the demon clan, there is no intention to disclose.

The Lord of the Setting Sun is also a face-faced person. Even if he can't win even a Realm Lord, how can he even face it?

Quiet in the universe!

No one knows what is secretly calculated.

In short, after this incident, the demon clan contacted several times to urge the mechanical clan, let the mechanical devil grasp the event, quickly find the right strongest lone traveler in the universe, and destroy the human genius into a cloud!


The original secret realm.

Cheng Buyun smiled and took his two wives to visit everywhere in the original secret realm, to see a magical scenery that is invisible in the universe, even the extreme level of the cosmic secret 'Visca' star in the original secret realm. Went there and saw my knowledge.

Visca Star is a super continental land in the middle of the original secret realm.

Visca Stars, a group of captive lives, a world like the Blood Luo Continent.

But the virtual universe company is very fair, giving the Visca people the respect that ordinary humans should have. The geniuses in the Visca people group are allowed to join the virtual universe company and become one of them.

Just like Xueluo mainland!

The Visca people are actually human beings, just like the wild Kasman people, but they are all humans living in a secret realm.

"It ’s really magical in the universe. I never knew that there was such a place in the universe. A piece of land floating in the void. This was something I had never thought of before. What ’s more amazing is that it ’s hard to imagine that there is no sunlight. Without photosynthesis, food is grown in this way. "Ji Yanran said with a look of emotion:" I have seen it today. "

"What I learned before, in front of me, was actually smashed, and Newton's coffin board was almost turned over." Li Xueyin also joked.

In the past, how could Cheng Buyun anticipate the scene before him?

Floating on the empty land, still motionless land!

Without the stellar system lighting, life on the life planet can hardly survive.

The only answer is that high-enriched cosmic energy, all life, whether it is plants or animals, can be safe and sound. Even under high-enriched cosmic energy, all internal life can evolve faster.

Cultivation is easier!

Life in the universe ’s secret world has evolved into a star-level star, which is far superior to life on an ordinary life planet.

It is a pity that Chengya universe secret realm, defeat also universe secret realm.

Surviving in the mysterious realm of the universe is more than easy, but grinding is not enough.

Compared to the cruel universe, it is too far away.

Crisis awareness and resources are incomparable.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. When one day, this secret realm is discovered by the strong human race, and the only result is to be suppressed and ruled!

And the rise of mankind in this era also has a 'primitive' relationship.

In the previous rounds of reincarnation, the human race had already suffered the disaster of extinction before it rose, was ruled by aliens, and there was no hope of rising.

Once the universe reincarnates, all follow the primitive universe into reincarnation.


After playing in the original secret realm for a period of time, Ji Yanran and Li Xueyin gradually put aside the fear of the previous attack, and their soul and spirit gradually recovered.

Time is an excellent medicine.

Cheng Buyun is always thinking about whether to let several wives go out and grind alone.

Only this matter, he can only think about it, the primitive universe is too cruel, mainly because his reputation is too loud, once several wives leave the place of refuge.

Needless to say the result.

Nothing but two results, being caught or enslaved by the soul!

In this way, how dare Cheng Buyun let them go out to experience.


It's dangerous outside, but it doesn't mean that your site is also dangerous!

For example, there are many kinds of low-level cosmic mysteries in the human race, and these places are very suitable for wives and women to experience.

Thinking of this, Cheng Buyun smiled now, and they should be happy for their decision.

As for whether you can join the virtual universe company, is it a matter?

Taking him where he is today is simply a matter of being too small.

Not to mention letting several wives join the virtual universe company, even if it is a few thousand fools, as long as he speaks, the following group of people have to agree to make him happy.

Also give excellent treatment!

This is the status of identity.

Back in the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun was ready to discuss with his four wives.

But when he was about to say this, the soul transmission of Chaos City Master arrived, "Apprentice, come over, the teacher has something happy to tell you."

As a last resort, he said with a smile: "The teacher summoned me and will come back to tell you something later."

"Well, it is important for the teacher to summon it, go!" Ji Yanran adjusted the collar for Cheng Buyun, and Li Xueyin patted him the dust that did not exist on his body.

In their eyes, Chaos teacher summoned is a big event.

"Teacher, I'm here." Cheng Buyun swaggered into the palace and saw that there was no real etiquette for Chaos City Lord, but this behavior was normal in the eyes of Chaos City Lord.

It is not a real occasion, just feel free.

"What's the situation, is it better?" Chaotic City Lord said with a smile.

"Took the teacher's blessing, the disciple's two wives have replied." Cheng Buyun's expression finally respected a little.

Seeing that Chaos City Master couldn't help but twitched his mouth, he nodded and said, "That's good, but I really want to go through it, and my will is a little bit worse."

"The disciples also considered in this way. After this incident, the disciples felt that if they let them live comfortably, they would be overly frightened after a big movement, but it was the disciples' sins. So, I want to arrange them in the cosmic realm of humanity. Practicing the Chinese Calendar. "

"You have such a good idea." The Lord of Chaos nodded and said with approval: "In my human universe's secret territory, there is still a great guarantee of security, at least there will be no powerful attacks beyond their imagination."

As long as it is not enslaved by the soul, what can happen?

With his own ability, can't he reverse the time and space resurrection?

ps: Reply to book buddies 15100222222632452 book buddy, brother, 25 million kilometers is fine? It's already a little more than one-ninth in height. If it feels too thin, the next breakthrough will increase to 30 million kilometers in diameter.

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