Plane Universe

Chapter 1785: The upcoming super fighter

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The power of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, any life you have seen will be eager.

That kind of evolutionary call from the life gene will be crazy!

Throughout the vanguard members who entered the Yupei space for cultivation, each yearned for the opportunity given by Cheng Buyun one day, and was honored to practice such powerful secrets.

Unfortunately, the number of places is limited, and Cheng Buyun cannot take care of all members.

It is destined that most people's desires will fail.

Only nine of the lucky ones have the opportunity to practice.

And three of the nine places have been gone, Alice, Zhongrou, and Shangguan Yun, who first practiced this set of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

Needless to say, the remaining six places are precious.

After all, Bai Suzhen's two sisters have not been granted qualifications, let alone other members.

"Get up." Cheng Buyun said calmly.

The gluttonous savvy is actually average. It has been practiced for billions of years. Today, the real state is higher than the king. This kind of qualification is very bad!

Although special life is born special, it does not necessarily have to be qualified.

In terms of perception, it is not much different from general genius, and it takes a long time to practice.

Of course, even if the special life perception is poor, the background is strong, and the life of the same level will basically not be their opponent, because they can not be consumed in terms of divine power.

Only after reaching the main stage of the universe, the genes of life are no longer restricted, and the special life is wiped out of the huge gap between them, and the two sides are in the same condition.

It will be more vulnerable!

At this time, Cheng Buyun is also seriously considering the gluttonous request. As a special life, if you practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, you will instantly increase your huge strength.

And there is also a benefit, gluttonous is already immortal, and there is no shackles of ordinary life.

In fact, special life itself does not have the shackles of ordinary life, and it is only the realm that can prevent them from becoming stronger.

"the host."

The gluttonous look at Cheng Buyun, who was thinking about it silently, looked aggrieved, and looked a bit pitiful.

"Well, I agreed, and allow you to practice the Nine Tribulation Secret Code." Cheng Buyun finally nodded.

The gluttonous qualifications are a little bit worse, but they are real-time combat power. They can help themselves a lot at this stage. One of the six places is just nothing.

"Thank you for your master's gift." The gluttonous man was excited, and his uncontrollable joy made him laugh like a stunned man.

Life genes have evolved, and no life can resist.

Is the root of life.

A life that is close to 10,000 times the life gene, a life of more than 3,000 times, how big is the gap between them, gluttons will tell you.

"Go, practice well, there will be many places for you to contribute in the future." Cheng Buyun smiled gently and worried.

"Master, I will knock out the feces of the enemy." The gluttonous roar arrogantly.

Not humble at all!

Cheng Buyun smiled and waved his hand!

The anxious gluttony immediately turned and ran away, and he could not wait to practice the great Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

"Haha, Venerable Universe, Ha ha! Quack!" The gluttonous maniac rushed away, laughing wildly.

In the past, he also fought against the Supreme Universe, but it was the crushed party. Although the divine body is huge, the power of the divine power is too far apart, and the instant output is simply not comparable.

Now ... his strength is about to change dramatically.

The Supreme Universe Venerable, even if the realm is weaker than a few levels, can have a huge body and a lot of divine power, which consumes others.

Quickly came to the giant stone column, gluttonously looked at the content above carefully, and did not miss the word, so as to strive for a thorough understanding of the whole article, so that he would not make mistakes in practice.

"Look, the gluttonous king is here again."

"It is estimated that the chief is allowed to practice the ninth order secret code."

"Unfortunately we don't have that qualification to practice."

Around the square, many wandering members had a lot of talk and envy.

"The gluttonous king is a special life, 3,500 times the life gene, and it is also expected that the chief cultivator of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code."

"Yes, 3500 times, the first layer of successful cultivation is 10500 times, the second layer of successful cultivation is 21000 times, 100,000 times the **** body and 21,000 times the life genes, what a great shore."

"Well, I don't know, I'm scared to death."


These members of the vanguard have no idea that the life genes have their limits.

Ordinary life is up to 100 times, even special life is also a case.

Even if it is a powerful secret method, it cannot exceed 10081 times, which is a limitation of the rules of the universe.

The chatter of the members of the vanguard around, the gluttonous king was deaf, and his mind was all placed in the content above the stone pillar.

When he saw the last part, especially the places where cultivators should pay attention, his face changed.

"Cultivation of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code is dangerous?" The gluttonous dumbfounded. Once there is a mistake in cultivation, the body and soul will collapse on the spot, even if there is an undead body.

The evolution of genes transcends the boundaries. Naturally, it is against the rules of the universe. He certainly understands the meaning.

"How to do?"

Gluttony hesitated. Once he died, reversing time and space and resurrected, even if he did not carry the treasure, he died naked, and with his huge **** body more than 300 million times, he wanted to get him back, at least it would cost a better treasure.

But there should be a way for the master?

After all, Chongrou, who has no avatars, successfully cultivated.

"Read all the content first, and then ask the owner to ask." Of course, gluttonous will not give up the opportunity to practice the Secret of the Nine Tribulation.

Even if there is a danger of falling, he will fight.

Keep in mind the contents of the two robbers described on the stone pillar, and then he whispered to the master, and after getting permission, he hurriedly threw the problem to the master.

"It's okay, go to Time House to practice, your worries don't exist."

The master's response, gluttonous, does not quite understand, but does not prevent him from trusting his master.

At the moment, he quickly applied for the right to use the Time House, and immediately an independent Time House was assigned to him. , Can be used permanently, no one but him robs him.

As an important member, resource allocation is basically the same.

If Alice is the same, if you are soft, only the two sisters Bai Suzhen share the ownership of Time House and Rule House.

Gourmet came to the Time House, but just looked at it a little bit, and looked at the environment.

Sitting down, I simulated the flesh and blood body that had not yet achieved immortality, and started the content of the first robbery of the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, secretly roared: "The body becomes the universe, rise!"

In the roar, the body directly became an independent universe.

"Haha, amazing, really really started to evolve." The gluttonous heart was very excited. Numerous silk threads were connected in the body, and the cells and flesh were all metamorphosing and evolving, deducing towards a higher peak.

The excitement in his body made him a little trembling, unable to bear.


"Not good." The gluttonous face suddenly changed, and there was a slight mistake in one place, which directly caused the overall collapse.

His body seemed to be a pile of gravel. The hula collapsed and shattered into a place, exuding extremely powerful energy.

It is an immortal crystal!

At this moment, as if there was an invisible energy inside the Time House, it rolled up the immortal crystals scattered on the ground, and then quickly condensed, the gluttonous whole person also returned to the previous state.

"I'm not dead!" Gluttony sensed his body, and the effect of the Nine Tribulation Secrets I just practiced was not stripped. He was shocked!

No wonder the host let me not worry, it turned out to be so!

He doesn't understand the power of such great shores, but he can understand that the Lord of the Universe is wrong, even if it is the means that the strongest of the universe cannot possess.

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