Plane Universe

Chapter 1672: Suppress the pride of an era

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Such a talented younger generation appeared in the ethnic group, and he was also accepted as a disciple by his chaos.

This is a harbinger of mankind's ultimate rise and **** of the primitive universe.

"And the chaos battle, the disciple has cultivated to the third level, a little slack." Cheng Buyun was a little ashamed. For almost three thousand years, he was sleeping, if there was no Xiaohong, he would help cultivate the method of attack in the Chaos Secret, The results on the bright side are even more ugly.

Before sleeping, what was the realm of Chaos Warfare and Chaos Demon Idol, and what realm it is now.

But it's pretty good.

The expression of the chaotic city lord is gratifying. This disciple's talent is really outstanding. In a short period of time, it is commendable that he can teach himself to his secret code to such a degree.

"Okay, very good." Chaotic City Lord said: "It's rare to have free time today. If you have any doubts in your cultivation, tell me to listen, and I will give you an understanding."

"This ... okay, the child disturbed the teacher for repairs." Cheng Buyun pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

Instructing the teacher in the virtual universe, the effect is the same, and there is an advantage, there is no need to trouble the teacher ’s deity, wasting his time.

After all, with the teacher's current soul power, even if it is just a trace of spirit to connect to the virtual universe, it is enough to handle all affairs.

"How much can you trouble me again." The Lord of Chaos laughed dumbly. In his realm, every time the strength advances, it takes countless hours, and teaching himself this most important disciple, he will not care for millions of years .

In the courtyard, Cheng Buyun practiced several mysteries recorded in the Chaos Mysteries under the attention of the Chaos City Lord, especially the Chaos City Lord's most deliberate attack sent out in time and space.

Shock in time and space, one move, block the entire space, oppress the enemy, imprison the movement of the enemy, a very powerful killing move.

It is a pity that this trick is very difficult to practice. After many years of training after Xiaohong, it is barely entry. The power is not very big.

Of course, it doesn't matter how big this power is, it depends on the object.

As soon as this mystery came out, it was estimated that the Immortal Sealing King had to be oppressed and unable to move, and a stick would hit him to death.

The mysterious method taught by the Lord of Chaos, even if it is the first move, is also the most powerful mysterious method in the universe, the ultimate level, and the most powerful mysterious method.

Generally only the Lord of the universe can create.

The level is very high.

Even if you put the secret method in front of you, you may not be able to realize it.

Generally, it is necessary to have a high level of achievement in law, and at the level of the Chaos Secret Code, at least the Moderate Universe Lord has such a chance to come out and learn.

This is also the reason why Cheng Buyun's time and space shock killing started, and the chaotic city lord is so pleased.

It should be known that many of the top-level universe respecters, in addition to the strong background, most still use the top-level secret method.

In Chengbuyun, the master stage has the ultimate secret method, which is not a little bit worse.

I instructed the contents of the Chaos Secret Code and talked about some of my own feelings. The Chaos Master let Cheng Buyun concentrate his resistance and tried his strength in soul defense.

As a result, the Lord of Chaos was very satisfied. After an explanation, he let him keep his soul well and strive to recover as soon as possible, so as not to affect the cultivation and let him go.

Cheng Buyun respectfully saluted, and then left the Chaos Market, so as not to continue to disturb the teacher's cleaning.

If it is not necessary, no one from the chaotic disciples will come to the chaotic market. The effect of reporting things in the virtual universe is the same.

"My disciple, it's really amazing. The talent perception is unparalleled. It is rare that the will is also very good. At this stage, it has exercised the will power of the universe's Venerable level." Chaos City Lord Looking at the back of Cheng Buyun slowly leaving, a smile on his face murmured and said: "I am afraid that this disciple's future achievements are much higher than mine, it is estimated that it may be comparable to my teacher's achievements. , Really exciting. "

Chaos City Lord's praise was a bit shocking.

His teacher, that's a superpower in the famous universe sea!

In the era of Yuan Zu, not to mention the primitive universe, even the two holy places in the cosmic sea must be given face, not to offend humanity.

Suppressed an era!


Of course, it is reasonable for Chaos City Lord to say this. Cheng Buyun can practice extreme secrets at the level of the main level, and get started. Have you ever seen such a main level genius?

There is no such thing as a genius!

I have to say that Chaos City Lord has great expectations of Cheng Buyun, and is very eager to restore the glory of the human race in the past, and is worthy of his vows.

Look forward to!


Regardless of the general feelings of the chaotic city lord, Cheng Buyun said goodbye to the teacher, and then went back to his residence, Dia.

It's amazing.

There is a way to save time.


Cheng Buyun's figure appeared on the roof. Xiaohong discovered it immediately. He turned his head and laughed and asked, "Brother, what's the matter, didn't the Chaos City Lord smoke you?"

"Isn't it right?" Cheng Buyun grabbed Xiaohong's cute little face and said, "Kneading it again and again:" Even if he doesn't worry about his brother's safety, he still expects his brother to be punished by the teacher. . "

After one person and one machine life played around for a while, Cheng Buyun told him softly the details of meeting the teacher this time.


When he heard that the Lord of Chaos had given Nirvana, Xiaohong's eyes were shining.

This is a good thing, a very rare healing item, and it is a precious thing for the Lord of the universe. She didn't think that her brother had brought back such treasures in the past.

She had to sigh that the Lord of Chaos was really rich, but the elder brother was only weak in the soul, and even willing to give these treasures to the elder brother to conserve the soul.

She was wrong about this. It was not that the Chaotic City Lord had money, but that he attached too much importance to Cheng Buyun ’s foundation and was afraid of leaving some hidden dangers, so he gave a nirvana to the bleeding, and gave Cheng Buyun a good soul. .

"Brother, show me chant, I haven't seen what such precious things look like." Xiaohonghou said coquettishly.

"Look, but it can't be here." Cheng Buyun shook his head slightly. He didn't have the strength of a teacher, and he could well block the energy of the fruit from being lost.

Of course, Xiaohong also knew that the matter was important. Good things should not be exposed to others, so as not to cause discussion.

Nirvana is a precious thing.

The two passed through the rooftop channel and descended into the small building's room, waiting for Cheng Buyun to wave his hand. Xiao Hong was already impatient and stepped into the Yupei space.

Although Xiao Honghou is not the owner of Yu Pei, he is also allowed by Cheng Buyun. After time and space consent, he can enter and leave at will, or take things away.

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