Plane Universe

Chapter 1698: Winged Treasure

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Speaking of which, the Lord of Dragons paused and continued: "As a result, if there is no hole card, once you encounter such a strong man, let alone revolt, whether you can escape is a problem."

The words of the Lord of Dragons are not without reason, but everyone does not agree with them.

Because of this, they could not give Treasure Cheng Chengyun in advance.

Can not resist, it is better to directly blew.

How much energy can be consumed to resurrect a Lord?

Of course, this can't be said clearly, but only in your heart.

These great existence, they do not yet know the details of Cheng Buyun.

Not to mention Cheng Buyun carrying this treasure of time and space, on his own, he has cultivated Chaos to consume the secret code, and the cost of his resurrection is no less than that of a cosmic overlord.

At the same time, whether it can be resurrected is still unknown.

Cheng Buyun's background is too big. Once he dies, the rules of the universe will never let the strong one go to the resurrection, because that would do too much harm to the operation of the rules of the universe.

If the universe has suffered too much damage, it will enter reincarnation ahead of time, which is unwilling to all the rules of the universe.

The savages who are sitting on the throne naturally can see the thoughts of everyone here. The objection is to fight for the interests of the ethnic group, so he can't say more.


The Lord of Chaos expressed helplessness and said slowly: "My disciple looks arrogant on the surface, but he is still very proud. Once he is attacked by a strong man, he doesn't even have a bit of resistance, then for him, it must be A blow. "

Everyone is against it now, it is just bargaining, and it is suppressed to the type that Buyun got the treasure. Today's proposal will eventually be passed.

"Chaos, we all know that the hatred of the aliens against Cheng Buyun, he went out to practice, in fact, to sharpen and get some valuable survival experience."

"The loss of ethnic interests is actually doomed."

"Instead of losing too much in this way, it is better to take a few treasures to go out to play, to what extent can you break, it depends on his ability."

"Yes, if it really fell and was resurrected again, the ethnic group will also give a little compensation to allow him to have the capital to go out and sharpen again."

"Although ordinary treasures are also precious, there are still a lot of them in the ethnic group, which can afford to lose."

The great beings here are not really trying to suppress themselves into a step cloud, but they do not want to lose too much. Treasures are already the highest-level treasures in the universe, and any loss is a benefit.

Many high-level human venerates in the ethnic group are not qualified to equip a treasure.

It is better to give some peak cosmic venerables and increase their strength because of their loss, which also has great benefits for the ethnic group.

As far as the one who is one is concerned, the strength can be regarded as a common-level cosmic overlord, but there are two ordinary treasures, weapons and armor on the body, and the rest of the treasures are not.

Everyone is for the benefit of the ethnic group. The chaotic city master cannot naturally say that they are not, so they have to continue to say: "Everyone, you underestimate my apprentice. His current strength will definitely surprise you. You can easily kill the advanced King-class immortal god. "

It is easy to kill the immortal gods of the high-ranking king, but in fact the chaotic city lord still has reservations.

Cheng Buyun's background is so strong, the multiples of life genes are more than 10,000 times perfect, and the power of the realm alone does not count the amplitude as 100,000 times.

And the power is so horrible, the power of the realm is also large, what is lacking is the auxiliary means.

"No way?"

"Chaos, don't you want to open your mouth for disciples!"

"I can believe in chaotic conduct. If Cheng Buyun does not have such strength, he will never say so clearly."

"I believe too."

Chaos City Lord is notoriously just and fair among the ethnic groups. If he is selfish, he does n’t need to ask everyone to sit here and start the meeting.

After all, as the master of the pinnacle universe, can there be no wealth on his body?

You can easily bring out dozens of treasures easily.

However, for the growth of the ethnic group, those treasures are all contributed to the ethnic group and used by the people below.

"But yes, Cheng Buyun's realm is so high, and after more than three thousand years of intensive cultivation, the high-ranking king is immortal god, it should be possible!"

Someone said in an uncertain tone.

Everyone was silent.

"Okay, since that is the case, then give the little treasure that is owed to the little guy in advance." The savage giant Han said with a final word: "As for the type of treasure, it was said that it was a good treasure at first, but I gave him permission except for guarding treasure , Let him choose whatever he wants. "

"The little guy has talents, and the ethnic group should give support. He should not be chilled, saying that we seniors are stingy."

"I will compensate the Hui ethnic group for the cost of the missing treasure."

When the savage giant's words fell, someone immediately said, "Giant axe, how does this make you compensate?"

As the most important pillar of the human race, the savages often make great contributions to the race for free.

"That's it." The savage giant waved his hand and then looked at the chaos master: "Chaos, you can go back and talk to the little guy, just follow what I just said."

"No, I've decided for him, so I chose the treasure wing named" Airspeed "." The chaotic city lord said calmly, as if there had been premeditation, even Zhibao had chosen it.

Although this treasure is still precious, but the savage giants have expressed that everyone will not say anything against it.

They must take care of the face of the founder of the giant axe.


In the majestic palace, the Lord of Chaos shouted Cheng Buyun again, and then gave him a pair of slaps that looked very delicate, with a silver-white background and small gold wings with many gold patterns. He said, "This is a name The treasure that increases the speed for 'airspeed' is the most suitable treasure for you at the current stage in the ethnic treasure trove. Give it to you in advance and use it well. "

The Winged Treasure appeared, the surrounding space was affected, and the breath was slightly oscillating.

Cheng Buyun respectfully extended his hand to take over the treasure, and turned to watch.

The shape of this treasure is very delicate and beautiful, the feathers on the wings are delicate, and the details of each feather can be clearly seen. The blade of each feather flashes coldly and looks extremely sharp.

Stretching his hand slightly in the feather gap, his finger was cut immediately.

He couldn't think of it. The teacher said before that he wanted to fight for himself. It turned out to be to give him the right to use Treasure in advance.

Such a teacher is very valuable.

Of course, because of his arrogance, otherwise the chaotic city lord could not do such a thing.

"As for how to use this treasure, after you melt it, you will know its meaning when you integrate it into your body." Chaotic City Lord said with a smile: "With your current state, you should be able to play a part of this treasure's power."

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