Plane Universe

Chapter 2002: The Treasure of Advanced Fields-Golden Sands

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When the Lord of Chaos explained that Alice had obtained a Treasure Palace of inferior superlative level in the ancestral treasure, almost all the Lords of the universe exclaimed.

This type of treasure in the Treasure Palace, the material protection level is one and a half or even two levels higher than the armor Treasure.

This type of treasure, the entire universe is a rare type, much rarer than the soul treasure.

This is also the reason why they gave Cheng Buyun Mo Feng collar the last time they were so strongly opposed.

Because anyone wants.

It's a life-saving treasure, very rare, but it's an undesirable type!

A treasure palace of inferior and superb level, many of the Lords of the universe here are not confident that they can break it.

"No? Ancestral religion is so generous?"

"You see chaos?"

"Yes, I saw it. Alice just pulled it out. It was the treasure palace I knew. The Thunder Beast God Yunyu had possessed it. Now he gave it to Alice." The Lord of Chaos nodded. Very solemnly said: "Even the treasures that are not publicly given are of this grade. The treasures that are publicly given will definitely not be lighter, so everyone, do n’t make people feel that our ethnic group is stingy, even the best treasures are not. Ken took it out and made a joke for no reason! "

"Otherwise Alice said outside, everyone, me, all of us have to be ashamed, huh, huh, back then ... humming." The Lord of Dragons was also surprised, but the surface was yin and yang, sneering. Looking at everyone.

Alice is the horde of the virtual universe company, and the proposal to support the owner of the chaotic city is to support the virtual universe company.

In this way, if you do not agree with the proposal of the Lord of Chaos, it is estimated that the face really can not be justified.

"Okay, I agree to give Alice a treasure in the higher field." Or the Lord of Virtual Gold took the lead in voting and agreed.

Can't disagree!

Ancestral religions are so generous, and they work hard to draw in. For example, the ethnic group that is Alice's backing has no point to express, or stingy, it will really be ridiculed by aliens.

In the end, the proposal of the Lord of Chaos all passed, and the ethnic group gave Alice a treasure in the higher realm.

In this way, the Lord of Chaos is satisfied.

It is only a treasure, but it is not a disadvantage to pile it in the treasure house. It is the greatest value for the powerful.

The action that can enhance the ethnic group will be done by the Chaos City Lord.

The younger generation with great potential like Alice, of course, has to give her strong support, arm her with her teeth, and then send them out to grind through the cruelty of the universe.

Plan for the future.

After the meeting, no matter how dissatisfied, the masters of the universe left as soon as possible, leaving only the great existence of the virtual universe company.

"Chaos, that little girl is so powerful?" The Lord of Dragons couldn't help asking again.

The Frozen Lord also looked over.

"It ’s more than that, I just said it was modest. My servant, when it comes to Alice ’s accurate strength, seems to have not looked at the cosmic overlord in his eyes. , Even without the qualification to lift shoes. "The Lord of Chaos shook his head, she could not understand the details.


After all, Alice is just an immortal deity, but in terms of divine cohesion, it is a lot worse, a big class.

He believes that Alice can fight against the overlord of the universe, because Cheng Buyun said that Alice has two main battle avatars, and the two gods avatars fight an enemy, the difference is not big.


Chaos City.

The chaotic city master in practice opened his deep eyes and said incomparably softly: "Unify, take the order of the tribe to go to the treasure trove and take a high-level area treasure called" Golden Sand Figure ", then send it to the original secret space-time palace and give it to Aili. Silk hand. "

After receiving the teacher's soul message, the one who was one was suddenly stunned.

A treasure in the higher field?

When was the ethnic group so generous?

But no matter how he thought about it, the teacher's order did not dare to discount it. He hurried to the treasure house in a hurry, took out this realm named Jinshatu, and then rushed to the original secret realm.

The distance between Chaos City and the original secret realm is just one gate, which is very fast.

In less than a few minutes, the Oneness One arrived with the treasure.

In fact, there are five places in the human territory that can reach the Chaos City directly, or several important places of human beings are actually interconnected.

Cheng Buyun felt a little surprised when the Oneness One came, "Brother One, what are you?"

Looking at Cheng Buyun's puzzled expression, the one who knows it also knows that Cheng Buyun doesn't know the situation that the ethnic group gave the treasure to Alice. He smiled slightly and said, "Brother, it's a good thing. I came here with a mission this time. Here. Alice ’s efforts are also seen by the ethnic group, but no, I brought the treasures that the ethnic group has given. "

When he flipped his hand, he took out a picture with an endless sand sea. This picture exudes a unique charm. The surrounding space has a strong sense of restraint, and even people feel that there is a space Feeling dull.

It is the best in the field!

Cheng Buyun immediately judged the fame of what was in the hands of the One Lord. When the One Lord said the highest order in this field, he was also secretly surprised. This time the ethnic group is generous.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and the ethnic group was determined.

Although this time the ethnic group may be forced to give this level of treasure under pressure, Cheng Buyun still appreciates the generosity of the ethnic group.

Treasure in higher fields is already the standard equipment for the master of the universe.

Generally speaking, the cosmic overlords in the ethnic group rarely possess such powerful wealth equipment.

200 to treasure points to start.

A huge sum of wealth.

"Thank you ethnic group." Alice took the golden sand figure with a calm and slightly respectful expression, and then, no more.

What else do you want?

Seeing such a move by Alice, the one who has been converted almost collapsed. This is the treasure of the higher field. Why are you so calm?

Should n’t they be shaking with excitement, and ca n’t control themselves?

Forget it, the rich are incomparable!

After chatting for a while, the one-of-a-kind person left the original secret realm with great envy.

"The one given to you by the ethnic group, you should use it well. When faced with the alien strong, there will be more power to fight against." Cheng Buyun lightly commanded.

Alice nodded respectfully.

The ethnic group gave a treasure in the higher field, and Cheng Buyun didn't have to spend money to change it for her.

At that time, look at the types of treasures that the ancestral religion has publicly given, and make plans if there is something missing.

The days have calmed down again, and Cheng Buyun is waiting, waiting for the ancestral gods to give the treasure before thinking about his own affairs.

Even if you want to leave, you have to arrange Alice.

This is his most important hitter in the future. How can he grow without a lot of fighting and fighting!

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