Plane Universe

Chapter 1738: Give you a strong guarantee

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Two days later, an underground cave full of corpse ruins, suddenly, a slim figure belonging to a woman appeared in the wide hall.

It was Alice ’s Demon Killer avatar that came out of the world ring.

She sucked her palm slightly towards the ground, and the dirt cracked open there, and the world ring buried thousands of meters into the ground jumped into her palm.

Then, Alice looked at the surrounding environment, glanced at the torn corpses scattered on the ground, her face was cold, and a soft hum rang in the hole **.

The next moment, her figure changed, and she had left the cave and appeared between the mountains and forests outside.

A small spaceship about 100 meters away was released from the world ring. After sensing the position of her deity at this time, she boarded the ship and followed.

The little red queen walked around and stopped, but the aliens concealed underneath had fallen into bad luck. No matter how deep they were hidden in the ground, they were all detected.

Then either Alice was dispatched, or a soft killing.

"The Lord of Waves and Space, why?" The alien who was chased and fleeing the Hou Qiang, howled when he was dying.

"Huh, I still ask why, I just have your reason for killing you, based on your sentence of the Bokong Realm Master." Zhong Rou said in a cold voice, annihilating the opponent directly with a punch.

Killing the level of Fenghou, it's so easy.

Close to fifty thousand times the power of the realm, even if the power has reduced the divine power, it is not a lord can resist.

After all, when he was attacking softly, he also used the vacant wave fist, the pinnacle of his unique skills.

Can Feng Hou carry it?

After fighting with Feng Feng, Zhong Rou became more impatient with Fenghou.

In the past, we will converge on strength and compete to make ourselves more amazed in battle and hone mysteries.

but now……

The level of Fenghou is simply too weak. In her hand, she has at most two punches, and the peak level will not exceed three punches and two feet.

"How about you?" Looking at the brick of Zhongrou, the alien godlike body beside him began to swing, and his expression was pale with fear.

I don't know how the gray face was scared to turn white.

Covered with crystal nails and refracted to reveal the cold eyes, the aliens sealed Hou Fu to the soul, and asked respectfully, "Excuse me, what is your title?"

"Very clever, and picked up a life for myself!" Zhong Rou smiled softly, and said lightly: "Listen, my name is given by the master, called 'Jill prison!' Do you know?"

"Yes, prison master, I will definitely tell you your title." In order to save life, the alien master chose to whisper, he almost didn't pat his chest.

An interracial prince like him is dead when he dies.

The Lord of the universe will not spend his energy to reverse him in time and space, and come back from the river of time.

That is impossible!

"Very good, let's go!" Chongrou smiled faintly, his voice calmed down a bit.


The alien's eyes brightened, with a humble expression of thanks, "Thank you to the prison master!"

Looking at the figure of the other party going away, the exaggerated figure, Ruanrou could not help laughing.

This kid, he is still a little bit timid!


Almost scared.

Ask who can be fearless in the face of death!

There is nothing more than the Lord of the Universe in the ethnic group, and there is also the opportunity for resurrection.

Like those weak ethnic groups, a vassal level, how could the Lord of the universe go to resurrection, even if the strong people in the family apply, they will be beaten back.

Wealth will not work.

Weakness is original sin!

No right to speak!


The hatch was closed, and Xiaohong continued to fly deep into the main continent.

Xiaohong stared at the monitor and watched dozens of small spaceships that followed thousands of kilometers around the battleship, as if surrounded by his own warship, and said with a smile: "There are more and more alien spaceships following, brother , Don't you really deal with them? "

"Forget it, those are the immortal masters, even ordinary immortals, and have no net worth, so lazy to let Alice and Rejoice them move." Cheng Buyun shook his head slightly. Arrived."

Xiaohong nodded.

In order to ensure that no interracial suspicion is caused, those guys behind can't really kill.

You can't kill it once. Come later, hold back!

On the move.

Numerous massacres along the way let the aliens know that the warship in the human world has no worries, and it has extremely domineering detectors, no matter how deep it is hidden, it will be pulled out and killed.

So ... behind, the aliens run away.

The route followed by Xiaohonghou was incomparably harmonious and peaceful, as if all the aliens had become harmonious elements, loathing to kill and kill.

The aliens were obviously afraid of the shameless man Cheng Buyun and fled the entire route.

The slaughter is weak?

Even if the aliens hated, Cheng Buyun could not be hurt.

As for prestige, it is nonsense.

Do you have a reputation for not killing aliens?

In the name of the strong, all are covered with corpses, mountains and seas of bones. The more you kill, the more fearful the aliens will be, and the higher their prestige will be.

"Sovereign Lan Yu?"

Xiaohong turned her head, and the serious report said: "Brother, King Shuying has sent me news. Venerable Lan Yu, Lord of the Witch Lord, and Venerable Nine Swords are asking to see you in the palace garden.

"Oh, it's them!" Cheng Buyun nodded and directly separated a trace of consciousness link to the virtual universe, and logged in.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

Cheng Buyun appeared in the palace hall, and the soldiers on duty quickly saluted.

This hall is the place where Cheng Buyun found his subordinates. There have been more than four immortal gods on duty for a long time.

They are all ready to quickly contact all members when Cheng Buyun is rich.

"It's hard." Cheng Buyun smiled gently.

"His Royal Highness, we do not work hard, it is our honor to work for His Royal Highness. In the past, we hated all the hate." The immortal soldier answered with a satisfied expression.

Not to mention working under Cheng Buyun, all kinds of precious and enviable welfare, what is even more rare is that His Royal Highness is a personal disciple of Chaos City Lord.

There is still a hint of safety in life.

Even if it fell.

Your Highness remembered them a little and also had a chance to be resurrected.

This is very rare.

It is a right that many universe sages do not have.

"Work hard, don't lose your part when you venture outside, or you will die with honor even if you die," don't let the aliens look down on them. Warriors under my command, I will resurrect you, Your Highness. "

"Thank you, Your Highness." The expression of the four immortal gods was excited, and they bowed respectfully.

Cheng Buyun is not talking nonsense, nor is he giving a guarantee, but his own qualifications.

He has the talent ability of the Lord of the Universe. Once he becomes an immortal god, with his powerful divine body, he can definitely resurrect the immortal level of the strong.

A **** body with a height of 100,000 kilometers, tens of thousands of life genes, and the amount it possesses, it is estimated that the universe overlord may not be comparable.

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