Plane Universe

Chapter 1694: Talent secrets-control time and space

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The body becomes bigger, anyone can do it by secret method.

But it does not mean that your body shape can be so big.

Just like a mass of cotton and a piece of steel, they are as heavy. Can they compare in quality?

It's like the cotton made bigger by the secret method, but now Cheng Buyun becomes bigger, and the inside is still steel, which is great.

The large size and endless benefits are related to the amount of energy in the body of the strong.

In the past, human beings suffered from losses in terms of quantity. At the same level, human beings would be crushed by overwhelming races.

Fighting one-on-one, the body is huge, and dragging can drag humans to death.


There was a violent noise in Cheng Buyun's body, the cells of life were constantly splitting, the figure was growing, and the height was constantly rising.

The energy of the surrounding universe is surging and turning, and the body is like a spiral nest, like a black hole.

But the replenishment of cosmic energies, which is not enough, cannot provide such crazy absorption.

Figure growth slowed down.

In the end, only one meter per second is growing.

"Is it not enough energy, or has it grown to the limit?" Cheng Buyun frowned, a little puzzled.

At this time, his body height was only a hundred kilometers. Although it was very huge, he was not very satisfied.

Luo Feng's golden horned monsters are all as big as the universe, okay!

"You are a pig's head, hurry up and refine the cosmic crystal." Time and space shouted indignantly: "What do you think I used to store the cosmic crystal before? For now.

"Oh oh!"

Cheng Buyun awakened. He seemed to have forgotten one thing. He was not Luo Feng. He had the energy of the sea formed by the sea.

The inner world, the broad world close to 1 trillion kilometers, is filled with light gray rhomboid crystals that emit a special atmosphere, which are cosmic crystals!

Countless cosmic crystals have been piled into rolling mountains.

A huge amount of wealth, even the immortal gods of the invincible kings, can hardly imagine giving wealth.

Suddenly ... Oops ~~~

One of the piled-up cosmic crystal mountain ranges suddenly lacked a huge corner. Looking at its number, at least millions of dollars were gone.

As the refining of the cosmic crystals in the inner world provides energy, the body of the outside world, Cheng Buyun, has also continued to start new growth, constantly rising.

The energy accumulated, rumbling and tumbling.

The chaotic city lord who leaned on the fence in the towering palace also had his eyes frozen.

The expression was a little deeper, and it looked very dignified and very surprised. Needless to say, the surprise in my heart, "Ten thousand kilometers, the growth rate has not stopped!"

"Not only did it stop, the rate of growth has not changed at all, it has not slowed down, oh my god!" The Lord of Chaos shook the whole person.

Such a huge figure is already comparable to the venerable universe in the starry sky monster.

"Is there no limit?" Chaos City Lord has never been so disoriented.

What kind of aberration can we reach in such a situation?

He didn't know that searching the stomach and scouring his stomach and analyzing it with his powerful insights could not tell what happened.

Cheng Buyun's current changes have exceeded his cognition!

Can a normal human body become so huge?


Very foolish!

High-ranking human groups, most of the strong men's bodies are aliens, as is the case with Chaos City Lord.

Cheng Buyun didn't know what the Master of Chaos was thinking, and he could no longer be distracted.

The fullness of the shape, the kind of strength beyond the past, made Cheng Buyun a bit floating.

10,000 kilometers, 20,000 kilometers, has been non-stop!

At the same time, the inner world is also expanding madly, starting from 100 million kilometers and expanding like a jump.

A long time ago, Cheng Buyun didn't expand the inner world much. Now his body jumps naturally, and he grows beyond his control.


After a long time, when the height of the body exceeded 100,000 kilometers, Cheng Buyun didn't sense it until a certain limit, and this time the change was about to end.

"One hundred and eighty-one kilometers, the most perfect body is finally born." The voice of space and time is a bit general.

One hundred and eight hundred and ten kilometers?

A move in Cheng Buyun's heart, does double the life gene correspond to one kilometer?

Immortal gods, humans can easily reach more than 1,000 kilometers.

Are you finished ahead of time now?

Suddenly, when the height of the body reached the limit of 10,810 kilometers, the inner world also expanded to more than 10 trillion kilometers, with a diameter of more than one light year, and changes occurred again.


The whole body world solidifies!

Cheng Buyun didn't move like wood, and his soul fell into an unconscious state.

A mysterious force directly infused and appeared in the world pearl out of thin air, so that the world pearl appeared a strange transformation.

Various colors are floating and running in the world beads.

Fire red, azure, sky blue, earth yellow, dazzling golden light, silver and white in space, light green in time, various legal colors, shining.

Then attributed to light gray-confused chaos!

It seems to contain endless mysteries!

This incredible power has been instilled in it, transforming the world pearl and transforming the soul of Cheng Buyun.

As if the mother's arms, make any life feel nostalgic.

This is not at all overbearing, some are just endless care, and Wei Neng far surpasses any strong man Cheng Buyun has seen before.

Chaos City Lord cannot compare with it.

It is the power of the rules of the universe!

This energy came down, and the chaotic city master staring into Bu Yun could not perceive it, and found nothing at all.

Power is so bad!

Cheng Buyun has been surrounded by this energy, and has fallen into a state of being out of his control.

When he regained consciousness, he stared blankly at the countless light spots floating around his body. These flying light spots were astonishingly fast, as if the speed of light was no longer the limit here.

The mysterious space, countless light spots with powerful power, Cheng Buyun immediately awakened, this is the universe's original space, and is the secret place to store the mysterious magic.

I have been brought to the mysterious source space by the rules of the universe!

Cheng Buyun suddenly became nervous.

Talented secrets are about to be given by the rules of the universe!

This idea appeared in Cheng Buyun's mind. A light spot in the distance seemed to be drawn by a mysterious force, and he flew straight towards him.

"Is this the light spot?" Cheng Buyun looked at him with an expression on his face.

Given by the rules of the universe, you ca n’t refuse, you can only choose to accept it.

Under Cheng Buyun's attention, the light hit his eyebrows and merged into his soul.


Suddenly, the light exploded, and a pair of pictures appeared and passed on to his soul.

Next, Cheng Buyun's consciousness seemed to see the birth of the universe, the birth of endless life, some saw the destruction of the universe, a world-destroying scene, many pictures, like a reincarnation!

But after reading it, I couldn't remember it, and forgot it in a blink of an eye, as if I couldn't remember it at all.

Immediately afterwards, the endless message merges into consciousness.

These endless messages are the secret laws of the gifts given by the rules of the universe. Together with the messages, Cheng Buyun instantly understood the way in which the secret laws of the gifts of the rules of the universe were applied.

Take control of time and space!

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