Plane Universe

Chapter 1740: The cost of reversing space and time

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Lan Yuzun, after they left, Cheng Buyun looked at the star map, and his face was cold.

"Interracial really attached great importance to me, and they displayed a threatening appearance on the surface, trying to prevent me from logging in to the main continent, let me divert and leave, and ambush me in other places?" Cheng Buyun pondered, but after a long time, he laughed in silence Said: "No matter how it is arranged, it is a matter of having sufficient strength. If you want more, you can do it again. If you encounter it, you will just blow up the enemy."


Cheng Buyun's eyes flashed coldly, trying to kill me by a group of immortality, I can only say one thing, you think too much.

As for the three pinnacles of alien races to get themselves together, the human race does not help, Cheng Buyun does not resent.

The combination of the three pinnacles and aliens, the strong human beings have to avoid the limelight, and will not be stupid hit.

Strength is not allowed!

Human prosperity is prosperity, and any peak group has to weigh up and consider the consequences of annoying humanity, but the combination of the three pinnacles and aliens, humans must also consider clearly.

After all, the interests are moving.

At this time, the interests of the three major aliens are the same.

I want to kill Bu Yun.

"But before they killed me, I killed all of them first." Cheng Buyun sneered. The three aliens didn't know their own strength at all, thinking that this position would scare themselves?

too naive!

Putting this matter aside, Cheng Buyun opened the contact device, and the virtual image of Shuying Wang immediately appeared in front of him. The latter gave a little salute and said, "Your Highness."

"Shuying, in the past thousands of years, have any members fallen under my command?" Cheng Buyun nodded and asked quietly.

The matter within his power has never been asked. It has always been the joint management of King Shuying and Xiaohonghou. Generally, matters of small or large size will not be brought before him, and Xiaohong can decide on his own.

"Your Highness, yes."

Shu Yingwang's eyes lit up, and there was a little joy on his face, saying: "Because of His Highness's gift, the soldiers' strength has soared several levels and went to some more dangerous places."

"The danger is high and the gain is great." Cheng Buyun expressed his understanding.

"That's why, so it is inevitable that some members have fallen. For thousands of years, the fallen members have been a full fifteen. Two of them have entered the Fenghou first time, one is a low-level king, and the rest are the immortal master level." King Shuying respectfully said: "Although there are many fallen warriors, our gains are also very good, with an overall contribution of more than 200 billion yuan, which is no worse than the ranks of other universe sages."

The small forces within human beings make 20% of their contribution, and then use them to develop various reward systems needed to run the forces.

There is a natural reward for paying.

Although the income from the risk has to contribute 20% of it, but with the support behind him, he will not be oppressed and bullied by the strong in ordinary times.

Well, to put it bluntly, the protection fee!

But the immortals are willing to pay the land!

After all, many people want to pay protection fees, but no one can receive them.

"Very good, continue to maintain, encourage the soldiers not to be afraid, everything is with me." Cheng Buyun said with satisfaction.

"Your Highness, rest assured, I will tell everyone what your Highness has not missed." Shuying Wang said.

"Well, give me the list of those fallen warriors, I will apply to them to reverse time and space." Cheng Buyun considered for a while and said: "As for the cost of reversing time and space, I will bear most of them for everyone. Just 30% delivery. "

"What, Your Highness."

Suying Wang was overwhelmed, and quickly persuaded: "Too many, His Royal Highness can apply for resurrection for everyone. It is already a gift from Heaven. How can His Highness be able to bear these resurrection costs."

"No need to say, just do what I said." Cheng Buyun said lightly.

"Okay, then I will thank Your Highness for the soldiers. If you know it, you will be very excited and happy." King Shuying could hardly conceal the excitement in her heart. As a result, the internal cohesion will be stronger and more powerful. Loyalty.

Treat the belonging forces as a second race.

Disconnecting the contactor, Cheng Buyun looked at the falling list displayed on the virtual screen and shook his head.

The cost of resurrecting the immortal level is neither high nor low.

Counted on the level of Feng Wang.

The initial cost of entering the Feng King is probably less than 20 billion yuan, and the ten thousand times the **** body is the first order, which is not high.

As long as it is not too bad luck, entering the Feng Wang will fall, and basically can save the wealth that needs to be resurrected.

The lower seal king, less than 50 billion yuan, the higher seal king, less than 100 billion yuan, the peak of the king, 200 billion yuan.

Relatively high.

And the limit of the King of Kings needs 500 billion yuan.

Once fell, it was basically hollowed out.

This is a normal resurrection, and the treasures carried on the body are not counted.

If you carry Chongbao, the cost will soar several times, and Chongbao will not return with you after the resurrection.

Because of the possession of treasures, the difficulty of resurrection will soar.

Like Zhen Yan, he carries a treasure, and the cost of reversing time and space is as high as 100 billion yuan.

This is also the result of the fact that many cosmic Venerables have fallen and the ethnic groups behind cannot afford to reverse time and space.

The cost of resurrection is too high, and the ethnic group behind them does not have enough wealth.

For example, when the Lord of the Dry Witch Kingdom fell, carrying three treasures on his body, the difficulty soared several levels, and the ten treasures could not be beaten. Among them, the ethnic group paid half of the cost share for him.

The universe is fair. The higher the value, the greater the consumption.

Another example is a character like Cheng Buyun, whose current background is too strong. Once it falls, the founder of the giant axe will not be able to go out unless he is a higher-level strongman.

Such as God King!

Hongmeng City.

Cheng Buyun's figure appeared on a street.

Someone immediately looked at it, and then said happily, "His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun, why are you free to come to Hongmeng City today, aren't you sharpening it outside now?"

An alien king next to him smiled and said, "Hah, even if you are sharpened outside, you can come to Hongmeng City to relax if you are not in danger."

Seeing Cheng Buyun appear, many people came to say hello.

Modest attitude, soft expression, and a little flattering.

Cheng Buyun is a proselytized disciple of Chaotic City Lord, and everyone wants to make friends.

In particular, some alien kings want to climb the relationship.

Unfortunately, many people already have backers behind them, otherwise they all want to join the space-time palace and become one of them.

The Palace of Time and Space, with good welfare and strong background, has never lost the power of the leader of the universe.

It is a pity that it was established too late!

The street was suddenly lively, and some people were still inviting Cheng Buyun to sit down and have a drink.

Looking at the group of enthusiastic Feng Wangqiangs in front of him, Cheng Buyun shook his head and said, "Everyone is unconscious, I still have something to do. Next time, next time I have time, I must drink with everyone."

There is no way.

He could only watch Cheng Buyun leave and watch his back.

"Hey, the place where the temple goes down seems to be the eternal temple." One said in amazement.

"It should be the King Feng Qiang who applied for resurrection. I heard that the Lord Voldemort in the Space-Time Palace had fallen into a cosmic realm six hundred years ago."

"Who called that guy arrogant, thinking that with the silver armor invincible in the world, he went into such a dangerous universe."

"Yes, in the mysterious realm of the demon, there is not much chance for the high-ranking king to enter into survival. He is a low-ranking king and is too greedy."

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