Plane Universe

Chapter 1822: The two major alliance transactions (for the love of book lovers and more rewards)

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As for why there are even alien disciples under the main gate of Chaos City, it must be said.

When I heard that Venerable Phoenix was still weak, I once ventured into the cosmic realm and encountered this flaming bird. In order to prevent the news from leaking, the other party chased her desperately.

Being chased by such a special life, although it is only more than two hundred times the special life, it is also quite powerful, and it is only the Lord of the Phoenix, the world's main level. How difficult the scene was at that time.

However, under the desperation, she was magically taken away by the other party.

Since then, the progress has been rapid, and the law of flame is very powerful. Today, it is already the most powerful disciple under the main gate of the city of chaos.

Even three of them, Yankong and Xingkong, were stabilized by her.

More than two hundred times the special life, huge body of thousands of kilometers, under quite a realm, the rear lights are hard to see.

Back in the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun, who had made arrangements, plunged into the world ring.

But there are still two treasures waiting for him to refine it.

The top soul treasure-such as the fantasy clothes, whose powerful effect is most suitable for Cheng Buyun at this stage. When necessary, he can rely on its hidden powerful effect to hide his identity.

Powerful to the top level and the essence is still the treasure of soul with the main function of concealment, the general universe master is difficult to see through his subtle details.

A slap-like, extremely light and soft piece of clothing was held in his hand, and Cheng Buyun felt a little addicted.

The silky texture seems to flow through the skin like an electric shock, and the pores on the arms are open, as if they are eager and excited.

"Don't worry, it will be mine in a moment." Cheng Buyun looked at Ruyi Yi and murmured. The appearance of Ruyi Yi was quite beautiful and exquisite. The skirt-like clothes and several ribbons on the hem gently flutter With.

It's a pity ... This color like a fantasy coat is really not very appropriate. The gray color is gray, even the man Cheng Buyun feels a bit of a toothache!

Forget it Forget it, it is so, it can't be changed.

It is not necessary to change and get money and integrate the treasures of the soul.

Cheng Buyun twitched his face, shook his head, and then his spirits shook, and his strong will gathered together, immediately isolating the connection of the Void Soul Pearl in his mind.

A little bit erases the imprint of his own soul inside.

Void Zhenzhu conveys an attachment emotion, as if telling Cheng Buyun that it doesn't want to leave.

But Cheng Chengyun, ruthless, ignored this feeling of attachment and directly erased his own imprint of the soul inside the Void Soul Pearl.


With a soft bang, a bead of silvery thumb popped out of his mind and fell into his hands.

The Void Soul Orb can only be regarded as an ordinary upper-middle level, but the price is relatively expensive. It is estimated that humans need about 60 treasure points to exchange for it. The market price needs at least 100 treasure points, and there is no market for price.

No one will sell such treasures.

Unless it is a lone traveler.

Treasures of this grade, such as soul treasures, are quite rare.

Of the 100 treasures, it is good to have one soul treasure.

In fact, most of the time, when the strong take risks outside, there are basically two types of treasures: weapon treasure and armor treasure.

These two treasures are the easiest to encounter.

To be lucky, step on **** luck, it is estimated that you can encounter other types of treasure.

So the treasures of the soul and palace are so rare.

There is nothing more to say about the refining process.

It is nothing more than a long time, even if the ranks such as phantom clothes are as high as the top treasure level.

Even a boundary master can easily recognize the Lord as long as he persists.

It can almost be said that soul treasures are scarce, but it is the easiest to recognize the Lord.

With a single function, it is easy to recognize the Lord naturally.

If it is the dual function of the treasure, it is very troublesome, if you recognize the Lord and there is also the danger of backlash.

Among them, the representative treasure is like the star tower, which integrates four types of defense, attack, town block, and flight. It has a high level and high rank.

You sister!


The thorn ring alliance moves quickly, and all the transaction materials have been put together in a few months.

The heavy armor traded by humans is definitely an important resource, and the entire thorn ring alliance is quite valued.

On the day of the transaction, a number of powerful beings led by the soul-cultivating master drove towards the transaction site with several world rings full of cosmic crystals and precious materials.

On the human side, the Lord of the Digital Universe has also been dispatched. The two leading ones are the Lord of the Void Gold and the Lord of the Dragon. The great existence of weaknesses includes the Lord of the Peak and the Lord of the Famine.

Almost all of them came.

For transactions over a thousand treasure points, the human side is also afraid of any accidents, so the power must not be small.

As for the Chaos City Lord and the Frozen Lord, they can't move. They have to guard the original secret realm, mainly to protect Cheng Buyun, and they prevent alien dogs from jumping the wall.

In fact, there are three lords of the universe in the original secret realm. Do n’t forget that there is a lord of darkness hidden in the dark.

Moreover, the original secret realm and the chaotic city are connected, and when necessary, the second avatar of the chaotic city master can also come over.

It can almost be said that the original secret realm is the core place of humanity's strongest power, and there is no one!

"Xu Jin and Long Xing are actually led by the two of you."

"Don't talk about these fakes, did the trading items bring them?" The virtual gold master sneered, interrupted the other party's words with a bad face, and directly talked about the transaction.

The Lord of the Void Gold, a typical human supremacist, does not have much affection for almost any alien.

In fact, we can also understand that when humans occupied the primitive universe, they were proud of trillions of ethnic groups, with great power, and nostrils.

Unfortunately, the original ancestor was suppressed, knocked down on the spot, and fell off the throne. It was very difficult to change the state of mind for a while.

Especially in the back, suffered from siege by the three pinnacle ethnic groups, the power was lost and the hatred accumulated.

Gnawing inside.

The old masters of the human universe are actually accumulating strength to lie dormantly, in order to restore their former glory again!

The Master of Soul Training touched the big nail of the Lord of Virtual Gold, and he was very unhappy. He could not help but snorted gently, and his eyes were a bit stunned.

The Lord of Dragons immediately gave a haha ​​and greeted him with a smile: "Lord of Soul Training, this time, you have earned a bit of the Ring Alliance, holding some useless universe crystals, but changed to a batch of extremely important ones. Chongbao armor. Actually, this transaction, I also have a lot of opposition within human beings, but there is no way. Once, it took too much time for the universe crystal, and this time it needs to be urgent, so it is cheaper for you. "

The Soul Trainer chuckled, his face returned to its original appearance, and said: "This time it is our thorn ring alliance to hold your humanity."

Being able to trade Chongbao with Cosmic Crystal is like a pie falling from the sky. No one can believe it.

What is a cosmic crystal?

Tattered gadgets that can be condensed above the universe level are more precious than the heavy treasure armor, and everyone has a steel scale in their hearts.

It's not much different from Bai Zhan!

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