Plane Universe

Chapter 1839: Law fusion

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In addition to weapon armor, Cheng Buyun also prepared a domain treasure for gluttons to help limit the speed of the enemy.

It is worth 50 points. It is a price higher than the upper level in the ordinary level. The single earth attribute has great power. The enemies trapped in this field are as difficult as moving into the mud.

Finally, there is a belt to assist the flight.

Assisting flying treasures also has a very important position.

For example, in some dangerous places, the gravity is extremely high, and it is very difficult for the strong to reach the speed of light and it takes a long time to accelerate.

Just like an ordinary spaceship in the universe, it takes a long time to accelerate to break through the limits of the universe.

Or it may fall into the opponent's realm, if there is no field treasure to fight against itself, or your own realm treasure is weak, then flying to the treasure has strategic significance.

If the treasure is complete, it means that the strong man has no weakness.

This statement is universally accepted.

The whole body is covered with treasures, one level stronger than you, and you ca n’t do it!

As for the one who is higher than you, such as the Lord of the Universe, wash and sleep!

When you meet such a strong man, unless you are the top cosmic overlord, you must be a younger brother!

Xeon Zhibao is useless.

Powerful treasures also depend on who owns it or not.

Picking the treasure is here, and it's basically done.

Everything should be there.

If you should say anything, it is that Cheng Buyun is still a strong domain category treasure.

But his strength is awkward!

The use of field treasures is more demanding, and it is the most demanded treasure type among all treasures.

Both strength and law are indispensable.

Even if the realm of law is even higher, and it is clear to the earth, there is no divine cooperation, how to control the field of treasures?

Do you have to be strong in iron!

Treasure selection is finished.

Cheng Buyun's gaze finally glanced at materials and resources.

The four wives have poor qualifications and talents, and almost all of their strength is piled up with resources.

If there is no external help, it is estimated that the star rating is the end of their practice.

Until now, it has cost a huge amount of money to be able to practice to the level of the realm.

It is estimated that the resources used on them can pile up tens of thousands of landlords.

However, the cost is huge, but Cheng Buyun does not care.

The four wives such as Wang Ya are on his pillows, and he is willing to spend more.

Isn't it not, how much money can be spent as an immortal god?

Full of local tyrants revealed no doubt!

Cheng Buyun is qualified to say this.

With nearly 20 million treasure points in his hand, such a huge amount of wealth cannot be matched by the general universe.

Buy buy buy, this is good, I want it!


Anyway, these resources are piled up in the treasure trove, but they are not ashamed.

It is used to reward super geniuses and human members worthy of training.

I swept the bilge cargo, and the ethnic group had to thank me for it.


Up to now, the cultivation resources can no longer help Cheng Buyun to perceive cultivation.

What he lacks is the integration of laws.

This kind of thing, outsiders can not help him, can only rely on their own understanding.

Even he can't rely on humble experience, such as the experience of Chaos City Lord, which is useless to him.

The way he is going to take is different in this universe. If he uses the experience of his predecessors for reference and integration, he may still take a forked road and fall into a dead end.

It ’s not from my own cultivation, it ’s not perfect, and it ’s not suitable for me.

Sweeping goods frantically, buying a lot of cultivation resources, Cheng Buyun stopped contentedly.

The rich man's desire to shop is really outrageous. In just half a day, he has spent millions of treasures, close to a quarter of the net worth.

"Put together an integer." Cheng Buyun smiled, and finally took away four of the most superb soul treasures in the treasure trove, one ordinary soul treasure.

So ... nearly 5 million treasure points, one thousand treasure points are gone.

With a pleasant smile, he left the treasure trove of the ethnic group, Cheng Buyun satisfied some kind of desire, and returned to the palace, quietly falling into cultivation again.

Rarely came to the city of chaos, the cosmic space cracked in the sky gave him new insights, so he wanted to stay for a while and integrate the rules.

The laws merge with each other, and the leaping increase in power is the essence of the universe.

This is true no matter in that universe.

In the past, the fusion of laws, which is not called fusion, can only be regarded as the combination of one, one plus one equals two.

The fusion is equivalent to a transition-like enhancement.

Soaring tenfold and hundredfold.

Even if the two laws are only a little bit fusion, the power is extremely powerful.

For example, the basic law is 100 powers and the space law is 200 powers. When the fusion starts, there may not be as much power as the combination of the two.

But as the level of fusion between the two laws soars, how powerful is it to be able to merge the two ten percent and soar ten times?

How about twenty percent?

Even thirty percent?

Until the last one hundred percent, the power is increased by a factor of 100. The master of the universe who takes the shortcut of fusion can be compared with the master of the orthodox universe, relying on the fusion power of law.

Of course, with the late efforts of the orthodox universe master, the shortcut of the universe master will appear weak.

The one-day rule cannot be accomplished, and it must be overwhelmed by the lord of the orthodox universe.

And the shortcoming of the Lord of the Universe has a huge weakness, that is, it cannot penetrate the law of time, it cannot be made into a great success, and it can never peep into the path of the strongest in the universe!

Without the cooperation of the laws of time, it is impossible to form a micro universe, and it cannot escape the embrace of the original universe.

The cracked space in the sky is as if the cracks of the teeth are constantly interwoven, and the magic thread of the law is led by a hand, and it shuttles between these cracked gears as if weaving cloth.

Very wonderful.

It's intoxicating.

This is the most wonderful scenery in the universe, no one!

Indulge in it, go crazy for it!

Under such a wonderful scenery, Cheng Buyun will not waste time naturally, immediately immersed in it, and all the minds are placed on the rules of understanding the universe.

The four bodies prove to each other that cultivation is wonderful.

Do not.

It should be said that there are more than four bodies, do n’t forget, the huge effect after Xiaohong.

She is also a big help for Cheng Buyun's cultivation.

Compared to Cheng Buyun itself is not bad.

The seven bodies are in the same direction, and the speed of cultivation is crazy.

Reference Luo Feng is clear.

Very high savvy, powerful doppelganger.

Is the root of his rise.

In the universe, the avatar is the undisputed first ability.

No matter how powerful it is, survival is first.

There is only life in the future.

No matter how powerful you are, if the Lord of the Universe has no avatar, who can save you once it falls?

The strongest in the universe?

Pull it down!

The true **** above it has no such qualification to resurrect the Lord of the universe.

The physical strength is not enough.

Compare one result.

The power of the ordinary universe hegemony, the chaos city master, etc. are injured when they are resurrected. What is the concept?

Think again about the divine body of the Lord of the universe. The ordinary level has thousands of times of life genes, thousands of kilometers of body type, and a higher degree of divine cohesion.


Just kidding me.

Ordinary universe overlord, life genes are only ten times larger, with a body size of ten kilometers. Ordinary universe has over 1,000 life genes and thousands of kilometers in size.


Do you find it difficult?

Void True God has to fall to resurrect.

In fact, some powerful special lives have fallen behind, and it has been extremely difficult to resurrect.

For example, the special lives of immortal gods such as the King of Mirrors have fallen behind, and the strength of the top universe master to resurrect him, even approaching the heavy damage, very outrageous.

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