Plane Universe

Chapter 1522: Hurriedly

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Since drinking and drinking until midnight, the city has been banned from the night, Cheng Buyun they had to live in the Boye Family Manor.

Although Cheng Buyun's status can be walked around in the city at night, it is better not to violate the rules set by the Lord.

It doesn't matter.

Besides, Babe has just reunited with Nisi, there are too many words to whisper.

He couldn't go to that wicked man either.

The next day, Babe continued to stay. Cheng Buyun, lei, and delia went back to the hotel and told everyone about the matter, and everyone was very happy.

Especially Hogg, who is also laughing, he can see that Babe has a sweetheart, he is of course very happy, and even joked with Cheng Buyun, said: "Bu Yun, how about you? Lei will not say it, long ago Married to Delia, Babe now has someone. "

How can Cheng Buyun answer?

Say you already have a wife?

Then you said, where is the wife!

This is a knot!

So he can only respond vaguely to Hogg, "Let's talk again, isn't this not the right one!"

Then fled and fled, Hogg laughed unscrupulously behind him!

In fact, for the offspring, some strong people really don't pay attention, because the strong people have no life limit, and the concept will not naturally find the other half as early as mortals.

This will not match the ancestors.

But the strong have no worries in this regard.

It can almost be said that many superpowers actually don't care about the blood of future generations.

Like swallowing the starry universe, the big figures at the level of Chaos City Lord, many have no heirs.

They don't care about this, they want to cultivate future generations, disciples are enough!

It can be said that the disciples are their descendants.

On this day, Hogg and others continued to play in Bay City, and some of the city's scenery, interesting places, the main **** castle, and the devil castle all left their footprints.

In the evening, it is natural to arrive at the manor of the Boi family.

For Hog, Salomon was very welcome, and the reception was meticulous.

After getting along for a few days, the two sides are already familiar with each other, talking and laughing.

The atmosphere is very harmonious!

At the same time, somehow, it is estimated that the people in the Boe family were too happy, and the identity of the **** emissary who stepped into the cloud in other fields was revealed, causing the whole city to be turbulent.

Salomon immediately came to find Cheng Buyun and apologized, saying that this was not his idea, nor was he intentionally leaking it.

Cheng Buyun nodded and said that it was a trivial matter, others would know it if they knew it, it didn't matter!

Salomon's strength is just a superior god, comparable to the strength of a five-star demon, so naturally he cannot hide himself in front of him.

The news was not revealed by him, and he did not have the courage to do it. The matter was serious, what could be done and what could not be done, and the city of Isalomont understood quite well.

It was just an accident.

It is estimated that the people in the Boye family were too happy and leaked on other occasions, saying what they should not have said.

Cheng Buyun is not ready to pursue.

But then, it is not so easy to play in Bay City, you have to change your appearance.

In the evening of this day, the blood-yang afterglow in the sky was already gloomy.

With a gift and a smile, the owner of Bay City came to visit the Boi Family Manor.

Hearing the housekeeper said that the master of the city was coming, Salomon looked at him with joy, and immediately thought of why the other party came!

These days, there are too many people visiting, all of whom are from the famous big family in Bay City.

Almost nearly broke the threshold.

Both are inquiring Cheng Buyun.

He also wanted him to make a few words in front of Cheng Buyun, and he also hoped that Salomon would introduce him.

Of course, it would be better if Cheng Buyun was inadvertently encountered.

He hurried to the lobby, and he immediately saw an old man in a green shirt. The old man was kind-hearted, with extraordinary temperament carrying his hands, and was looking at a landscape painting hanging in the center of the hall.

"City Lord, please forgive Salomon for being late." Salomon saluted respectfully.

The necessary surface courtesy is still necessary, he will not put himself in the same position as the other party because of Cheng Buyun.

That is death!

"Haha, Brother Salomon." The old man quickly helped and smiled. "You don't blame me for disturbing you."

"Where and where, the city lord came to visit the Boi family, which is our pleasure, why bother!" Salomon said haha.

The two toasted each other, but did not talk about the business.

Real hypocrisy!

After a long time, I saw that the sky was getting dark, and Cheng Buyun and lei, who were out and about, came back soon. As a last resort, Salomon had no choice but to say: "I don't know if the city master is here this time, but where can Salomon help?"

Go on the road!

The city owner glanced at Salomon with satisfaction, nodded and nodded, "This is not to know that Cheng Buyun's messenger is coming to Bay City, but it's just because of my status, but I have no chance to see it. I have a chance to meet the emperor Cheng Buyun. "

The story of Cheng Buyun's presence at the Boi Family Manor has spread all over the place.

In fact, no one has doubted it, this is just false news that the Boi family deliberately released.

But it was immediately refuted.

You have to look at the object when you pull the flag.

Taking such important figures to pull the banner is simply stupid, and there is no difference with finding death!

Families and forces who use the name of the strong to take advantage of the tiger's skin are not without them, but the consequences are generally miserable!

"This ..." Salo faced embarrassment, looked up and looked at the old man and said apologetically: "Sir, Lord of the City, I can't give you any certainty. What kind of person is the emperor Cheng Buyun? Fortunately, I dare to be his master! "

"Of course I know that, I just want my brother to make a few words for me in front of Cheng Buyun's messenger. It's best to see each other." The master of the city master smiled and took out a space ring straight Put it in Salomon's hand and smiled: "A little gift is even my reward for letting you do things."

This Salomon dare to ask, can't be done with the benefit, is it not to lose prestige?

At this time, Cheng Buyun and the leaves came back from outside. When they entered the hall, they saw the two pushing and pushing each other, and quickly said with a smile: "What's wrong, Salomon, and there are guests."

Hearing the sound from the door, Salomon had no choice but to give back the space ring in his hand to the lord, turning his head to smile and say hello: "Big Brother Yun, you are back."

Brother Yun?

This title, and with a cloud word, no need to ask, the city master also knows that this must be the righteous master.

He immediately whispered: "Brother, a good opportunity, quickly, I will take the opportunity to introduce me soon, please!"

"Well, don't disturb you!" Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, squinting at the old man.

After staying at this time, I didn't leave. I was talking here in the lobby. Isn't it just to meet him?

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, we didn't talk about anything important, we were all chatting." Salomon quickly shook his head and said it didn't matter. The old man also responded. Seeing that Salomon didn't introduce himself at all, then he quickly Eyes hard.

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