Plane Universe

Chapter 1654: unknown reason

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There have been many geniuses in history who have tried to become gods with this deity.

But in the last step, they fell off the cliff. Under the conflict of laws and conflicts, the realm regressed, and there was no strength in one body.

What is the use of the body of the upper god, but it can't even apply the laws?

The law is turbulent and clashing. It is terrifying. No one can save it.

Some main gods looked at Beirut and shook their heads secretly.

The bright master sneered even more, as if to say that it was indeed a mud leg, even if the scheming was deep, no matter how lucky, there were times when he was blind.

Such a genius has been cultivated like this, shrinking to the nest in the magnolia continent.

Damn, why didn't such a genius appear in his own territory?

If you experience your own cultivation and give favors, then what a powerful fighting force will appear under your own.

The **** Beirut is a gift of waste of heaven and earth. He should have been killed earlier.

At this time, even the bright master did not disturb the waste of Beirut.

The old man in white robe and the master of destruction did not have such an idea, and he was able to get admiration and admiration from the red-haired girl, and there must be something wrong.

But they still looked at Beirut.

They were more curious about what Beirut thought at the time.

After all, the Magnolia Continent is Beirut's territory, and there is such a talent under the eyelids.

Even if you don't know the identity of Cheng Buyun's mutant in advance, can he arrange and use such a genius?

Why is this happening?

Cheng Bu Yunen, thinking about this, the red-haired girl revealed what her secret meant.

Lin Lei is a mutator, and she can keep it in her heart without revealing it at all. Why did she disclose it when she came to her?

Is it because you are not protected by this universe, or is the red-haired girl having another purpose?

He didn't quite understand.

It stands to reason that if the red-haired girl wants to destroy him, it doesn't need to be so. You can shoot before, and just find an excuse to kill him.

Such as disrespecting the Lord God.

Because before he was a little overreaching the words of the Lord of Light, killing him by shooting, no one would say much.

Just a god, no matter how genius, who cares about dying?

Now, what does this mean?

He really didn't understand.

Or, the red-haired girl wants to protect herself, not to let herself fall into the hands of destiny and destruction?

Will she continue to disclose the previous warning from the Supreme God?

Since the red-haired girl knew that he was a deity, he knew that he practiced the strongest route, and naturally knew that the Supreme God warned him.


When Cheng Buyun thinks.

Beirut was so strangely watched by everyone, and the pressure suddenly increased, with a wry smile.

He didn't want to get a blind evaluation in everyone's eyes, so he quickly asked for instructions: "Four adults, can I speak?"

"Allow, please speak, Beirut." The beautiful woman nodded with a smile. She also wanted to hear what happened when Cheng Buyun became a god.

"Actually ... Cheng Buyun was born in the Magnolia continent, and my hometown, everyone should know." Beirut explained with a regretful smile: "A genius appeared in his own territory, naturally he will be very concerned, and I will. From beginning to end , When he was a mortal, not even the Sanctuary, I began to pay attention. "

"No, it should be said that not long after he started to practice, I started to pay attention. At that time, I had a junior who was saved by his brother lei, so with a little relationship, I naturally pay attention and have been paying attention." When Beirut talked about the past, a smile appeared on his face.

Everyone was listening quietly and felt helpless in Beirut's heart.

Indeed, Beirut has long regretted it and has been blaming himself.

This regret continued to see Cheng Buyun again, only to know that he was a soul mutant, only to be a little calm, but usually mentioned, still a little emotional.

Converging his smile, Beirut continued with a bitter smile and sighed: "Before he became a god, in fact, I have revealed this problem to him through some subordinates, and also analyzed it with his subordinates. But ... When he became a god, I was negligent, even closed the door and practiced, did not pay attention, and waited for the rules of the world to come, I was conscious and stunned, and I was stunned. He even quickly chose to be a god. So fast I can't react. "

"The error is in me. I was thinking about it and didn't intervene in his cultivation, so it caused such a result. I actually regretted it very much at the time." Beirut sighed and said helplessly, "The result is so."

At that time, he couldn't wait to give Cheng Buyun the chance to die.

Cheng Buyun grinned and remembered that Beirut summoned himself at that time and beat himself up with rage.

Remembering the past!

Qinghuo naturally listened to Beirut's mention of these things, and sighed. He was also relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, Cheng Buyun has now taken a different path and the prospects are extraordinary.

Otherwise ... Beirut is expected to regret it for a long time.

After Beirut finished speaking, the red-haired girl smiled and said, "It can only be said that this is the will of the world, and the little guy should go a different way."

"Perhaps." Beirut smiled.

But he seemed very weird in his heart, turned his head to look at Qinghuo slightly, his eyes were inquiring, as if to ask, did you say something to the red-haired girl?

Qinghuo naturally understood the look of inquiry in Beirut's eyes, and immediately shook his head slightly, expressing that he hadn't disclosed anything in this regard.

He didn't know why the red-haired girl seemed to know that Cheng Buyun had many details.

The two exchanged secretly, and the red-haired girl naturally looked into her eyes, with a pleasant smile on her face.

Seeing the amazing eyes of others, she felt happy.

Sure enough, it is the second character.


"Unexpectedly, things are so tortuous." The ruling master sighed.

Although Cheng Buyun lost the qualification to become the main god, but the potential is very high, no one can judge his potential to that step.

Because in this heaven and earth, those who have never had a soul mutation have become the two-law rule of consummation level, and they have become Buyun.

In this way, who would be sure of his final achievement!

Of course, he was also very curious about Cheng Buyun. He wished to study it immediately to see if it was possible. He found a breakthrough in Cheng Buyun, which greatly increased his strength.

The fusion of different types of mystery, power is indeed powerful.

If he has such a realm, he can easily win Orff, washing the shame of countless trillion years!

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