Plane Universe

Chapter 1780: Lord of the Dragon

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Outside the battlefield, in a remote void, in a broken land.

Cheng Buyun, who was quickly rolled here by the power of time and space, immediately saw an alien man with a smiling expression standing quietly.

The other person was very burly, wearing a black robe, with a sharp horn in the middle of his forehead, and his face with a dreadful dark red scales. He was very domineering, and his hands were very chic, like chicken feet.

And a long dragon tail stretched out behind him, gently swinging.

The whole body exudes a strong charm, and that feeling is not the same as that of Chaos City Lord.

If the Lord of Chaos is gentle, then the aura sent by this alien man is overbearing.

A pair of deep eyes, when you see it for the first time, you will never forget it again.

"Thank you for the help of the Lord of Dragons." Cheng Buyun looked down and bowed respectfully.

"Your kid is very good, the heart is really amazing, ha ha!" Haha, the Lord of Dragons, smiled and exclaimed, looking very admired Cheng Buyun.

At this time, he really glanced at the young man in front of him, and he was so calm after the appearance of the Lord of the Universe, which he had never seen before.

Even if the Lord of the Universe encounters the advent of the host of the hostile universe, he will panic.

In contrast, Cheng Buyun just now was very calm, not panicking at all, and had the power to put away the enslaved King of Rhino immediately.

This mental will is rare.

"The Lord of Dragons has been praised. In fact, I was so panicked in those situations just now. If it was not you who came to rescue me, I would like to immediately smash the tokens the teacher gave me and ask the teacher for help." Cheng Buyun said modestly .

"It just happened at the meeting, in fact, I was robbing your teacher's job and saving myself." The Lord of Dragon said with a smile.

This is not to tell Cheng Buyun, in fact, your teacher is also concerned about your movements.

"Let the teacher worry." Cheng Buyun looked ashamed.

The Lord of Dragons shook his head and said with a smile: "What's so worrying about, if this kind of thing comes more than a few times and is dispatched again and again, I think your teacher is willing."

But no, a special life with more than 3,000 times the life gene, once sent, will increase the fighting power of the ethnic group by one point, not to mention the Lord of Chaos, and the creator of the giant axe will be willing to.

The growth of the ethnic group must first have someone, then the strong, and the treasure is in the third place.

No one can grow stronger, no strong, how can power guard!

Without treasures, how come to compete!

"But after all, you are so powerful, I can't think of it, you can enslave even the existence of the rhino king, and give you some time, you must not go to heaven!" The Lord of Dragons sighed.

"Talent is good, and cultivation will come naturally." Cheng Buyun also joked.

Because he was very comfortable with the Lord of the Dragon, the other person's passionate look was like a communication between his friends, and his goodwill was rapidly heating up, which made Cheng Bu's courage much worse.

This is what the Lord of Dragons would like to see.

Although Cheng Buyun is not a strong man today, he is only a genius, but he can foresee that the potential is great, and the Lord of the universe is the lowest.

As long as you are not trapped by shackles, you can easily become the new guardian of the ethnic group.

I would like to ask how the Lord of Dragons can hand over without twists and turns.

Of course, if you want to be the strongest in the universe, Cheng Buyun still has three thresholds to pass.

Immortality, this is the most difficult first step.

It's not easy to break the shackles of that extreme body!

Human beings are not born with special life, there are shackles in the body, the stronger the stronger, the stronger the shackles.

Unlike special life, as long as the law is completed, it will immediately break the shackles and achieve immortality!

In the past, humans also had countless talents with outstanding talents, and many of them had a profound source of blessing, which caused the evolution of life genes to a very high level.

It is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, but it is still trapped in the last step. It cannot be ordinary and exists forever, until the end of life!

Sometimes insufficiency, greed is not a good thing.

However, Cheng Buyun's perception is reassuring.

"This time, it's a bit violent, and you still have to avoid the limelight." The Lord of Dragons said: "The demon clan has lost its fighting power from the rhinoceros, and it is estimated that it will chase you crazy."

"The view of the Lord of Dragons?" Cheng Buyun asked modestly.

Although he is not afraid of the pursuit of the demon clan, but sometimes these things need not be said.

And going out for adventure, it is not a way to always pay attention to the teacher.

"Of course, I went back to hide for a while." The Lord of Dragons said with a smile immediately: "When the limelight passes, then change your face and go out, convergence point, it is difficult for the alien to find you."

"In this case, just do what you always said." Cheng Buyun immediately agreed, which made the Lord of Dragons a little more happy. A genius who can listen to others is undoubtedly the most joyful.

"However, if I disappear for so long, will the military system judge me for violating the military rules and punish me." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"You, the military system is a virtual universe system. You are a chaotic disciple. Even if you never go, it will not treat you like that. Just rest assured." The Lord of Dragons shook his head and smiled gently, He recruited Xiao Honghou in the distance and said, "Since I have time, I will **** you back to the original secret realm!"

"Trouble you." Cheng Buyun was not too polite.

He also knew that the Lord of Dragons wanted to show closeness to himself.

It is estimated that the other party knew his situation where the teacher was before coming.

This is easy to guess.

Otherwise, with the status of the Lord of Dragons, it will rush to rush to save him!


The light of the Divine Kingdom shone, and the Lord of Dragons directly used his Divine Kingdom as a transmission channel and left with Cheng Buyun.

When it comes to the strength of the Lord of Dragons, he is not afraid of the exposure of the coordinates of the Kingdom of God.

Even if there is a crazy existence, it will not attack the **** kingdom of a universe master.

Almost in the Divine Kingdom of the Lord of the Universe, all the Lords of the Universe in the ethnic group have several tokens, which can be sent to support immediately.

The attackers are easily dumplings.

Only the Lord of the Universe will always hide, fearing that his coordinates will be exposed.

Moreover, not only the Lord of the Universe, but even the cosmic overlords in the ethnic group, the Divine Kingdom has the symbols of the Lord of the Universe.

Although the mezzanine space is extremely wide, if you have the heart, the Lord of the Universe can find out the location of the alien **** kingdom.

It's just that there is generally no Lord of the universe to do it.


The light dissipated, and Cheng Buyun came to an immensely vast area. At a glance, all the layers of simple and magnificent palace buildings were below.

In addition to the majestic palace nearby, there are huge buildings in the distance, very dense.

At the same time Cheng Buyun also saw countless human beings in it.

That quantity has a tingling scalp sensation.

There are too many.

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