Plane Universe

Chapter 1529: Seems to have been fished

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Strength belongs to strength. In many cases, strength does not represent potential.

On the surface, these island guards seem to be stronger than the government soldiers and the main **** army, but compared with the two, there is really no difference.

Because the potential of the former is basically exhausted, all of them are the upper gods of refining the divine personality, and this is the highest achievement of these warriors.

Unlike the main **** army and palace soldiers, any one of them will be qualified to become a strong as long as they work hard.

After a random tour on the street, Cheng Buyun walked toward a luxurious restaurant.

There are a lot of restaurants and hotels in Tearlo Island, and there is one place almost at a distance.

A sign posted next to it almost didn't laugh him when he entered the restaurant.

"Everyone who eats in my restaurant will pay 10,000 ink stones if he fights. Among them, fighting to destroy the restaurant items, such as destroying a chair, paying a hundred ink stones, destroying a table, paying a thousand ink stones ..."

Even the dishes that knocked over his table had to be fined, which is a wonderful rule.

Even stating that it would disturb the guests next to dinner, you must also compensate for the cost of mental loss!

He didn't know what to say.

This is the shortcoming of private territory. Compared with the normal city, there is not much security for the person.

In a normal city, even if you spit at someone, that would be guilty. After all, it would be considered as an attack on others. But in this island of tears, let alone spit, it would n’t matter if you killed someone.

As long as you have strength!

Yes, the big fist is the king!

A place without any rules.

I don't know how it developed to where it is today.

When you come here, freedom is freedom, but you do n’t know when a lunatic hacks you with a weapon. Will you fight back or not?

Everyone knows!

Not to mention that Tearlo Island is very prosperous, in fact, there are many bandits around it, which is several times more than other places. It is densely arranged on the strongholds around Tearlo Island, robbing the caravans that come to Tearlo Island.

Without a little skill, I can't make it through.

Regarding this matter, Tearlo Island would not even care, even if the bandits robbed the caravan at their doorstep, they pretended not to see it.

However, these things, Cheng Buyun is too lazy to control, how can the other party set rules, you can't look at it, it's not your business.

Unless this force is uprooted, you are in charge!

But there are too many places like this in hell, and the tube can't be controlled.

After tasting the delicious food, Cheng Buyun left this luxurious restaurant and walked towards the battlefield in the island.

He also wanted to see what was happening. This is the most lively place in Treasure Island!

After watching two battles, he left.

For him, the battle of the five-star demons is a lively one.

After watching the lively battlefield, he walked towards the Freedom Castle.

He heard that lei had said that there is a puppet of death here for sale.

Since it is rare to lie down, it is good to buy a batch to go back and use for the people under your command.

During an adventure, encountering an enemy that is difficult to deal with can at least be used to entangle the enemy, and he has the opportunity to escape.

Freedom castle!

Built by unofficial forces, it belongs to the commercial and trade site built by Tear Island for three foreigners. Any three people can open a stall here to sell items. They only charge commercial tax.

Because of its free mode, low business tax rate and location advantages, countless **** merchants gather here, and countless guests come from the castle every day.

Freedom Castle is divided into six floors, of which the guests on the top two floors cannot go up. The first floor is mostly ordinary items, and the price is not higher than one hundred ink stone.

The second floor is normal, just like the main **** castle, all are below 10,000 black stone, no higher than 10,000 black stone. The third layer is not higher than one million ink stone, the fourth layer is higher than one million ink stone, and the upper limit of ink stone is not.

At the same time, there are many island guards guarding this freedom castle, just like the rules of the main **** castle, they must not fight.

Even the rules that Tearlo Island itself must abide by are also the rules custom-made by the five families of Tearlo Island.

But no matter how well said, there is also a fact that the Castle of Liberty itself must not fight is a joke to some people.

Can you hide in Liberty Castle and not go out all your life?

Although Tearlo Island is a city that never sleeps.

Can be targeted by people, without strength, in the end is still a dead word.

Cheng Buyun entered the Freedom Castle. He naturally ignored the objects below the third floor and went directly to the fourth floor to watch it.

I have to say that sometimes some regulations are waived and it is really prosperous.

On the fourth floor of Freedom Castle, there are a lot of goods that are not available outside, some items that are not in the regular main castle, or can only be seen in the black market.

But the regular city, even if there is a black market, is also several times or tens of times the price of normal items, but here it is different, basically it belongs to the normal price.

This is also the most attractive place to come to Tearlo Island.

"Yes, this Freedom Castle or Freedom, even has the cultivation resources such as gold water and spark tree sap that are not available in the regular city and black market outside! Good, very good." Cheng Buyun looked at a stall, where did he put it? With a large number of various good cultivation resources, the corners of his mouth bent, and he went directly to where.

There was a young man sitting behind the booth. He didn't greet the guests when he saw them, but instead looked at Cheng Buyun with a proud look, and slightly fascinated his eyes.

"Unfortunately, the number is too small." Cheng Buyun glanced at the stall and shook his head with a sigh.

"Less?" He was a little ignorant for the men in the back. The many cultivation resources he owned in his booth, the trees added up to more than 100 billion inkstones, was it said to be "less"?

How much is needed?

If Cheng Buyun didn't pick up the other party, he looked calm and smiled and said, "Pack me all."

"it is good."

The owner of the stall did not talk nonsense. He packed the cultivating resources with more than 100 billion inkstones on the stall, put them all in a small black wooden box, and placed them in front of Cheng Buyun.

This small wooden box is not big, and the bottles and jars add up to tens of pounds.

Of course, these cultivation resources are actually not very expensive. Even the cultivation resources of Ziguanglu level are not comparable. They can be placed on ordinary people.

He paid Mo Shi to the other party. After the money and goods were cleared, the man didn't tell Cheng Buyun and immediately collected his money and left.

After receiving the goods, Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and then walked to the other side, where is the booth selling the puppets of death.

But when he walked to the booth, he narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart, "This is staring at me, is it my fish?"

Indeed, these cultivation resources are too cheap to be placed in any black market in a regular city, and they are also dozens of times the price.

But here, a catty of spark sap, as long as 1.5 billion black stones, this is not normal.

The price is not too expensive, but too cheap.

Spark sap can allow users to enhance the inductive power of the element of fire mystery when accelerating the rules of the fire system, and accelerate the accumulation to reach the success.

Such items are treasures longing in the eyes of any fire law practitioner.

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