Plane Universe

Chapter 1776: Demon Soul Control

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Keeping this secret in the past can not be shared with others, the chaotic city lord is also very unhappy.

To suffer, everyone comes together!

I can't be scared alone, but you guys look at my jokes, right?

At the glance of the seemingly non-smiling look of the Lord of Chaos, the Lord of Dragon Walk was bitter in his heart.

This bad old man is really bad!

Drag yourself into the water and let yourself share with him.

I make you curious and have to run and suffer!

Okay, so happy that there are so many geniuses in the group, why do I have such a tangled heart!

That's enough!


It took a long time for the Lord of Dragons to exhale deeply, and solemnly said: "With Cheng Buyun, my humanity will be great, and it will no longer be a problem to rule the entire primitive universe, and will return to the original ancestor teacher. Glorious times. "

"Nature." The Lord of Chaos nodded affirmatively and said with an unprecedented serious expression: "The premise is that he can grow alive, because I don't know, he fell, can the giant axe bring him back to life."

"So he can't die." The Lord of Dragons said excitedly: "No wonder you had to spend so much resources to create an energy avatar to protect him. Now even I can't help but want to protect him, watching him Growing up, he is too important. "

"In the primitive universe, an energy avatar is enough. Even if the strongest attack, as long as my disciples react, and immediately crush my token, my energy avatar can definitely resist any strong man ’s tricks. Enough to rush me over. "Chaos Lord said domineeringly.

It is not that he is arrogant, but that he has enough skills.

"I can't think of wow, I have also been attached to the universe, and even gave us such a chance." The Lord of Dragons was very happy, and the body and mind never felt happy.

As for the secret of the life gene carried by Cheng Buyun, he didn't ask if he could share it.

He was not greedy at all, not his, and never his.

This is Cheng Buyun's chance, no one can force it.

It was a godsend, and no one would reach out with any result.

It also annoys the rules of the universe.

At their step, many things are understood. For example, some secrets in the universe can't be forced to come. Knowing is knowing, don't know, and others can't comprehend if they say it.

"I felt incredible at the time, how could such a benefit hit my human head." Chaotic City Lord said with a smile: "I figured it out later, it is estimated that there are major changes, need ..."

The Lord of Chaos didn't talk about it, but the two have lived together for hundreds of millions of years, but the Lord of Dragon Walk fully understands the meaning of the following words, but there are big changes, and the rules of the universe require something.

But compared with this, it is not a matter at all.

If there is a huge change in the primitive universe, human beings can survive in it, and they cannot help themselves. Helping the primitive universe is to help yourself.

As for the major changes, they are not very clear.

Only when things happen will the rules of the universe be known.

"Haha, no matter what, it's good for me as a human being anyway." The Lord of Dragons laughed and was about to say something. At this time, Cheng Buyun shouted from the virtual video. "Leave the King of Rhino, enjoy my teacher's biography Give me the housekeeping skills-Void Shock! "

The two great beings immediately turned to look.

"The secret of the creation of Chaos City Lord?"

Apart from the fear of the rhinoceros, his eyes are also bright. The existence of the chaos lord is certainly exquisite. The secret method created is of course extremely exquisite. With the opportunity to taste, he is naturally happy.

No matter how powerful the mystery is, a human who cannot burn divine power will not cause too much damage to him.


Cheng Buyun's black long stick danced, and his wrists even showed the flowers of a rotating stick. A huge phantom cosmic figure suddenly appeared in the void, completely covering one side of space and time, and the powerful oppression force seemed to tighten the space.

Invisible oppression came.

"A strong oppressive force, even my actions have been affected." There was a deep excitement buried in the eyes of King Rhinoceros, and he watched without blinking.


Cheng Buyun screamed, and the black stick slammed down, and the huge cosmic figure immediately shrank and oppressed, as if a shield only shrank, trying to squeeze the people inside into a meatloaf.

"His! So strong!"

Feeling the power of the mysterious method, King Rhinoceros quickly appeared to fight against the ghost image of the beast god. The huge ghost figure of the beast **** roared again and again, striking the force of contraction and squeeze.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The whole void was shaking, and a huge shock was slamming in all directions.

The space is broken into pieces, and a crater like a black hole is formed on the periphery.

The huge black long stick finally fell, and the rhinoceros was naturally not given in white. There was crazy light in his eyes, roaring again and again, and a huge beast **** phantom rushed out and greeted the black long stick.


As if unstoppable in general, the huge phantom beast was only in contact, and was immediately dispersed.

This immediately scared away from the king of the rhinoceros, but he had no time to dodge, so he had to put up a pair of hoofs to resist the black long stick.

But the power of the Void Shock to kill this trick was so powerful that it immediately shook his hooves, then blasted on his thick chest, and was hit hard.

He beat him down to the ground.

With a wailing cry, Li Wang shouted: "How could it be so strong, that even one move would annihilate my 10,000 gods, impossible!"

"That's because you are too weak. It's a bit boring to fight you. Let me die!" Cheng Buyun raised his hand quickly again, preparing to run power, but found that the black stick in his hand was secret. The mark of the pattern has been partially damaged.

The channel of power is blocked, and it is unable to exert its due power.


Cheng Buyun scolded, it must be that the secret method just now was too strong, and that the other party's parry was the treasure, so the contact was damaged.

I was really scared of leaving the rhinoceros. I didn't want to think about it. I immediately reincarnated and fled. I didn't even dare to say the last sentence.

"Leaving the king of rhino, come here and arrogantly turn around and startle some of my maids and want to leave. Are you thinking too beautiful!" Cheng Buyun shouted loudly.

Flying away from the huge body of the rhinoceros, he heard Cheng Buyun's words and quickly responded: "Human, don't be fooled. I admit that you are strong enough to suppress me, but I want to keep me. You can't do it. When I arrive, I want to leave and leave. How can you take me? "

"Unfortunately, Cheng Buyun's lethality is not enough. If there is an attack on the treasure, it is not easy to leave the Rhino King so easily." The Lord of Dragons shook his head. Although the two battled, the Rhino King was at a disadvantage. Being suppressed and consumed, but without losing a lot of divine power, it can easily run away.

"After all, it is the Boundary Lord. Even if you take out the housekeeping skills and want to stay so, it is difficult." The Lord of Chaos also shook his head.

At this time, Cheng Buyun curled his mouth. He didn't intend to leave the King of Rhinoceros, but the weapon given by the teacher was damaged, making him a little annoyed, so ...

He immediately said eeriely: "Stay!"

The powerful psychic power immediately enveloped the void, and the invisible and shadowless psychic power cooperated with the power of the will to reveal the soul secrets, and immediately burst into the head of the king of rhinoceros.

Demon God Soul Control!

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